Create a from the document and then
insert the text content.
Be certain to set the appropriate properties. I have some discussion
Sub InsertATOC
REM Author: Andrew Pitonyak
Dim oCurs 'Used to insert the text content.
Dim oIndexes 'All of the existing indexes
Dim oIndex 'The TOC if it exists and a new one if not
Dim i As Integer 'Find an existing TOC
Dim bIndexFound As Boolean 'Flag to track if the TOC was found
REM First, find an existing TOC if it exists. If so,
REM then this will simply be updated.
oIndexes = ThisComponent.getDocumentIndexes()
bIndexFound = False
For i = 0 To oIndexes.getCount() - 1
oIndex = oIndexes.getByIndex(i)
If oIndex.supportsService("") Then
bIndexFound = True
Exit For
End If
If Not bIndexFound Then
Print "I did not find an existing content index"
REM Perhaps you should create and insert a new one!
REM Notice that this MUST be created by the document that will
REM the index.
oIndex = ThisComponent.createInstance("")
REM On my system, these are the default values
REM How do you want to create the index?
REM CreateFromChapter = False
REM CreateFromLevelParagraphStyles = False
REM CreateFromMarks = True
REM CreateFromOutline = False
oIndex.CreateFromOutline = True
REM You can set all sorts of other things such as the
REM Title or Level
oCurs = ThisComponent.getText().createTextCursor()
ThisComponent.getText().insertTextContent(oCurs, oIndex, False)
End If
REM Even the newly inserted index is not updated until right HERE!
End Sub