WindowServiceName messbox infobox querybox warningbox errorbox Paolo Mantovani How do I display a message box from a PyUno component / script ?

I'm wondering if it is possible to display message boxes (similar to those displayed by Basic's MsgBox function) using the API

You can use the following function as a replacement for the Msgbox StarBasic function:

from import Rectangle from import WindowDescriptor from import MODALTOP from import OK, OK_CANCEL, YES_NO, YES_NO_CANCEL, RETRY_CANCEL, DEF_OK, DEF_CANCEL, DEF_RETRY, DEF_YES, DEF_NO def TestMessageBox(): doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() parentwin = doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow s = "This is a test" t = "Test" res = MessageBox(parentwin, s, t, "querybox", YES_NO_CANCEL + DEF_NO) s = res MessageBox(parentwin, s, t, "infobox") # Show a message box with the UNO based toolkit def MessageBox(ParentWin, MsgText, MsgTitle, MsgType="messbox", MsgButtons=OK): MsgType = MsgType.lower() #available msg types MsgTypes = ("messbox", "infobox", "errorbox", "warningbox", "querybox") if not ( MsgType in MsgTypes ): MsgType = "messbox" #describe window properties. aDescriptor = WindowDescriptor() aDescriptor.Type = MODALTOP aDescriptor.WindowServiceName = MsgType aDescriptor.ParentIndex = -1 aDescriptor.Parent = ParentWin #aDescriptor.Bounds = Rectangle() aDescriptor.WindowAttributes = MsgButtons tk = ParentWin.getToolkit() msgbox = tk.createWindow(aDescriptor) msgbox.setMessageText(MsgText) if MsgTitle : msgbox.setCaptionText(MsgTitle) return msgbox.execute() g_exportedScripts = TestMessageBox,
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