change set work path Josef Frysak How to change the work path of Open Office?

Just create a "PathSettings" service and get its "XPropertySet" interface.

Now change the property called "Work".

For further details see

-- try to get a script context, will be .nil, if script was not invoked by OOo x_ScriptContext = uno.getScriptContext() if (x_ScriptContext <> .nil) then do -- invoked by OOo as a macro -- get context x_ComponentContext = x_ScriptContext~getComponentContext -- get desktop (an XDesktop) x_Desktop = x_ScriptContext~getDesktop -- get current document x_Document = x_ScriptContext~getDocument end else do -- called from outside of OOo, create a connection -- connect to Open Office and get component context x_ComponentContext = UNO.connect() -- create a desktop service and its interface service = "{%see}" s_Desktop = x_ComponentContext~getServiceManager~{%see}~createInstance(service) x_Desktop = s_Desktop~{%see} -- get the last active document x_Document = x_Desktop~getCurrentComponent() end -- create the pathservice x_MultiServiceFactory = x_ComponentContext~getServiceManager()~{%see} s_path = x_MultiServiceFactory~createInstance("{%see}") -- access it by propertysets pathproperties = s_path~{%see} -- read the work entry workdir = pathproperties~getPropertyValue("Work") -- create a Folder Picker dialog folderpicker = "{%see}" s_FolderDialog = x_MultiServiceFactory~createInstance(folderpicker) x_FolderDialog = s_FolderDialog~{%see} -- Better name for our dialog: x_FolderDialog~setDescription("Current Workdir: " || workdir) x_FolderDialog~setDisplayDirectory(workdir) pathchoosen = x_FolderDialog~execute() -- if a path has been choosen write the new path into the -- pathsettings service of Open Office if ( pathchoosen ) then do librarypath = x_FolderDialog~getDirectory() pathproperties~setPropertyValue("Work", librarypath) end ::requires UNO.CLS
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