recurring tasks animations effects end slide Dominik Gundacker How to automate recurring tasks like assigning effects and animations

The user will be asked for each automated task

/* Macro, which generates different kinds of animations and effects the user will be asked for the settings of the presentation */ /* 06_finish_presentation.rex */ /* Exceptionhandling */ SIGNAL ON SYNTAX xScriptContext=uno.getScriptContext() -- get the xScriptContext object oDoc=xScriptContext~getDocument -- get the document service (an XModel object) /* retrieving the important interfaces to get access to the drawpages */ xDrawPagesSupplier=oDoc~{%see} xImpressFactory = oDoc~{%see} xDrawPages = xDrawPagesSupplier~getDrawPages /* check pagecount */ pagecount=xDrawPages~{%see}~getCount IF pagecount == 1 THEN DO .bsf.dialog~messageBox("This presentation has only one slide. "- "There is no need for running this macro!", "ERROR", "error") EXIT 0 END /* show message dialog for slide effects */ arrayEffects = .array~of("NONE", "RANDOM", "DISSOLVE", "CLOCKWISE", - "MOVE_FROM_TOP", "FADE_FROM_BOTTOM", "HORIZONTAL_STRIPES", - "SPIRALIN_RIGHT", "CLOSE_HORIZONTAL", "ROLL_FROM_TOP") effect = .bsf.dialog~inputBox("Choose the Effect you like to add to "- "the slides!", "Effects", "question", , arrayEffects) IF(effect == .nil) THEN EXIT 0 /* show message dialog for speed of transition */ IF(effect <> "NONE") THEN DO arraySpeed = .array~of("SLOW", "MEDIUM", "FAST") speed = .bsf.dialog~inputBox("Choose the speed of the transition!",- "Effects", "question", , arraySpeed) IF(speed == .nil) THEN EXIT 0 END /* ask for the duration of the transition */ linebreak = "0d0a"x DO UNTIL seconds <> "" seconds = .bsf.dialog~inputBox("How long (seconds) should be the ", "duration of a slide"||linebreak||"0= manual transition?",- "Question", "question") if(seconds == .nil) then EXIT 0 /* No input */ if(seconds == "") then .bsf.dialog~messageBox("Not a valid number!", "ERROR", "error") END shapeAnimation = .bsf.dialog~dialogBox("Do you want a shape animation?"- , "Question", "question", "YesNo") /* ask for the global shape animation */ IF (shapeAnimation == 0) THEN DO arrayEffects = .array~of("NONE", "RANDOM", "DISSOLVE", "APPEAR", - "LASER_FROM_LEFT", "MOVE_TO_BOTTOM", "STRETCH_FROM_LEFT", - "WAYLINE_FROM_RIGHT", "ZOOM_OUT", "VERTICAL_LINES") effectShapes = .bsf.dialog~inputBox("Choose the Effect you like to add to "- "the shapes!", "Effects", "question", , arrayEffects) IF(effectShapes == .nil) THEN EXIT 0 /* ask for the speed of the transition */ IF(effectShapes <> "NONE") THEN DO arraySpeed = .array~of("SLOW", "MEDIUM", "FAST") speedShape = .bsf.dialog~inputBox("Choose the speed of the shape "- "animation!", "Effects", "question", , arraySpeed) IF(speedShape == .nil) THEN EXIT 0 END END /* ask for end-slide and autmatic start of the presentation */ addEndSlide = .bsf.dialog~dialogBox("Should a 'Thank you for your attention'"- "slide be generated?", "Question", "question", "YesNo") runPresentation = .bsf.dialog~dialogbox("Do you want to start the "- "presentation after adding the new slide?", "Question", "question", "YesNo") IF (addEndSlide == 0) THEN DO /* insert a slide at the end of the presentation */ xDrawPages~insertNewByIndex(pagecount) lastPage = xDrawPages~getByIndex(pagecount)~{%see} /* create the heading of the last slide */ textShape = xImpressFactory~createInstance("{%see}") textShape = textShape~{%see} CALL setSizeAndPosition textShape, 22000, 2200, 2800, 7700 textProps = textShape~{%see} lastPage~add(textShape) textProps~setPropertyValue("TextFitToSize",- bsf.getConstant("{%see}","PROPORTIONAL")) textShape~{%see}~setString("Thank you for your attention!") END /* go through each slide */ DO i = 0 TO pagecount - 1 xDrawPage = xDrawPages~getByIndex(i)~{%see} xShapes = xDrawPage~{%see} /* go over each shape if wanted */ IF(shapeAnimation == 0) THEN DO j = 0 TO xShapes~getCount - 1 xShape = xShapes~getByIndex(j) xShapeProps = xShape~{%see} /* assigning effects, etc. */ xShapeProps~setPropertyValue("Effect",- bsf.getConstant("{%see}",- effectShapes)) IF(speedShape <> "SPEEDSHAPE") THEN xShapeProps~setPropertyValue("Speed",- bsf.getConstant("{%see}",- speedShape)) END xDrawPageProps = xDrawPage~{%see} IF (seconds == 0) THEN value = 0 ELSE value = 1 /* assigning effects, etc. */ xDrawPageProps~setPropertyValue("Change", box("int", value)) xDrawPageProps~setPropertyValue("Duration", box("int", seconds)) xDrawPageProps~setPropertyValue("Effect", - bsf.getConstant("{%see}", effect)) IF(speed <> "SPEED") THEN xDrawPageProps~setPropertyValue("Speed", - bsf.getConstant("{%see}", speed)) END /* starting the presentation */ if(runPresentation == 0) THEN DO xPresentation = oDoc~{%see}~getPresentation xPresentation~bsf.invoke("start") END EXIT 0 SYNTAX: .bsf.dialog~messageBox("Error in line " SIGL ". Please check your input!",- "ERROR", "error") ::requires UNO.CLS -- load UNO support for /* routine for positioning and resizing a shape */ ::routine setSizeAndPosition use arg shape, width, height, posX, posY shape~setSize(- .bsf~new("{%see}", width, height)) shape~setPosition(.bsf~new("", posX, posY))