import database content import database Tom Schindl How do I import database content efficiently

When creating a rowset and looping through it setting the column values one by one it it's horribly slow. Is there a better solution available

Yes. You could use the XImport-Interface which is supported by a CellRange

' Load the tools lib Globalscope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools") ' Create a new OO-Calc-Document CalcDoc = CreateNewDocument( "scalc" ) ' Get the spreadsheet Sheet = CalcDoc.Sheets(0) Sheet = CalcDoc.Sheets(1) ' Create a PropertyValue-Array to specify what we are ' loading from the database Dim importDesc(2) As New ImportDesc(0).Name = "DatabaseName" importDesc(0).Value = "oeush_billing" importDesc(1).Name = "SourceType" importDesc(1).Value = importDesc(2).Name = "SourceObject" importDesc(2).Value = "SELECT cu_id Kundennummer, cu_companyname as Firma, " _ + "cu_givenname Vorname, cu_surname Nachname, co_payment1 Betrag," _ + "co_label Bezeichnung, co_bill_number Rechnungsummer " _ + "FROM customer, contract WHERE co_ref_customer = cu_id " _ + "AND co_ref_project = " + ProjectId ' now lets import by using Sheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:A1").doImport(importDesc()) ' Now do some formating Dim range As Object ' make the headline bold and with a grey background range = Sheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0,6,0) range.CharWeight = range.CellBackColor = RGB(200,200,200) range.HoriJustify = ' make sure that the cols show the whole text Dim columns As Object Dim i As Integer columns = range.getColumns() for i = 0 to 6 columns.getByIndex( i ).optimalWidth = true next
Initial version Improved setting of optimal width