insert replace URL content cell Josef Frysak How to insert an URL to a cell?

First only one selected cell must be retrieved. Therefore store the old

selection into a variable, then create a new cell cursor out of the current

selection and then restore the old selection. Now create a new "URL" object

and insert it as text content of the cell.

For further details see

-- try to get a script context, will be .nil, if script was not invoked by OOo x_ScriptContext = uno.getScriptContext() if (x_ScriptContext <> .nil) then do -- invoked by OOo as a macro -- get context x_ComponentContext = x_ScriptContext~getComponentContext -- get desktop (an XDesktop) x_Desktop = x_ScriptContext~getDesktop -- get current document x_Document = x_ScriptContext~getDocument end else do -- called from outside of OOo, create a connection -- connect to Open Office and get component context x_ComponentContext = UNO.connect() -- create a desktop service and its interface service = "{%see}" s_Desktop = x_ComponentContext~getServiceManager~{%see}~createInstance(service) x_Desktop = s_Desktop~{%see} -- get the last active document x_Document = x_Desktop~getCurrentComponent() end /* first we need to get the currently selected cell in the currently selected sheet. If more than one cell is selected we first have to reduce the amount of selected cells to only one, otherwise an error occurs. */ -- query a list of spreadsheets (used later) x_SpreadsheetDocument = x_Document~{%see} x_Spreadsheets = x_SpreadsheetDocument~getSheets() x_SpreadsheetIA = x_Spreadsheets~{%see} -- now get the current selection x_Model = x_Document~{%see} currentselection = x_Model~getCurrentSelection() -- now create a new selection object with only one cell selected s_CurrentController = x_Model~getCurrentController() x_MultiServiceFactory = x_Document~{%see} newselection = x_MultiServiceFactory~createInstance("{%see}") -- use the new selection on the current sheet x_View = s_CurrentController~{%see} x_View~select(newselection) -- get the currently selected cell and its address noselectioncell = x_Model~getCurrentSelection() x_CellAddressable = noselectioncell~{%see} st_CellAddress = x_CellAddressable~getCellAddress() -- restore old selection x_View~select(currentselection) -- get position of current cell and query cell object currentcell.sheet = st_CellAddress~bsf.getFieldValue("Sheet") currentcell.column = st_CellAddress~bsf.getFieldValue("Column") currentcell.row = st_CellAddress~bsf.getFieldValue("Row") s_Spreadsheet = x_SpreadsheetIA~getByIndex(currentcell.sheet) x_Spreadsheet = s_Spreadsheet~{%see} cell = uno.getCell(x_Spreadsheet, currentcell.column, currentcell.row) -- create text interface on cell x_TextRange = cell~{%see} x_Text = x_TextRange~getText() -- read cell textcontent urlstring = x_Text~getString() -- create url field s_urlfield = x_MultiServiceFactory~createInstance("{%see}") urlproperties = s_urlfield~{%see} urlproperties~setPropertyValue("Representation", urlstring) urlproperties~setPropertyValue("URL", urlstring) -- clear cell and write urlfield x_TextContent = s_urlfield~{%see} x_Text~setString("") x_Text~insertTextContent(x_Text~createTextCursor(), x_TextContent, .false) ::requires UNO.CLS
Initial version