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' '************************************************************** '* '* short description : Check correct print scaling settings '* '************************************************************************************************* '* ' #1 subPrintScaling ' #1 tPrintScaling '* '\************************************************************************************************* sub subPrintScaling printLog Chr(13) + "--------- Print scaling settings ----------" call tPrintScaling end sub '************************************************************************************************* testcase tPrintScaling printlog "Check correct print scaling settings" printlog " " dim iIndex as INTEGER dim sOutputFile as STRING sOutputFile = gOfficePath & ConvertPath( "user\work\printScaling.ods" ) dim sNameSheet1 as STRING sNameSheet1 = "Ten" dim sNameSheet2 as STRING sNameSheet2 = "Moves" dim sNameSheet3 as STRING sNameSheet3 = "Ahead" dim sNameStyle1 as STRING sNameStyle1 = "1stStyle" dim sNameStyle2 as STRING sNameStyle2 = "2ndStyle" dim sNameStyle3 as STRING sNameStyle3 = "3rdStyle" dim sPagesToPrint as STRING printlog "Open test document" Call hNewDocument sleep(2) printlog "Add minimal content to all sheets" for iIndex = 1 to 3 Kontext "RechenleisteCalc" if not RechenleisteCalc.isvisible then ViewToolbarsFormulaBar end if sleep(1) printlog "* Create simple data area on sheet" & iIndex Kontext "RechenleisteCalc" Bereich.TypeKeys "" if iIndex = 1 then Bereich.TypeKeys "A1:B2" printlog "* Type 'A1:B2' in Name Box to select area" else Bereich.TypeKeys "A1:AF400" printlog "* Type 'A1:AF400' in Name Box to select area" end if sleep(1) printlog "* Press " Bereich.TypeKeys "" Kontext "DocumentCalc" printlog "* Fill area with '13' by typing 13" DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "=13" sleep(1) printlog "* Assign specific name for sheet to avoid language dependencies by Format - Sheet - Rename" FormatSheetRename Kontext "TabelleUmbenennen" select case iIndex case 1 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet1 case 2 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet2 case 3 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet3 end select TabelleUmbenennen.OK sleep(1) printlog "* Switch to next sheet by Edit - Sheet - Select" EditSheetSelect Kontext "SelectSheets" if iIndex = 3 then printlog "* At the end return to the first sheet" SheetSelectionBox.Select sNameSheet1 else SheetSelectionBox.Select ( iIndex + 1 ) end if SelectSheets.OK sleep(1) next iIndex printlog "Invoke Style catalog" FormatStylesCatalog Kontext "Vorlagenkatalog" printlog "Switch to Pagestyles" Vorlagen.select ( 2 ) sleep(1) printlog "Create three styles using different page scaling features" for iIndex = 1 to 3 Kontext "Vorlagenkatalog" printlog "* Click new" Neu.Click Kontext printlog "* (Page format dialog should appear)" printlog "* Select Page 'Organizer'" active.SetPage TabVerwalten printlog "* Close MsgBox when appeared" if Active.Exists(2) then if Active.GetRT = 304 then Printlog Active.GetText Active.Yes end if end if Kontext "TabVerwalten" printlog "* Assign name for each style" select case iIndex case 1 : VorlagenName.setText sNameStyle1 case 2 : VorlagenName.setText sNameStyle2 case 3 : VorlagenName.setText sNameStyle3 end select Kontext printlog "* Select Page 'Sheet'" active.SetPage TabTabelleCalc Kontext "TabTabelleCalc" printlog "* For all three styles use different page scaling features" scalingMode.Select ( iIndex ) select case iIndex case 1 : SkalierungProzent.setText "444%" printlog "* Scale size to 444%" printlog "* NOTE: Maximum scale is 400%! Entering 444% should be decreased to 400%." case 2 : ScalePageWidth.setText "3" ScalePageHeight.setText "3" printlog "* Scale output to 3 pages wide and 3 pages high" case 3 : AnzahlMaxSeiten.setText "4" printlog "* Scale output to a total of 4 pages" end select printlog "* Leave page format dialog using OK" TabTabelleCalc.OK next iIndex printlog "Close style catalog using OK" Kontext "Vorlagenkatalog" Vorlagenkatalog.OK sleep(2) printlog "Assign the three styles created to the three sheets in document" for iIndex = 1 to 3 printlog "* Select sheet" & iIndex & " by Edit - Sheet - Select" EditSheetSelect Kontext "SelectSheets" SheetSelectionBox.Select ( iIndex ) SelectSheets.OK sleep(1) printlog "* Open the stylist if it is not opened" Kontext "Gestalter" if NOT Gestalter.exists(2) then FormatStylist end if printlog "* Assign style" & iIndex & " using the stylist" Kontext "Gestalter" Seitenvorlagen.Click Kontext "Vorlagenliste" Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" sleep (2) Vorlagenliste.Select ( iIndex ) Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" next iIndex printlog "Close stylist" Kontext "Gestalter" if Gestalter.exists(2) then FormatStylist end if printlog "Save in current default format" if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill ( sOutputFile , "calc8" ) = FALSE then warnlog "Saving " & sOutputFile & " failed! -> Exiting test!" call hCloseDocument else printlog "... and close" call hCloseDocument sleep(2) printlog "Reopen document" call hFileOpen ( sOutputFile ) sleep(2) printlog "Invoke File - Print" FilePrint Kontext "Active" Sleep 1 printlog "Check if a MsgBox pops up due to misconfigured printer settings" if Active.Exists(2) then if Active.GetRT = 304 then qaErrorlog "OOPS, are you sure that a printer is configured at all?" try Active.Ok catch Active.Yes endcatch end if end if printlog "Check if print dialog exists" Kontext "Printing" if Printing.Exists(2) then Kontext "TabPrintGeneral" PrintPages.check printlog "Check for string '1-4' in pages textbox" sPagesToPrint = PageRange.getText if sPagesToPrint = "1-4" then printlog " OK, expected number of pages for output" else warnlog "Unexpected number of pages for print output: " & sPagesToPrint & " -> Check this out!" end if Kontext "Printing" Printing.Cancel else qaErrorlog "OOPS, are you sure that a printer is configured at all?" end if printlog "For all sheets ..." for iIndex = 1 to 3 printlog "* ... select currently desired one" EditSheetSelect Kontext "SelectSheets" SheetSelectionBox.Select ( iIndex ) SelectSheets.OK sleep(1) printlog "* Invoke Format - Page..." FormatPageCalc Kontext printlog "* Select Page 'Sheet'" active.SetPage TabTabelleCalc printlog "* Close MsgBox when appeared" if Active.Exists(2) then if Active.GetRT = 304 then Printlog Active.GetText Active.Yes end if end if Kontext "TabTabelleCalc" if scalingMode.GetSelIndex = iIndex then printlog "* Check if styles for print scaling have be appropriately assign" select case iIndex case 1 if SkalierungProzent.GetText <> "400%" then warnlog "Unexpected scaling factor detected -> Check this out!" end if printlog "* Correct scaling mode selected" case 2 if ScalePageWidth.GetText <> "3" then warnlog "Unexpected page width detected -> Check this out!" end if if ScalePageHeight.GetText <> "3" then warnlog "Unexpected page height detected -> Check this out!" end if printlog "* Correct scaling mode selected" case 3 if AnzahlMaxSeiten.GetText <> "4" then warnlog "Unexpected page height detected -> Check this out!" end if printlog "* Correct scaling mode selected" end select else warnlog "Unexpected scaling mode found -> Check this out!" end if printlog "* Quit dialog" TabTabelleCalc.Cancel next iIndex printlog "Close document" call hCloseDocument end if endcase