'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : '* '\****************************************************************************** sub id_011 printLog Chr(13) + "--------- id_011 ----------" call tdBezierToolbar call tiDrawObjectBar call tiTextToolbar call tiGraphicsObjectBar call tiGluepointToolbar end sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tiTextToolbar Dim iWaitIndex as integer Dim Zufall as integer Dim i as integer printlog "open application" Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout printlog "create a textframe with text" hTextrahmenErstellen ("This is a Text, which will be formatted in several ways", 20,20,40,80) printlog "The 'Object Toolbar' now changes" sleep 2 printlog "select of the text with + " EditSelectAll sleep 2 printlog "Call the textobjectbar from the View-Toolbars-menu" Kontext "TextObjectbar" if TextObjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then 'isVisible ViewToolbarsTextFormatting end if WaitSlot (3000) 'sleep (3) Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- choose random font" randomize Zufall=((2*Rnd)+1) ' wird nicht auf den verfuegbaren bereich getreckt :-( TODO TBO! Schriftart.GetItemcount Schriftart.GetSelText Schriftart.Select (Zufall) printlog "select any font you like in the listbox 'Font' on 'Object Toolbar'" Printlog Schriftart.GetSelText + " chosen" Kontext "TextObjectbar" sleep 2 Printlog "- Change size of font" printlog "select any font you like in the listbox 'Size' on 'Object Toolbar'" Schriftgroesse.Select (Zufall) Printlog Schriftgroesse.GetSelText + " chosen" Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Font attribute bold" printlog "click button 'Bold'" Fett.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Font attribute cursive" printlog "click button 'Italic'" Kursiv.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Font attribute cursiv" printlog "click button 'Underline'" Unterstrichen.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- font attribute color" printlog "click button 'Font Color' and tearoff the box" sleep 3 FontColorGraphics.TearOff Kontext "TB_Farbe" TB_Farbe.Move 20, 20 Sleep 2 printlog "double click in the middle of the box" TB_Farbe.MouseDoubleClick 50, 50 Sleep 2 printlog "close box 'Font Color'" TB_Farbe.Close Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Allign text left" printlog "click button 'Left'" Linksbuendig.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Allign text centered" printlog "click button 'Centered'" Zentriert.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- align text to right" printlog "click button 'Right'" Rechtsbuendig.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Justified" printlog "click button 'Justified'" Blocksatz.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" if TextObjectbar.isEnabled <> TRUE then warnlog "Couldn't access TextObjectbar - known bug with bars - FHA" ViewToolbarsTextFormatting end if WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2 Printlog "- Raising Font spacing" printlog "click button 'Increase Spacing'" kontext "TextObjectbar" sleep 1 printlog "Check if the bar is there. If not - wait for maximum 10 seconds)" iWaitIndex = 0 do while NOT TextObjectbar.isEnabled AND iWaitIndex < 10 sleep(1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop if NOT TextObjectbar.isEnabled AND iWaitIndex = 10 then warnlog "Dialogue TextObjectbar didnt work. Ending testcase." Call hCloseDocument goto endsub end if printlog "Activate the Font spacing-buttons" TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu sleep 2 hMenuselectNr (1) sleep 2 hMenuItemCheck (13) sleep 2 TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu sleep 2 hMenuselectNr (1) sleep 2 hMenuItemCheck (14) sleep 2 ZeilenabstandErhoehen.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Decrease Spacing" printlog "click button 'Decrease Spacing'" ZeilenabstandVerringern.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Numbering and Bullets" sleep 2 printlog "click button 'Bullets On/Off'" BulletsOnOff.Click sleep 2 printlog "click button 'Bullets On/Off'" BulletsOnOff.Click '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kontext "TextObjectBar" Printlog "- Increase Font /Reduce Font" sleep 2 printlog "- Click on Increase Font" IncreaseFont.Click sleep 2 printlog "- Click on Reduce Font" ReduceFont.Click '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Text direction from left to right" sleep 2 Printlog "- click button 'Text direction from left to right'" try TextdirectionLeftToRight.Click printlog "hor does work :-)" if (gAsianSup = FALSE) then warnlog " this doesn't have to work if asian lang support is disabled :-)" end if catch if (gAsianSup = TRUE) then warnlog "hor does NOT work :-(" end if endcatch Printlog "- click button 'Text direction from top to bottom" try TextdirectionTopToBottom.Click printlog "ver does work :-)" if (gAsianSup = FALSE) then warnlog " this doesnt have to work if asian lang support is disabled :-)" end if catch if (gAsianSup = TRUE) then warnlog "ver does NOT work :-( , AsianLanguage support is enabled !" end if endcatch Printlog "- open character dialog" Kontext "TextObjectbar" sleep 2 printlog "click button 'Character'" Zeichenformat.Click sleep 2 Kontext Active.SetPage TabFont Kontext "TabFont" sleep 2 if TabFont.Exists Then printlog "close dialog 'character'" TabFont.Cancel Printlog "- Tabfont exists" else Warnlog "- No dialog exists " end if Kontext "TextObjectbar" sleep 2 Printlog "- call properties for paragraph using text object toolbar" printlog "click button 'Paragraph'" Absatzformat.Click sleep 2 Kontext Active.SetPage TabTabulator Kontext "TabTabulator" if TabTabulator.Exists Then Printlog "- TabTabulator exists" printlog "close dialog 'Paragraph'" TabTabulator.Cancel else Warnlog "- TabTabulator does not exist" end if if (UCase(gApplication)) = "IMPRESS" then ' IMPRESS only printlog "if the Application is Impress:" Kontext "TextObjectbar" printlog "click button 'Numbering Symbols'" OutlineBullet.Click kontext if active.exists (5) then messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung" printlog "cancel dialog 'Numbering/Bullets'" if (TabOptionenNumerierung.exists (5) ) then Printlog "Numbering/Bullets window came up :-)" sleep 2 TabOptionenNumerierung.cancel else warnlog "no Numbering/Bullets window came up :-(" end if sleep 2 else warnlog "no Numbering/Bullets window came up :-( 2" end if Printlog "-change order of outline points" sleep 3 printlog "View->Master View->Outline View" ViewWorkspaceOutlineView WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep (3) Kontext "DocumentImpressOutlineView" sleep 1 printlog "type something" DocumentImpressOutlineView.TypeKeys "Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla " sleep 1 Kontext "TextObjectbar" printlog "click button 'Promote'" HierachieRunter.Click sleep 1 Printlog "- Move back down" printlog "click button 'Denote'" HierachieHoch.Click sleep 1 printlog "click button 'Denote'" HierachieHoch.Click sleep 1 Printlog "- Move paragraph up" printlog "click button 'Move Up', twice to get two slides" AbsatzHoch.Click sleep 1 Printlog "- move paragraph back down and switch to drawing view" printlog "click button 'Move Down'" AbsatzRunter.Click sleep 1 Kontext "Vorschau" if Vorschau.Exists then printlog "- - - - preview window is open, hope there is no problem" ' Vorschau.Close end if else ' DRAW only Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Double" printlog "click button 'Double'" LineSpacing2.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- 1.5 lines" printlog "click button '1.5 lines'" LineSpacing15.Click sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" Printlog "- Single" printlog "click button 'Single'" LineSpacing1.Click sleep 2 end if printlog "Check if the bar is there. If not - wait for maximum 10 seconds)" iWaitIndex = 0 Kontext "TextObjectbar" do while TextObjectbar.isEnabled = FALSE AND iWaitIndex < 10 sleep(1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop if TextObjectbar.isEnabled = FALSE AND iWaitIndex = 10 then warnlog "Dialogue TextObjectbar didnt work. Ending testcase." Call hCloseDocument goto endsub end if printlog "Reset the original value of the Font spacing-buttons" sleep 2 Kontext "TextObjectbar" TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu sleep 2 hMenuselectNr (1) sleep 2 hMenuItemUnCheck (13) sleep 2 TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu sleep 2 hMenuselectNr (1) sleep 2 hMenuItemUnCheck (14) sleep 2 printlog "Close the TextFormatting Toolbar" ViewToolbarsTextFormatting WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1 printlog "Clear the document from content" if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then Kontext "DocumentImpressOutlineView" DocumentImpressOutlineView.TypeKeys "" EditSelectAll DocumentImpressOutlineView.TypeKeys "" sleep (3) ViewWorkspaceDrawingView Kontext "DocumentImpress" WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1 DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" EditSelectAll DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" else Kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.TypeKeys "" EditSelectAll DocumentDraw.TypeKeys "" end if Printlog "Test ended." printlog "close application" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiTextToolbar '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' testcase tiDrawObjectBar Dim a as string Dim Zaehler as integer Dim i as integer Dim x as integer printlog "open application" Call hNewDocument printlog "create rectangle to test the part for draw objects" Call hRechteckErstellen (20,20,70,70) sleep 1 Printlog "- call format line using graphic object toolbar" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" printlog "Check if the Graphic-Toolbar is there. Which it should be." printlog "If it's not - then we call it from the View-Toolbars" if DrawingObjectbar.Exists = FALSE then ViewToolbarsGraphic end if if DrawingObjectbar.Exists = FALSE then warnlog "Drawing-Objectbar should have been opened, but wasnt" ViewToolbarsGraphic end if sleep 3 printlog "click button 'line' on 'Object Toolbar'" Linie.Click sleep 2 Kontext Active.SetPage TabLinie Kontext "TabLinie" if TabLinie.Exists Then printlog "cancel dialog 'line'" TabLinie.Cancel Printlog "- TabLinie exists " else Warnlog "- TabLinie does not exist" end if '--------------------------- Linienendenstil -------------------- Printlog "- Style of line ends" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 printlog "click button 'Arrow Style' and tearoff the box" Linienendenstil.TearOff sleep 2 Kontext "Linienenden" if Linienenden.Exists Then Printlog "- dialog exists" printlog "close toolbox 'arrowheads'" Linienenden.Close else Warnlog "- Arrowheads does not exist" end if '--------------------------- Linienstil ------------------------- Printlog "- choose style of lines using graphic object toolbar" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 printlog "select 2nd entry from the top in listbox 'Line Style'" Linienstil.Select 2 Printlog Linienstil.GetSelText + " chosen" printlog "select last entry in listbox 'Line Style'" Linienstil.Select Linienstil.GetItemCount Printlog Linienstil.GetSelText + " chosen" sleep 2 '--------------------------- Linienbreite------------------------ Printlog "- check style of lines using graphic object toolbar" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 a = Linienbreite.GetText SetClipboard a sleep 1 printlog "set 'Line Width' to 0,5" Linienbreite.SetText "0,5" sleep 2 printlog "check if the value is accepted or not" if Linienbreite.GetText = a Then Warnlog "- changes in edit field did not happen; is: '"+Linienbreite.GetText+"', should be : '"+"0,5"+"'" else Printlog "- Width of lines changed" end if '--------------------------- Linienfarbe ------------------------ Printlog "- change line color" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 Zaehler = Linienfarbe.GetItemCount randomize i = Int(Zaehler*Rnd+1) printlog "select some entry in the listbox 'Line Color'" Linienfarbe.Select i Printlog Linienfarbe.GetSelText + " chosen" '--------------------------- Flaechenformatierung --------------- Printlog "- Call Format area using graphic object toolbar" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 printlog "click button 'Area'" try Flaeche.Click catch printlog "clicking on area took ages :-(" endcatch sleep 5 Kontext Active.SetPage TabArea Kontext "TabArea" if TabArea.Exists Then Printlog "- TabArea exists " printlog "cancel dialog 'Area'" TabArea.Cancel else Warnlog "- TabArea does not exist" end if '--- sleep 1 Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 x = AreaStyle.GetItemCount i = 1 for i = i to x AreaStyle.Select i Printlog "Area Style: (" + i + "/" + x + ") - " + AreaStyle.GetSelText sleep 1 printlog "for every item in the listbox 'Area Style' select the last item in the listbox 'Area Filling'" if AreaStyle.GetSelIndex > 1 then Printlog " Area Filling " + AreaFilling.GetSelIndex + " - " + AreaFilling.GetItemCount if (i <> 1) AND (AreaFilling.GetItemCount <> 0) then if (AreaFilling.GetSelIndex = 0) AND (AreaFilling.GetItemCount > 0) then printlog "default item is 0 => means nothing; NO BUG! 100909" end if AreaFilling.Select (AreaFilling.GetItemCount) Printlog " Selected: " + AreaFilling.GetSelIndex + " - " + AreaFilling.GetSelText end if end if next i '---------------------------- Schatten -------------------------- Printlog "- Assign shadow using graphic object toolbar" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 printlog "click button 'Shadow'" Schatten.Click sleep 1 Printlog "- shadow assigned" '---------------------------- Praesentationsflyer --------------- printlog "if Application is Impress:" if (UCase(gApplication)) = "IMPRESS" then ' IMPRESS only Printlog "- Call presentation flyer" Kontext "CommonTaskbar" ' first check , if presentation flyer is up! if not -> make it up :-) printlog "if 'Presentation Box' is not visible, click button 'Presentation Box on/off'" if CommonTaskbar.Exists Then printlog "- flyer is already visible :-)" else printlog "- flyer wasn't visible :-( -will be now!" Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" sleep 1 ViewToolbarsPresentation ' put it up again! end if end if printlog "Make sure the Graphics-Toolbar is visible" if ((UCase(gApplication)) = "IMPRESS") then ' IMPRESS only Kontext "DrawingObjectbar" if DrawingObjectbar.isVisible = FALSE then ViewToolbarsGraphic end if end if printlog "close application" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiDrawObjectBar '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' testcase tiGraphicsObjectBar dim i as integer printlog "open application" Call hNewDocument printlog "insert a graphic global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp" hGrafikeinfuegen ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp") sleep 1 Kontext "GraphicObjectbar" if GraphicObjectbar.Exists = FALSE then ViewToolbarsPicture end if sleep 1 printlog "click button 'Filter' and tearoff the box in the Objectbar" Filter.TearOff sleep 1 Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" sleep 1 Printlog "invert" printlog "click button 'Invert' in window 'Filters'" Invert.Click sleep 3 Printlog "smooth" printlog "click button 'Smooth' in window 'Filters'" Smooth.Click sleep 3 Printlog "sharpen" printlog "click button 'Sharpen' in window 'Filters'" Sharpen.Click sleep 3 Printlog "remove noise" printlog "click button 'RemoveNoise' in window 'Filters'" Remove.Click sleep 3 Printlog "solarization" printlog "click button 'Solarization' in window 'Filters'" Solarization.Click sleep 3 Kontext "Solarization" if Solarization.exists (5) then sleep 1 Call Dialogtest ( Solarization ) sleep 1 printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Trashold Value' on dialog 'Solarization'" Value.More Value.Less printlog "check checkbox 'Invert' on dialog 'Solarization'" Invert.Check printlog "close dialog 'Solarization' with OK" Solarization.OK else warnlog "solarization didn't came up :-(" end if sleep 1 Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" sleep 1 Printlog "aging" printlog "click button 'Aging' in window 'Filters'" Aging.Click Kontext "Aging" sleep 1 Call Dialogtest ( Aging ) printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Aging degree' on dialog 'Aging'" AgingDegree.More AgingDegree.Less sleep 1 printlog "close dialog 'Aging' with OK" Aging.OK sleep 1 Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" sleep 1 Printlog "poster" printlog "click button 'Posterize' in window 'Filters'" Posterize.Click sleep 1 Kontext "Posterize" sleep 1 Call Dialogtest ( Posterize ) printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Aging degree' on dialog 'Posterize'" PosterColors.More PosterColors.Less sleep 1 printlog "close dialog 'Posterize' with OK" Posterize.OK sleep 2 kontext "GraphicFilterBar" sleep 1 Printlog "pop" printlog "click button 'PopArt' in window 'Filters'" Art.Click sleep 3 Printlog "charcoal" printlog "click button 'CharcoalSketch' in window 'Filters'" CharcoalSketch.Click sleep 3 Printlog "relief" printlog "click button 'Relief' in window 'Filters'" Relief.Click Kontext "Relief" sleep 1 Call Dialogtest ( Relief ) LightSource.TypeKeys "" printlog "close dialog 'Relief' with OK" Relief.OK sleep 3 Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" Printlog "mos" printlog "click button 'Mosaic' in window 'Filters'" Mosaic.Click sleep 1 Kontext "Mosaic" sleep 1 Call Dialogtest ( Mosaic ) printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Width' on dialog 'Mosaic'" Width.More Width.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Height' on dialog 'Mosaic'" Height.More Height.Less printlog " check checkbox 'Enhance Edges' on dialog 'Mosaic'" EnhanceEdges.Check printlog "close dialog 'Mosaic' with OK" Mosaic.OK sleep 3 Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" printlog "close dialog 'Filters'" GraphicFilterBar.Close Kontext "GraphicObjectbar" if GraphicObjectbar.Exists = FALSE then ViewToolbarsPicture sleep 1 printlog "select every entry in the listbox 'Graphics mode'" for i = 1 to Grafikmodus.GetItemCount Grafikmodus.select i sleep 1 next i printlog " Click on the icon for 'ColorSettings' to open the colorbar" ColorSettings.Click Kontext "ColorBar" sleep (2) printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Red' on colorbar" try Rotanteil.More Rotanteil.Less catch warnlog "not working from testtool redvalue "+ rotanteil.GetRT endcatch printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Green' on colorbar" try Gruenanteil.More Gruenanteil.Less catch warnlog "not working from testtool Greenvalue." endcatch printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Blue' on colorbar" try Blauanteil.More Blauanteil.Less catch warnlog "not working from testtool Bluevalue." endcatch printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Brightness' on colorbar" try Helligkeit.More Helligkeit.Less catch warnlog "not working from testtool Brightness." endcatch printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Contrast' on colorbar" try Kontrast.More Kontrast.Less catch warnlog "not working from testtool Contrast." endcatch printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Gamma' on colorbar" try Gamma.More Gamma.Less catch warnlog "not working from testtool Gamma." endcatch ColorBar.Close Kontext "GraphicObjectbar" printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Transparency' on objectbar" try Transparenz.More Transparenz.Less catch warnlog "Not working from testtool Transparency." endcatch printlog "press button 'Crop' on objectbar" Crop.click printlog "Opening Dialog via Slot" FormatCropPicture kontext "TabZuschneiden" printlog " check radiobutton 'Keep scale' on dialog 'Crop'" GroesseBeibehalten.Check printlog " check radiobutton 'Keep Image Size' on dialog 'Crop'" MassstabBeibehalten.Check printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Left' in section 'Crop' on dialog 'Crop'" Links.More Links.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Right' in section 'Crop' on dialog 'Crop'" Rechts.More Rechts.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Top' in section 'Crop' on dialog 'Crop'" Oben.More Oben.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Bottom' in section 'Crop' on dialog 'Crop'" Unten.More Unten.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Width' in section 'Scale' on dialog 'Crop'" MassstabBreite.More MassstabBreite.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Height' in section 'Scale' on dialog 'Crop'" MassstabHoehe.More MassstabHoehe.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Width' in section 'Image size' on dialog 'Crop'" GroesseBreite.More GroesseBreite.Less printlog " press 'more' and 'less' in field 'Height' in section 'Image size' on dialog 'Crop'" GroesseHoehe.More GroesseHoehe.Less printlog " click button 'Original Size' on dialog 'Crop'" Originalgroesse.Click printlog "cancel dialog 'Crop'" TabZuschneiden.Cancel printlog "close application" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiGraphicsObjectBar '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' testcase tiGluepointToolbar printlog "open application" Call hNewDocument printlog "create 2 rectangles" Call hRechteckErstellen 20,20,40,40 Call hRechteckErstellen 60,60,80,80 sleep 2 printlog "View->Toolbars->Option Bar" ViewToolbarsOptionbar printlog "at the bottom of the office has a toolbar to appear" sleep 2 Kontext "Optionsbar" if Optionsbar.Exists = False Then ViewToolbarsOptionbar Kontext "Optionsbar" if Optionsbar.Exists = False Then warnlog "Can't open Optionsbar." end if end if sleep 2 Kontext "Toolbar" sleep 1 printlog "click button 'Connector' on Toolbar" Verbinder.Click printlog "make a line with the mouse" gMouseMove 30,30,70,70 sleep 3 Kontext "Toolbar" GluePoints.Click sleep 1 printlog "open Glue Points Toolbar" Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar" if Gluepointsobjectbar.Exists = False Then ViewToolbarsGluepoints end if sleep 3 '-------------------------------------- Klebepunkt einfuegen ---- try printlog "click button 'Insert Glue Point' on Objecttoolbar" PunkteEinfuegen.Click sleep 2 printlog "click 2 times onto the created line" gMouseClick 25,30 sleep 1 gMouseclick 25,30 Printlog "- insert gluepoint works" catch Warnlog "- gluepoint could not be insert. Following errors might have their reason here" endcatch sleep 3 Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar" '-------------------------------------- Links ------------------- try printlog "click button 'Exit Direction Left' on Objecttoolbar" Links.Click Printlog "- gluepoint left works" catch Warnlog "- gluepoint left does not work" endcatch sleep 1 '-------------------------------------- Rechts ------------------ try printlog "click button 'Exit Direction Right' on Objecttoolbar" Rechts.Click Printlog "- gluepoint right works" catch Warnlog "- gluepoint right does not work" endcatch sleep 1 '-------------------------------------- Oben -------------------- try printlog "click button 'Exit Direction Top' on Objecttoolbar" Oben.Click Printlog "- gluepoint top works" catch Warnlog "- gluepoint top does not work" endcatch sleep 1 '-------------------------------------- Unten ------------------- try printlog "click button 'Exit Direction Bottom' on Objecttoolbar" Unten.Click Printlog "- gluepoint bottom works" catch Warnlog "- gluepoint bottom does not work" endcatch sleep 1 '---------------------- Position an Objekt anpassen ------------- try printlog "click button 'Glue Point Relative' on Objecttoolbar" PositionAnObjektAnpassen.Click Printlog "- align position to object works" gMouseClick 25,30 ' if you don't click onto an existing point, the state changes back :-[ catch Warnlog "- align position to object does not work" endcatch Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar" sleep 1 '------------------------------------- Horizontal links --------- if PositionAnObjektAnpassen.exists then printlog "PositionAnObjektAnpassen = Exists" if PositionAnObjektAnpassen.GetState(2) <> 0 then PositionAnObjektAnpassen.Click ' make unpressed! '0 = not pressed. 1 = pressed. sleep 2 try Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar" printlog "click button 'Glue Point Horizontal Left' on Objecttoolbar" HorizontalLinks.Click Printlog "- align horizontal left works" catch Warnlog "- align horizontal left does not work" PositionAnObjektAnpassen.Click ' that's the middle button, it has to be UP/not activated! for i = 1 to Gluepointsobjectbar.GetItemCount if (Gluepointsobjectbar.GetState ( i, 0 ) <> 0 ) then ' is no seperator printlog "----------------------------------------------------------------------" printlog "helpid : " + Gluepointsobjectbar.Getstate ( i, 0 ) + " number in row: " + i printlog "itemtype: " + Gluepointsobjectbar.GetState ( i, 1 ) printlog "state : " + Gluepointsobjectbar.GetState ( i, 2 ) printlog "----------------------------------------------------------------------" end if next i endcatch sleep 2 '------------------------------------- Horizontal rechts -------- try printlog "click button 'Glue Point Horizontal Right' on Objecttoolbar" HorizontalRechts.Click Printlog "- Align horizontal right does work" catch Warnlog "- Align horizontal right does notwork" endcatch sleep 1 '------------------------------------- Horizontal zentriert ----- try printlog "click button 'Glue Point Horizontal Center' on Objecttoolbar" HorizontalZentriert.Click Printlog "- align horizontal center does work" catch Warnlog "- align horizontal center does work" endcatch sleep 1 '------------------------------------- Vertikal oben ------------ try printlog "click button 'Glue Point Vertical Top' on Objecttoolbar" VertikalOben.Click sleep 1 Printlog "- Align vertical top does work" catch Warnlog "- Align vertical top does not work" endcatch '------------------------------------- Vertikal unten ----------- try printlog "click button 'Glue Point Vertical Bottom' on Objecttoolbar" VertikalUnten.Click sleep 1 printlog "- Align vertical bottom does work" catch Warnlog "- Align vertical bottom does not work" endcatch '------------------------------------- Vertikal zentriert ------- try printlog "click button 'Glue Point Vertical Center' on Objecttoolbar" VertikalZentriert.Click sleep 1 Printlog "- Align vertical center does work" catch Warnlog "- Align vertical center does not work" endcatch Printlog "- End of testing gluepoints" printlog "Close the Option Bar via View->Toolbars->Option Bar" ViewToolbarsOptionbar sleep 2 Kontext "Optionsbar" if Optionsbar.Exists = True Then warnlog "Couldnt close Optionsbar." end if printlog "close application" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiGluepointToolbar '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' testcase tdBezierToolbar printlog "Open the Application" Call hNewDocument printlog "Create a rectangle." Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 ) sleep (1) printlog "Convert the recttangle to an 'Polygon-object' via the context-menu for the object" Call hOpenContextMenu printlog "Convert to" Call hMenuSelectNr (11) printlog "Polygon-object" Call hMenuSelectNr (2) sleep (1) printlog "In the context-menu, select 'Edit Points" Call hOpenContextMenu printlog "Select entry nr 5 (Edit Points)" Call hMenuSelectNr (5) sleep (2) Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then ViewToolbarsBezier Sleep (2) if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then warnlog "Bezierobjectbar did not show up. Check why." end if end if '----------------------------------- Punkte verschieben ------------------------------------ printlog "Select a part of the object with the keyboard" printlog "Selects the fourth vector." hTypeKeys "", 4 printlog "Moves the selected vector 40 steps." hTypeKeys "", 40 printlog "The 'Object Toolbar' now changes" Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then ViewToolbarsBezier Sleep 2 end if if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then Warnlog "The Bezier-Objectbar should have been opened, but wasnt." ViewToolbarsBezier Sleep 2 end if Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" sleep 1 Printlog "- Move points" printlog "click button 'Move points' on 'Object Toolbar'" Verschieben.Click sleep 2 hTypeKeys "" printlog "Marks the selected vector." hTypeKeys "" printlog "Moves the vector 20 with arrow right, twenty times." hTypeKeys "", 20 Printlog "- Insert points" printlog "Click button 'Insert points' on 'Object Toolbar'" Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" Einfuegen.Click sleep 2 Bezierobjectbar.Move 20, 20 sleep (1) Printlog "- Delete points" printlog "Select another part of the object with spanning a selection with the mouse" gMouseMove 25,25,45,45 printlog "Select the second next vector." hTypeKeys "", 2 printlog "Mark the selected vector." hTypeKeys "" printlog "Select and mark the next vector." hTypeKeys "" sleep 2 Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" sleep 2 Printlog "- Convert into curve" printlog "click button 'convert to curve' on 'Object Toolbar'" InKurve.Click sleep 2 Printlog "- Place edge point" printlog "click button 'corner point' on 'Object Toolbar'" Ecke.Click sleep 2 Printlog "- Smooth transition" printlog "click button 'smooth transition' on 'Object Toolbar'" Glatt.Click sleep 2 Printlog "- Symetric transition" printlog "click button 'symmetric transition' on 'Object Toolbar'" Symmetrisch.Click sleep 2 printlog "Click button 'Eliminate points' on 'Object Toolbar'" Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" PunkteReduzieren.Click sleep 2 printlog "Mark another point" hTypeKeys "" hTypeKeys "" printlog "click button 'split curve' on 'Object Toolbar'" Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" try Auftrennen.Click catch Warnlog "- 'Break' could not be executed" endcatch sleep 2 printlog "Mark all points" hTypeKeys "" hTypeKeys "" Printlog "- Close bezier" Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" try printlog "click button 'close bezier' on 'Object Toolbar'" Schliessen.Click catch InKurve.Click sleep 2 try Schliessen.Click catch warnlog "Couldn't push button :-( can't reproduce it now, mostly seen on linux, if i loop this test, it happens only 1/5 of the time ... :-)" endcatch endcatch sleep 2 printlog "Mark all points" hTypeKeys "" hTypeKeys "" printlog "Click button 'Delete points' on 'Object Toolbar'" Kontext "Bezierobjectbar" Printlog "- Break curve" if ( hClickButton( Loeschen ) = -1 ) then warnlog( "Unable to click button " ) endif printlog "Uncheck on the symbol 'Curve' on the toolbar 'Main Toolbar'" Kontext "Toolbar" sleep 2 Toolbar.OpenContextMenu ' Enable forms button in menuebar sleep 2 hMenuselectNr (1) sleep 2 hMenuItemUnCheck (7) sleep 2 printlog "Close application" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tdBezierToolbar '------------------------------------------------------------------------------