'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : '* '\******************************************************************* testcase tPraesentationAnimation Dim i Printlog "- Slideshow/Animation" printlog "new document " Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout sleep 2 printlog "insert graphic" InsertGraphicsFromFile Kontext "OeffnenDlg" Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global/input/graf_inp/desp.bmp") sleep 2 Oeffnen.Click sleep 2 printlog "deselect graphic" gMouseClick 90,90 printlog "insert 2nd graphic" InsertGraphicsFromFile Kontext "OeffnenDlg" Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global/input/graf_inp/borabora.jpg") sleep 2 Oeffnen.Click sleep 2 Call hTypekeys "" printlog "open animation dialogue" Opl_SD_EffekteZulassen Kontext "Animation" for i=1 to 10 printlog "add graphic 10 times" BildAufnehmen.Click next i sleep 1 printlog "get number of frames (should be 10) " if AnzahlBilder.GetText <> "10" Then WarnLog " - Adding pictures did not work" else PrintLog " Pictures added" end if if AlleAufnehmen.IsEnabled Then WarnLog " - Add all should not be enabled because only 1 object is selected" Kontext "DocumentImpress" printlog "select both graphics in document " EditSelectAll Kontext "Animation" printlog "add them 5 times (10 frames)" for i=1 to 5 printlog i AlleAufnehmen.Click next i sleep 1 printlog "compare total numbers of frame" if AnzahlBilder.GetText <> "20" Then WarnLog " - Adding pics does not work" else PrintLog " all pics added" end if printlog "jump to 1st frame" ErstesBild.Click printlog "get number index of selected frame" if AnzahlBilder.GetText <> "1" Then WarnLog " - Jump back to beginning does not work" else PrintLog " Jump back to beginning works" end if printlog "jump to last frame" LetztesBild.Click printlog "control number index of selected frame" if AnzahlBilder.GetText <> "20" Then WarnLog " - Jump to end does not work" else PrintLog " Jumped to end" end if sleep 1 printlog "play animation" Abspielen.Click sleep 10 Kontext "DocumentImpress" printlog "delete graphics in document " EditSelectAll DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" sleep 2 Kontext "Animation" printlog "create animation" Erstellen.Click sleep 10 Kontext "DocumentImpress" try printlog "try to copy created animation to make sure it is created" EditCopy PrintLog " Animation created" catch WarnLog " - Animation not created" endcatch Kontext "Animation" printlog "set duration time of frames" if AnimationsgruppeGruppenobjekt.IsChecked = True Then try AnzeigedauerProBild.SetText "1" WarnLog " - Control should be disabled" catch PrintLog " Control disabled because Groupobjekt = " + AnimationsgruppeGruppenobjekt.IsChecked endcatch end if printlog "check group object" AnimationsgruppeBitmapobjekt.Check printlog "set frame visibility time to 3" AnzeigedauerProBild.SetText "3" SetClipboard AnzeigedauerProBild.GetText printlog "raise value for frame time" AnzeigedauerProBild.More if AnzeigedauerProBild.GetText<> GetClipboardText Then PrintLog " Duration per frame works" else WarnLog " - Duration could not be changed" end if Dim Zaehler printlog "test different settings for pass amount" Zaehler = AnzahlDurchlaeufe.GetItemCount for i=1 to Zaehler AnzahlDurchlaeufe.Select i next i PrintLog " Number of loops is set" Dim ZaehlerAnpassung ZaehlerAnpassung=Anpassung.GetItemCount for i=1 to ZaehlerAnpassung Anpassung.Select i next i printlog "delete 1 frame" BildLoeschen.Click if AnzahlBilder = "20" Then WarnLog " - Deleting pictures does not work" else PrintLog " Picture No.20 deleted" end if printlog "delete all frames" AlleLoeschen.Click Kontext "Active" Active.Yes sleep 3 Kontext "Animation" printlog "check if play button is still active" if Abspielen.IsEnabled = true Then WarnLog " - Not all pics are deleted" else PrintLog " All pics deleted" end if sleep 2 printlog "close animation flyer" Animation.Close sleep 2 printlog "close document " Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPraesentationAnimation '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tPraesentationEffekt qaerrorlog "Test not yet ready." goto endsub Dim i Dim j Dim k Dim l Dim m Dim n Dim Zaehler Dim ZaehlerKmh Dim ZaehlerText Dim ZaehlerTon Dim Zufall Printlog "- Slideshow/Effect" printlog "new document " Call hNewDocument printlog " check state of navigator ! expected: closed" Kontext "Navigator" if Navigator.exists then printlog " close navigator !" Navigator.Close Warnlog "Navigator was open. Check earlier tests. Now closed." else printlog "Navigator: NOT available. Good." endif sleep 2 kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 50,50 printlog "create rectangle" hRechteckErstellen (20,20,50,50) sleep 3 Kontext "Effekt" Printlog " - Test effects" printlog "deselect rectangle" gMouseClick 90,90 sleep 1 printlog "select rectangle " DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" sleep 1 printlog "go into text edit mode (F2)" DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" sleep 1 printlog "type text into the rectangle" DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "test text to test text effects" sleep 1 DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" sleep 2 DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" sleep 1 SlideShowEffects Kontext "Effekt" sleep 3 Effekte.Click Zaehler=Effekteliste.GetItemCount printlog "Start from the second entry since the first one is No effect" for i=2 to Zaehler Effekteliste.Select i SetClipboard Effekteliste.GetSelText Effekt.TypeKeys "" Effekteauswahl.TypeKeys "" ,2 sleep 1 Zuweisen.Click sleep 1 Effekt.Close sleep 1 PraesentationEffekt Kontext "Effekt" sleep 1 if GetClipboardText<>Effekteliste.GetSelText Then Warnlog " - Invisible color not changed" sleep 1 next i sleep 1 Printlog " - Test speed setting" sleep 1 Texteffekte.Click sleep 1 ZaehlerKmh=Geschwindigkeit.GetItemCount for j=1 to ZaehlerKmh Geschwindigkeit.Select j SetClipboard Geschwindigkeit.GetSelText Zuweisen.Click Effekt.Close sleep 1 SlideShowEffects Kontext "Effekt" sleep 1 if GetClipboardText <> Geschwindigkeit.GetSelText Then Warnlog " - Speed setting did not change" next j Printlog " - Test text effects" Texteffekte.Click sleep 1 ZaehlerText=TexteffekteListe.GetItemCount for k=1 to ZaehlerText TexteffekteListe.Select k SetClipboard TexteffekteListe.GetSelText Effekt.TypeKeys "" Texteffektauswahl.TypeKeys "" ,2 Zuweisen.Click sleep 1 Effekt.Close gMouseClick 90,90 sleep 2 gmouseClick 40,40 PraesentationEffekt Kontext "Effekt" sleep 1 Texteffekte.Click sleep 1 next k Printlog " - Test invisible color" Effekte.Click Effekteliste.Select 1 Effekteauswahl.TypeKeys "" ,2 Zuweisen.Click sleep 2 try Extras.Click catch Warnlog "- Extras Button not active" endcatch sleep 1 randomize Zufall=((2*Rnd)+1) for l=1 to 5 if (NOT Abblendfarbe.IsEnabled) then MitFarbeAbblenden.Click endif sleep 1 if Abblendfarbe.IsEnabled = False Then Warnlog " - Control should not be enabled" sleep 1 Zuweisen.Click Effekt.Close SlideShowEffects Kontext "Effekt" sleep 1 Effekte.Click Effekteliste.Select 1 Effekteauswahl.TypeKeys "" ,3 try Zuweisen.Click catch Effekteauswahl.TypeKeys "" Zuweisen.Click endcatch sleep 2 Extras.Click next l Printlog " - Test blend with color" MitFarbeAbblenden.Click try for m=1 to 5 sleep 2 Abblendfarbe.Select Zufall SetClipboard Abblendfarbe.GetSelText Zuweisen.Click next m catch MitFarbeAbblenden.Click for m=1 to 5 sleep 2 Abblendfarbe.Select Zufall SetClipboard Abblendfarbe.GetSelText Zuweisen.Click next m endcatch Printlog " - Test order" Effekte.Click Effekteliste.Select 2 Zuweisen.Click Reihenfolge.Click sleep 1 Printlog " - Test preview" Vorschaufenster.Click sleep 1 Kontext "Vorschau" if Vorschau.Exists = False Then Warnlog " - Preview window does not exist" Vorschau.Close Kontext "Effekt" Effekte.Click UseBindings sleep 1 Extras.Click sleep 1 if NOT klang.Exists then warnlog "- Control Sound does not exist" end if if Klangliste.Exists = false Then Klang.Click sleep 1 ZaehlerTon = Klangliste.GetItemCount for n=1 to ZaehlerTon Klangliste.Select n SetClipboard Klangliste.GetSelText VollstaendigAbspielen.Click Effekt.Close sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 40,40 sleep 1 PraesentationEffekt Kontext "Effekt" sleep 1 Effekte.Click sleep 1 Extras.Click if Klangliste.IsVisible = False Then Klang.Click next n Effekt.Close sleep 1 Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPraesentationEffekt '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tSlideShowInteraction Dim Datei$ Dim i as integer Dim Zaehler as integer dim b115364 as boolean Datei$ = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\interac.odp") printlog "open application" Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout sleep 5 printlog "Set start with current page to ON" setStartCurrentPage(TRUE) printlog "call 'Insert->Slide' three times and name the slides 2, 3, 4 and create a rectangle on it " printlog "we now have 4 slides" Kontext "DocumentImpress" for i = 2 to 4 InsertSlide sleep 2 hTypekeys "" , 10 ' workaround for issue i56267. Has to be removed when cws impress73 has be integrated sleep 2 Kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 50,50 Call hRechteckErstellen (i*10,i*10,i*20,i*20) sleep 2 next i printlog " check state of navigator ! expected: closed -> open navigator" Kontext "Navigator" if Navigator.exists then qaerrorlog "Navigator: already open :-(" else printlog "Navigator: NOT available :-) will be opened now." Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" ' ViewNavigator endif sleep 3 printlog "Slide Show->Interaction" SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 if AktionBeiMausklick.GetItemCount = 11 Then Printlog "- List is complete" else Warnlog "- Number of possible actions is wrong. It should be: 11, but it is: " + AktionBeiMausklick.GetItemCount end if sleep 1 AktionBeiMausklick.Select 1 'Keine Aktion bei Mausclick Printlog (AktionBeiMausklick.GetSelText + " chosen") If Durchsuchen.IsVisible then Warnlog "- Control should be invisible because AktionBeiMausklick = " + AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText sleep 1 Kontext "TabInteraktion" AktionBeiMausklick.Select 2 'Go to previous Slide Printlog (AktionBeiMausklick.GetSelText + " chosen") if Durchsuchen.IsVisible Then Warnlog "- Control should be invisible, beacause Action = " + AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText TabInteraktion.OK sleep 2 Kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 90,90 sleep 1 gMouseClick 50,50 sleep 2 Kontext "NavigatorDraw" sleep 2 if Not Liste.GetSelIndex = 3 Then Warnlog "- jumped to wrong slide" else Printlog "- jumped to correct slide" end if sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction sleep 2 Kontext "TabInteraktion" AktionBeiMausklick.select 3 'Go to next Slide Printlog (AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen") TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 90,90 sleep 1 gMouseClick 50,50 sleep 2 gMouseClick 90,90 Kontext "NavigatorDraw" if Liste.GetSelIndex <> 4 Then Warnlog "- Jumped to wrong slide. Jumped to " + Liste.GetSelIndex + " instead of 4." else Printlog " Jumped to correct slide" end if sleep 1 kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction sleep 1 Kontext "TabInteraktion" AktionBeiMausklick.select 4 'Go to first Slide Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText sleep 1 TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 90,90 sleep 1 gMouseClick 50,50 sleep 1 gMouseClick 90,90 Kontext "NavigatorDraw" if Liste.GetSelIndex <> 1 Then Warnlog "- jumped to wrong slide. Jumped to " + Liste.GetSelIndex + " instead of 1." Letzte.Click 'Liste.Select 4 Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 2 try SlideShowInteraction catch warnlog "SlideshowInteraction diasabled :-(" endcatch Kontext "TabInteraktion" AktionBeiMausklick.select 5 'Go to last page printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 Kontext "NavigatorDraw" if Not Liste.GetSelIndex = 1 Then Warnlog "- jumped to wrong slide" kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 90,90 sleep 1 hMouseClick DocumentImpress,50,50 Call hRechteckErstellen 20,20,50,50 sleep 1 EditSelectAll sleep 1 try FormatGroupGroup catch warnlog "GROUP?" endcatch sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" AktionBeiMausklick.select 6 'Sprung zu Seite oder Objekt printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText sleep 2 if Not ListeSprungZuSeiteObjekt.IsVisible Then Warnlog " list seems to be invisible" Seite.SetText S2 Suchen.Click if ListeSprungZuSeiteObjekt.GetSelIndex <> 3 Then Warnlog " Search does not work. Current slide is: " + ListeSprungZuSeiteObjekt.GetSelText endif TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" gMouseClick 90,90 sleep 1 gMouseClick 25,25 sleep 2 Kontext "NavigatorDraw" if Liste.GetSelIndex <> 2 Then Warnlog "- Jumped to wrong destination" printlog Liste.GetSelIndex Liste.Select 4 Liste.TypeKeys "" endif Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 7 'Go to Document Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen" try Durchsuchen.Click sleep 1 Kontext "OeffnenDlg" sleep 1 Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\recht_49.odp") Oeffnen.Click sleep 10 Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 TabInteraktion.OK sleep 3 Kontext "DocumentImpress" catch Warnlog "- Search button could not be accessed" endcatch sleep 1 DocumentImpress.MouseDown 90,90 DocumentImpress.MouseUp 90,90 sleep 2 Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.Mousedown 30,30 kontext b115364 = false if messagebox.exists then printlog "baeh: '" + messagebox.gettext + "'" try messagebox.ok ' was default in so7 catch warnlog "behaviour changed #115364# mother document gets closed :-(" if fileExists(ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.odp")) then kill ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.odp") endif messagebox.yes ' don't save changes, before going on! b115364 = true kontext "SpeichernDlg" Dateiname.setText ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.odp") Speichern.click sleep 10 endcatch else printlog "OK :-)" endif Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.MouseUp 30,30 sleep 2 try ViewDrawing sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.MouseDown 25,25 DocumentImpress.MouseUp 25,25 catch Warnlog "- Jump to document did not work or preview window did not appear" endcatch sleep 2 if (not b115364) then Call hCloseDocument else Call hCloseDocument hFileOpen (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\bug115364.odp")) endif sleep 6 printlog "Do Page down + Page up due to focusing-problems" kontext "Slides" hTypeKeys "" hTypeKeys "" Kontext "NavigatorDraw" if NavigatorDraw.Exists = FALSE then qaerrorlog "Navigator: NOT available :-( will be opened now!" Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" else printlog "Navigator: already open :-)" endif Kontext "NavigatorDraw" sleep 1 if Naechste.IsEnabled then Naechste.Click else warnlog "'Next' wasn't visible. Clicking 'First' + Two 'Next'." Erste.Click sleep 2 Naechste.Click Naechste.Click sleep 2 endif Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 8 Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen" sleep 1 Tabinteraktion.OK sleep 2 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 if not AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelIndex = 8 Then Warnlog "- Not the right action chosen" sleep 1 AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 8 'Play sound Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + "- chosen" sleep 1 Tabinteraktion.OK sleep 2 Kontext "NavigatorDraw" sleep 1 Liste.Select 2 Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 Durchsuchen.Click sleep 1 Kontext "OeffnenDlg" sleep 1 Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\blip.wav") sleep 1 Oeffnen.Click sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists Then Warnlog Active.GetText + " Gallery might be empty" Active.OK sleep 1 Kontext "OeffnenDlg" OeffnenDlg.Cancel sleep 1 end if Kontext "TabInteraktion" SetClipboard Klangwahl.GetText TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 if Klangwahl.GetText <> GetClipboardText then Warnlog "- Not the right sound chosen" TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 InsertGraphicsFromFile sleep 1 Kontext "GrafikeinfuegenDlg" sleep 1 if Verknuepfen.IsChecked then Verknuepfen.UnCheck Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\enter.bmp") Oeffnen.Click sleep 3 Kontext "NavigatorDraw" sleep 1 Liste.Select 4 sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 9 'Objektaktion ausfuehren Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen" sleep 1 Zaehler=Effekt.GetItemCount for i=1 to Zaehler Effekt.Select i Printlog Effekt.GetSelText + " chosen" TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 next i TabInteraktion.OK sleep 1 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 11 'Macro Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText + " chosen" sleep 2 Durchsuchen.Click sleep 5 Kontext "ScriptSelector" sleep 5 ScriptSelector.Cancel sleep 2 Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 1 TabInteraktion.OK sleep 3 SlideShowInteraction Kontext "TabInteraktion" sleep 2 if not AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelIndex = 11 Then Warnlog "- Wrong action used" sleep 1 AktionBeiMausKlick.Select 12 'End Presentation Printlog AktionBeiMausKlick.GetSelText Tabinteraktion.OK sleep 1 SlideShowPresentationSettings Kontext "Bildschirmpraesentation" if not Fenster.IsChecked Then Fenster.Check BildschirmPraesentation.OK sleep 2 Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" sleep 5 Kontext "DocumentPresentation" sleep 2 DocumentPresentation.MouseDown 50,50 DocumentPresentation.MouseUp 50,50 sleep 3 if DocumentPresentation.Exists then qaerrorlog "#i51418# Sound played instead of ending presentation" DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "" sleep 3 endif try Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll Printlog "- Slideshow ended at right point" catch Warnlog "- Program is still in slideshow mode" Kontext "DocumentPresentation" DocumentPresentation.TypeKeys "" endcatch Kontext "DocumentImpress" printlog "Close the Navigator" DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" sleep 3 printlog "Set start with current page to ON = Default" setStartCurrentPage(TRUE) Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tSlideShowInteraction '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tAendernObjektBenennen Printlog "- Context/Name object" printlog "new document " Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" if NOT DocumentImpress.Exists then Warnlog "- Due to Bug 91799 the document disappeared right after loading" Call hNewDocument sleep 1 end if sleep 1 hRechteckErstellen (20,20,30,30) sleep 1 hRechteckErstellen (60,60,80,80) gMouseMove (10,10,90,90) Printlog " - check if menu entry is disabled for normal objects" try ContextNameObject Warnlog " function should be only enabled for graphics, ole objects and groups" catch Printlog " Function disabled" endcatch EditSelectAll Kontext "DocumentImpress" FormatGroupGroup sleep 2 gMouseClick 25,25 ContextNameObject sleep (2) Kontext "NameDlgObject" NameField.SetText "Test" NameDlgObject.OK sleep 1 Printlog " - Name object worked" Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "" InsertGraphicsFromFile Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg" Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\enter.bmp") sleep 3 Preview.Check sleep 1 Oeffnen.Click sleep 1 printlog " - Name a graphic file" try ContextNameObject Kontext "NameDlgObject" Namefield.SetText "Grafik" NameDlgObject.OK sleep 1 Printlog " - Name a graphic object did work" catch Warnlog " - Function should have been enabled" endcatch sleep 2 Call hCloseDocument sleep 2 endcase 'tAendernObjektBenennen '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tSlideshowBackgroundAllSlides Dim Datei$ as string Dim Background$ as string Dim i as integer Dim Zaehler as integer Background$ = ConvertPath(gOfficeBasisPath + "share\gallery\emoticons\grin.gif") Datei$ = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\background.odp") printlog "Create a new document" Printlog "- SlideshowBackground" Call hNewDocument printlog "Insert a new Slide" Kontext "DocumentImpress" InsertSlide printlog "Open the Contextmenu" DocumentImpress.OpenContextMenu printlog "Select the entry Slide" hMenuFindSelect (".uno:PageMenu", true, 1, true) printlog "Select the entry Background" hMenuSelectNr (4) printlog "In the open-file dialogue, choose and open a graphic-file you wish to have as a background" kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg" If GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists Then DateiName.SetText (Background$) Oeffnen.Click Else warnlog "GrafikEinfuegenDlg not existent... check why." End if printlog "If an active-message shows up, press yes to apply this background to all slides." kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then Active.Yes else QaErrorLog "No dialogue considering if we wish to apply the background to all slides." end if printlog "Save the document" Call hFileSaveAsKill (Datei$) printlog "Close the document" Call hCloseDocument printlog "Open the document" Call hFileOpen (Datei$) printlog "Close the document" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tSlideshowBackgroundAllSlides '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tSlideshowBackgroundSelectedSlide Dim Datei$ as string Dim Background$ as string Dim i as integer Dim Zaehler as integer Background$ = ConvertPath(gOfficeBasisPath + "share\gallery\emoticons\grin.gif") Datei$ = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\background.odp") printlog "Create a new document" Printlog "- SlideshowBackground" Call hNewDocument printlog "Insert a new Slide" Kontext "DocumentImpress" InsertSlide printlog "Open the Contextmenu" DocumentImpress.OpenContextMenu printlog "Select the entry Slide" hMenuFindSelect (".uno:PageMenu", true, 1, true) printlog "Select the entry Background" hMenuSelectNr (4) printlog "In the open-file dialogue, choose and open a graphic-file you wish to have as a background" kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg" If GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists Then DateiName.SetText (Background$) Oeffnen.Click Else warnlog "GrafikEinfuegenDlg not existent... check why." End if printlog "If an active-message shows up, press No to only apply this background to the selected slide." kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then Active.No else QaErrorLog "No dialogue considering if we wish to apply the background to all slides." end if printlog "Save the document" Call hFileSaveAsKill (Datei$) printlog "Close the document" Call hCloseDocument printlog "Open the document" Call hFileOpen (Datei$) printlog "Close the document" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tSlideshowBackgroundSelectedSlide '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------