'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : Customshapes-test '* '********************************************************************* ' #1 tCustomshapes ' #1 tFormatPaintbrush '\******************************************************************** testcase tCustomshapes dim counter as Integer dim MakeInto3Dcounter as Integer printlog "Create new document " Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout if gApplication = "DRAW" then Kontext "Documentdraw" else '(Impress) Kontext "DocumentImpress" endif kontext "Toolbar" sleep 1 printlog "From the toolbar: Insert three objects: " printlog "1st: insert a Smiley. " kontext "Toolbar" if Toolbar.Exists then if Toolbar.IsVisible then sleep 1 try SymbolShapes.TearOff catch warnlog "bug for GH from FHA; .tearoff doesnt tell success" endcatch sleep 1 kontext "SymbolShapes" SymbolShapesSmiley.Click sleep 1 gMouseDown (40,40) gMouseMove (40,40,60,60) gMouseUp (60,60) sleep 1 kontext "SymbolShapes" SymbolShapes.Close printlog "Unmark all objects " hTypeKeys "" printlog "Mark the Smiley " hTypeKeys "" printlog "Rename the object to 'First'." hOpenContextMenu sleep 2 if hMenuFindSelect(27027, true, 15) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Rename` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif kontext "NameDlgObject" NameField.SetText "First" NameDlgObject.OK printlog "Open the Context-menu and set the description of the object to 'First'" hOpenContextMenu sleep (2) if hMenuFindSelect(27033, true, 14) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Description` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif kontext "DescriptionObject" DescriptionTitle.SetText "FirstTitle" DescriptionText.SetText "FirstText" DescriptionObject.Ok else warnlog "the Toolbar wasnt visible." endif else warnlog "the Toolbar didnt exist." endif gMouseClick 90, 90 printlog "2nd: Insert a Triangle " kontext "Toolbar" if Toolbar.Exists then if Toolbar.IsVisible then try BasicShapes.TearOff catch warnlog "bug for GH from FHA; .tearoff doesnt tell success" endcatch kontext "BasicShapes" sleep 1 IsoscelesTriangle.click sleep 1 gMouseDown (45,33) gMouseMove (45,33,55,42) gMouseUp (55,42) sleep 1 kontext "BasicShapes" BasicShapes.Close sleep 1 printlog "Unmark all objects " hTypeKeys "" printlog "Mark the Triangle " hTypeKeys "", 2 printlog "Rename the object into 'Second'. " hOpenContextMenu sleep 2 if hMenuFindSelect(27027, true, 15) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Rename` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif sleep 1 kontext "NameDlgObject" NameField.SetText "Second" NameDlgObject.OK printlog "Open the Context-menu and set the description of the object to 'SecondTitle' and 'SecondText'" hOpenContextMenu sleep (2) if hMenuFindSelect(27033, true, 14) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Description` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif kontext "DescriptionObject" DescriptionTitle.SetText "SecondTitle" DescriptionText.SetText "SecondText" DescriptionObject.Ok else warnlog "the Toolbar wasnt visible." endif else warnlog "the Toolbar didnt exist." endif gMouseClick 90, 90 printlog "3rd: Insert Thinking-cloud." kontext "Toolbar" if Toolbar.Exists then if Toolbar.IsVisible then sleep 1 try CalloutShapes.TearOff catch warnlog "bug for GH from FHA; .tearoff doesnt tell success" endcatch kontext "Callouts" sleep 1 Cloud.click sleep 1 gMouseDown (1,1) gMouseMove (1,1,35,30) gMouseUp (35,30) sleep 1 kontext "Callouts" Callouts.Close sleep 1 printlog "Unmark all objects " hTypeKeys "" printlog "Mark the cloud " hTypeKeys "", 3 printlog "Rename the object to 'Third'. " hOpenContextMenu sleep 2 if hMenuFindSelect(27027, true, 15) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Rename` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif Kontext "NameDlgObject" NameField.SetText "Third" NameDlgObject.OK printlog "Open the Context-menu and set the description of the object to 'First'" hOpenContextMenu sleep (2) if hMenuFindSelect(27033, true, 14) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Description` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif kontext "DescriptionObject" DescriptionTitle.SetText "ThirdTitle" DescriptionText.SetText "ThirdText" DescriptionObject.Ok else warnlog "the Toolbar wasnt visible." endif else warnlog "the Toolbar didnt exist." endif gMouseClick 90, 90 printlog "Change all objects into 3D. " if gApplication = "DRAW" then Kontext "Documentdraw" else '(Impress) Kontext "DocumentImpress" endif For MakeInto3Dcounter = 1 to 3 hTypeKeys "", MakeInto3Dcounter kontext "Toolbar" if Toolbar.Exists then if Toolbar.IsVisible then if ExtrusionOnOff.Exists then ExtrusionOnOff.Click sleep (3) else sleep (1) Toolbar.OpenContextMenu ' enable forms button in menuebar sleep (1) hMenuselectNr (1) sleep (1) if hMenuFindSelect(1024, true, 25) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Extrusion On/Off` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif sleep (1) kontext "Toolbar" ExtrusionOnOff.Click sleep (3) endif Kontext "ExtrusionObjectBar" if ExtrusionObjectBar.Exists then if ExtrusionObjectBar.IsVisible then printlog " Objects got converted into Extrusion-objects, correct." else warnlog " No Extrusion-toolbar visible. Eventually a problem making objects into Extrusion-Objects." endif endif endif else warnlog " the 'Toolbar' -Toolbar didnt exist." endif sleep (1) hTypeKeys "" Next MakeInto3Dcounter printlog "See if the objects still are Custom Shapes " printlog "We do so by moving the lower part of the the thinking-cloud. " gMouseClick 90, 1 hTypeKeys "" hTypeKeys "" ,9 if gApplication = "IMPRESS" then hTypeKeys "" ,86 hTypeKeys "", 48 else hTypeKeys "" ,131 hTypeKeys "" ,53 endif sleep 1 gMouseClick 90, 1 hTypeKeys "" printlog "Check the name of the selected object (should be 'First') " hOpenContextMenu sleep 2 'Choose rename. if hMenuFindSelect(27027, true, 15) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Rename` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif sleep 1 kontext "NameDlgObject" if NameField.GetText <> "First" then warnlog " Wrong object. Should have been the first, but was the " + NameField.GetText else Printlog " The first object still had the correct name, good." endif NameDlgObject.OK printlog "Open the Context-menu and check if the description of the object is right" hOpenContextMenu sleep (2) 'Choose "Description" if hMenuFindSelect(27033, true, 14) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Description` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif kontext "DescriptionObject" if DescriptionTitle.GetText <> "FirstTitle" then Warnlog " The description-title for the first object were not 'FirstTitle', but: " + DescriptionTitle.GetText endif if DescriptionText.GetText <> "FirstText" then Warnlog " The description-text for the first object were not 'FirstText', but: " + DescriptionText.GetText endif DescriptionObject.Ok Kontext "ExtrusionObjectBar" if ExtrusionObjectBar.Exists then if ExtrusionObjectBar.IsVisible then printlog " The first object got converted into a 3D-object (Extrusion-Object), correct." else warnlog " No Extrusion-Object-toolbar visible. Eventually a problem making the object into 3D." endif endif gMouseClick 90, 1 hTypeKeys "" printlog "Check the name of the selected object (should be 'Second') " hOpenContextMenu sleep 2 if hMenuFindSelect(27027, true, 15) = false then Warnlog " Context-Menu-entry `Rename` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif sleep 1 kontext "NameDlgObject" if NameField.GetText <> "Second" then warnlog " Wrong object. Should have been the second, but was the " + NameField.GetText else Printlog " The second object still had the correct name, good." endif NameDlgObject.OK printlog "Open the Context-menu and check if the description of the object is right" hOpenContextMenu sleep (2) 'Choose "Description" if hMenuFindSelect(27033, true, 14) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Description` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif kontext "DescriptionObject" if DescriptionTitle.GetText <> "SecondTitle" then Warnlog " The description-title for the second object were not 'SecondTitle', but: " + DescriptionTitle.GetText else printlog " The description-title for the second object were correct" endif if DescriptionText.GetText <> "SecondText" then Warnlog " The description-text for the second object were not 'SecondText', but: " + DescriptionText.GetText else printlog " The description-text for the second object were correct" endif DescriptionObject.Ok Kontext "ExtrusionObjectBar" if ExtrusionObjectBar.Exists then if ExtrusionObjectBar.IsVisible then printlog " The first second got converted into 3D-object (Extrusion-Object), correct." else warnlog " No Extrusion-Object-toolbar visible. Eventually a problem making the object into 3D." endif endif gMouseClick 90, 1 hTypeKeys "" printlog "Check the name of the selected object (should be Third) " hOpenContextMenu sleep 2 'Choose rename. if hMenuFindSelect(27027, true, 15) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Rename` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif sleep 1 kontext "NameDlgObject" if NameField.GetText <> "Third" then warnlog " Wrong object. Should have been the third, but was the " + NameField.GetText else Printlog " The third object still had the correct name, good." endif NameDlgObject.OK printlog "Open the Context-menu and check if the description of the object is right" hOpenContextMenu sleep (2) 'Choose "Description" if hMenuFindSelect(27033, true, 14) = false then Warnlog "Context-Menu-entry `Description` was not found. Therefore the test ends." Call hCloseDocument Goto Endsub endif kontext "DescriptionObject" if DescriptionTitle.GetText <> "ThirdTitle" then Warnlog " The description-title for object three were not 'ThirdTitle', but: " + DescriptionTitle.GetText else printlog " The description-title for the second object were correct." endif if DescriptionText.GetText <> "ThirdText" then Warnlog " The description-text for object three were not 'ThirdText', but: " + DescriptionText.GetText else printlog " The description-text for object three were correct." endif DescriptionObject.Ok Kontext "ExtrusionObjectBar" if ExtrusionObjectBar.Exists then if ExtrusionObjectBar.IsVisible then printlog " The third object got converted into 3D-object (Extrusion-Object), correct." else warnlog " No Extrusion-Object-toolbar visible. Eventually a problem making the object into 3D." endif endif printlog "End of test. Close the document." Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tCustomshapes '--------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPaintbrush dim counter, ZaehlerVerlauf, j as Integer printlog "Hatching " dim HatchingDistance as string dim HatchingAngle as string dim HatchingLineType as string dim HatchingLineColor as string dim position_value as string dim show_value as boolean dim distance_value as string dim color_value as string dim transparency_value as string dim NoTransparency_value as boolean dim linearTransparency_value as boolean dim MFLintransparency_value as string dim Transparencyverlauf_value as boolean dim TransparencyType_value as string dim MFCenterX_value as string dim MFCenterY_value as string dim MFAngle_value as string dim MFRand_value as string dim MFStart_value as string dim MFEnd_value as string dim colorname_value as string dim color2_value as string dim colormodel_value as integer dim R_value as string dim G_value as string dim B_value as string dim C_value as string dim M_value as string dim Y_value as string dim K_value as string dim type_value as string dim centerx_value as string dim centery_value as string dim angle_value as string dim rand_value as string dim from_value as string dim fromvalue_value as string dim to_value as string dim tovalue_value as string dim to_wert_value as string dim front_value as string dim background_value as string printlog "Create new document " Call hNewDocument printlog "Create a new rectangle " hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 30 ) FormatArea printlog "Switch to Tabpage Area " Kontext Active.SetPage TabArea Kontext "TabArea" sleep 1 printlog "Select hatching, control after closing and reopening dialog if changes are recognized " FillOptions.Select 4 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Hatching " Kontext Active.setpage TabSchraffuren Kontext "TabSchraffuren" printlog "Get the values for the Rectangle " HatchingDistance = Abstand.GetText HatchingAngle = Winkel.GetText 'Definition HatchingLineType = Linientyp.GetSelText HatchingLineColor = Linienfarbe.GetSelText 'TabSchraffuren.OK sleep 1 ' FormatArea printlog "Switch to Tabpage Shaddow " Kontext Active.setpage TabSchatten Kontext "TabSchatten" show_value = Anzeigen.isChecked 'Boolean if Anzeigen.isChecked then position_value = Position.GetSelText distance_value = Entfernung.GetSelText color_value = Farbe.GetSelText transparency_value = Transparenz.GetSelText endif sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Transparency " Kontext Active.SetPage TabTransparenz Kontext "TabTransparenz" NoTransparency_value = KeineTransparenz.isChecked linearTransparency_value = LineareTransparenz.isChecked MFLinTransparency_value = MFLinTransparenz.GetText Transparencyverlauf_value = Transparenzverlauf.isChecked TransparencyType_value = TransparenzverlaufTyp.GetSelText MFCenterX_value = MFZentrumX.GetText MFCenterY_value = MFZentrumY.GetText MFAngle_value = MFWinkel.GetText MFRand_value = MFRand.GetText MFStart_value = MFStartwert.GetText MFEnd_value = MFEndwert.GetText sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Color " Kontext Active.setpage TabFarben Kontext "TabFarben" colorname_value = FarbName.GetText color_value = Farbe.GetSelText colormodel_value = Farbmodell.GetSelIndex if colormodel_value = 1 then R_value = R.GetText G_value = G.GetText B_value = B.GetText else 'farbmodell_value = 2 C_value = C.GetText M_value = M.GetText Y_value = Y.GetText K_value = K.GetText endif sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Gradient " Kontext Active.setpage TabFarbverlaeufe Kontext "TabFarbverlaeufe" type_value = Typ.GetSelText Centerx_value = ZentrumX.GetText Centery_value = ZentrumY.GetText angle_value = Winkel.GetText rand_value = Rand.GetText from_value = Von.GetSelText fromvalue_value = VonWert.GetText to_value = Bis.GetSelText tovalue_value = BisWert.GetText sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Bitmap " Kontext Active.setpage TabBitmap Kontext "TabBitmap" front_value = Vordergrund.GetSelText background_value = Hintergrund.GetSelText sleep 1 printlog "Close the FormatArea-dialogue with OK " TabBitmap.OK sleep 2 printlog "Create a second rectangle, and use the Paintbrush-icon to copy the settings for the first rectangle onto the new one " hRechteckErstellen ( 70, 70, 90, 90 ) if gApplication = "DRAW" then kontext "Documentdraw" Documentdraw.Mousedown 20, 20 Documentdraw.Mouseup 20, 20 sleep 1 kontext "Standardbar" FormatPaintbrush.Click kontext "Documentdraw" sleep 1 Documentdraw.Mousedown 80, 80 Documentdraw.Mouseup 80, 80 sleep 1 else '(Impress) Kontext "DocumentImpress" DocumentImpress.typekeys("",true) DocumentImpress.typekeys("",true) DocumentImpress.typekeys("",true) sleep 1 kontext "Standardbar" FormatPaintbrush.Click kontext "DocumentImpress" sleep 1 DocumentImpress.typekeys("",true) sleep 1 endif printlog "Check if the Formatting is like the first one. " FormatArea printlog "Switch to Tabpage Area " Kontext Active.SetPage TabArea Kontext "TabArea" ' if FillOptions.GetSelIndex <> 4 then printlog "The selected value should be 'no fill' " ' warnlog "The FillOptions-value was not transferred correctly." ' else ' printlog "The FillOptions-value was transferred correctly." ' endif sleep 1 printlog "control if changes are still there after closing and reopening dialog " FillOptions.Select 4 printlog "Select hatching, control after closing and reopening dialog if changes are recognized " printlog "Switch to Tabpage Hatching " kontext Active.setpage TabSchraffuren kontext "TabSchraffuren" if HatchingDistance <> Abstand.GetText then warnlog "Hatching:Distance changed. Should be: " + HatchingDistance + ". Was: " + Abstand.GetText endif if HatchingAngle <> Winkel.GetText then warnlog "Hatching:Angle changed. Should be: " + HatchingAngle + ". Was: " + Winkel.GetText endif 'Definition if HatchingLineType <> Linientyp.GetSelText then warnlog "Hatching:LineType changed. Should be: " + HatchingLineType + ". Was: " + Linientyp.GetSelText endif if HatchingLineColor <> Linienfarbe.GetSelText then warnlog "Hatching:LineColor changed. Should be: " + HatchingLineColor + ". Was: " + Linienfarbe.GetSelText endif sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Shaddow " Kontext Active.setpage TabSchatten Kontext "TabSchatten" if Show_value = true then if Anzeigen.isChecked <> true then warnlog "Shaddow:Show had changed! Should have been true, but was " + Anzeigen.isChecked else if position_value <> Position.GetSelText then warnlog "Shaddow:position:value changed. Should be: " + position_value + ". Was: " + Position.GetSelText endif if distance_value <> Entfernung.GetSelText then warnlog "Shaddow:distance:value changed. Should be: " + distance_value + ". Was: " + Entfernung.GetSelText endif if color_value <> Farbe.GetSelText then warnlog "Shaddow:Color:value changed. Should be: " + color_value + ". Was: " + Farbe.GetSelText endif if transparency_value <> Transparenz.GetSelText then warnlog "Shaddow:transparency:value changed. Should be: " + transparency_value + ". Was: " + Transparenz.GetSelText endif endif endif sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Transparency " Kontext Active.SetPage TabTransparenz Kontext "TabTransparenz" if NoTransparency_value <> KeineTransparenz.isChecked then warnlog "Transparency:NoTransparency -value changed. Should be: " + NoTransparency_value + ". Was: " + KeineTransparenz.isChecked endif if linearTransparency_value <> LineareTransparenz.isChecked then warnlog "Transparency:lineareTransparency -value changed. Should be: " + linearTransparency_value + ". Was: " + LineareTransparenz.isChecked endif if MFLinTransparency_value <> MFLinTransparenz.GetText then warnlog "Transparency:MFLinTransparency -value changed. Should be: " + MFLinTransparency_value + ". Was: " + MFLinTransparenz.GetText endif if Transparencyverlauf_value <> Transparenzverlauf.isChecked then warnlog "Transparency:Transparencyverlauf -value changed. Should be: " + Transparencyverlauf_value + ". Was: " + Transparenzverlauf.isChecked endif if TransparencyType_value <> TransparenzverlaufTyp.GetSelText then warnlog "Transparency:TransparencyType -value changed. Should be: " + TransparencyType_value + ". Was: " + TransparenzverlaufTyp.GetSelText endif if MFCenterX_value <> MFZentrumX.GetText then warnlog "Transparency:MFCenterX -value changed. Should be: " + MFCenterX_value + ". Was: " + MFZentrumX.GetText endif if MFCenterY_value <> MFZentrumY.GetText then warnlog "Transparency:MFCenterY -value changed. Should be: " + MFCenterY_value + ". Was: " + MFZentrumY.GetText endif if MFAngle_value <> MFWinkel.GetText then warnlog "Transparency:MFAngle -value changed. Should be: " + MFAngle_value + ". Was: " + MFWinkel.GetText endif if MFRand_value <> MFRand.GetText then warnlog "Transparency:MFRand -value changed. Should be: " + MFRand_value + ". Was: " + MFRand.GetText endif if MFStart_value <> MFStartwert.GetText then warnlog "Transparency:MFStart -value changed. Should be: " + MFStart_value + ". Was: " + MFStartwert.GetText endif if MFEnd_value <> MFEndwert.GetText then warnlog "Transparency:MFEnd -value changed. Should be: " + MFEnd_value + ". Was: " + MFEndwert.GetText endif sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Color " Kontext Active.setpage TabFarben Kontext "TabFarben" if colorname_value <> FarbName.GetText then warnlog "colorname_value changed. Should be: " + colorname_value + ". Was: " + FarbName.GetText endif if color_value <> Farbe.GetSelText then warnlog "color_value changed. Should be: " + color_value + ". Was: " + Farbe.GetSelText endif if colormodel_value <> Farbmodell.GetSelIndex then warnlog "colormodel_value changed. Should be: " + colormodel_value + ". Was: " + Farbmodell.GetSelIndex endif if colormodel_value = 1 then if R_value <> R.GetText then warnlog "R_value changed. Should be: " + R_value + ". Was: " + R.GetText endif if G_value <> G.GetText then warnlog "G_value changed. Should be: " + G_value + ". Was: " + G.GetText endif if B_value <> B.GetText then warnlog "B_value changed. Should be: " + B_value + ". Was: " + B.GetText endif endif if colormodel_value = 2 then if C_value <> C.GetText then warnlog "C_value changed.Should be: " + C_value + ". Was: " + C.GetText endif if M_value <> M.GetText then warnlog "M_value changed. Should be: " + M_value + ". Was: " + M.GetText endif if Y_value <> Y.GetText then warnlog "Y_value changed. Should be: " + Y_value + ". Was: " + Y.GetText endif if K_value <> K.GetText then warnlog "K_value changed. Should be: " + K_value + ". Was: " + K.GetText endif endif sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Gradient " Kontext Active.setpage TabFarbverlaeufe Kontext "TabFarbverlaeufe" if type_value <> Typ.GetSelText then warnlog "type_value changed. Should be: " + type_value + ". Was: " + Typ.GetSelText endif if centerx_value <> ZentrumX.GetText then warnlog "centerx_value changed. Should be: " + centerx_value + ". Was: " + ZentrumX.GetText endif if centery_value <> ZentrumY.GetText then warnlog "centery_value changed. Should be: " + centery_value + ". Was: " + ZentrumY.GetText endif if angle_value <> Winkel.GetText then warnlog "angle_value changed. Should be: " + angle_value + ". Was: " + Winkel.GetText endif if rand_value <> Rand.GetText then warnlog "rand_value changed. Should be: " + rand_value + ". Was: " + Rand.GetText endif if from_value <> Von.GetSelText then warnlog "from_value changed. Should be: " + from_value + ". Was: " + Von.GetSelText endif if fromvalue_value <> VonWert.GetText then warnlog "fromvalue_value changed. Should be: " + fromvalue_value + ". Was: " + VonWert.GetText endif if to_value <> Bis.GetSelText then warnlog "to_value changed. Should be: " + to_value + ". Was: " + Bis.GetSelText endif if tovalue_value <> BisWert.GetText then warnlog "tovalue_value changed. Should be: " + tovalue_value + ". Was: " + BisWert.GetText endif sleep 1 printlog "Switch to Tabpage Bitmap " Kontext Active.setpage TabBitmap Kontext "TabBitmap" if front_value <> Vordergrund.GetSelText then warnlog "vordergrund_value changed. Should be: " + front_value + ". Was: " + Vordergrund.GetSelText endif if background_value <> Hintergrund.GetSelText then warnlog "background_value changed. Should be: " + background_value + ". Was: " + Hintergrund.GetSelText endif sleep 1 TabBitmap.OK printlog "Close Document " Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tFormatPaintbrush