'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : '* '\************************************************************************************** ' Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\columbia.dxf") ' Call hGrafikEinfuegen ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\enter.bmp" ) ' Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp" ) ' Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\purzel.gif") ' Call tdContextFlip ' Call tdContextConvertIntoCurve ' Call tdContextConvertInto3D ' Call tdContextConvertInto3D_Rotationobject ' Call tdContextConvertIntoMetaFile testcase tiModifyConvertToPolygon Dim PosX as string Dim PosY as string Dim Maxanzahl as string Dim Minanzahl as string Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout sleep 3 hTextrahmenErstellen ("This is a text that will be transformed into a Polygon-object", 10,10,60,30) sleep 1 hTypeKeys "" sleep 1 EditSelectAll sleep 1 ContextConvertIntoPolygon sleep 1 ContextPositionAndSize Kontext Active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize Kontext "TabPositionAndSize" PosX = Width.GetText PosY = Height.GetText TabPositionAndSize.OK sleep 1 FormatCharacter Kontext Active.SetPage TabFont Kontext "TabFont" sleep 1 try Size.SetText "96" catch if (gAsianSup OR gCTLSup) then try SizeWest.SetText "96" catch Warnlog "Asian or ctl support is enabled, but Size of font is not accessable :-(" endcatch else Warnlog "Asian or ctl support is NOT enabled, but Size of font is not accessable :-(" try SizeWest.SetText "96" qaErrorLog "SizeWest. works" catch endcatch try SizeEast.SetText "96" qaErrorLog "SizeEast. works" catch endcatch try Size.SetText "96" qaErrorLog "Size. works" catch endcatch try SizeCTL.SetText "96" qaErrorLog "SizeCTL. works" catch endcatch endif endcatch TabFont.OK sleep 1 ContextPositionAndSize Kontext Active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize Kontext "TabPositionAndSize" printlog "compare width and heigth to control is it is still text" if ( Width.GetText = PosX or Height.GetText = PosY ) Then Printlog "- Text converted into polygon" else Warnlog "- Convert into polygon does not work." end if TabPositionAndSize.OK sleep 1 Call hCloseDocument Printlog "-------------------------------------------------end" Call hNewDocument sleep 3 printlog "insert graphic (input\\impress\\grafik\\sample.bmp)" Call hGrafikEinfuegen ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\enter.bmp" ) sleep 3 ContextConvertIntoPolygon Kontext "UmwandelnInPolygon" Farbanzahl.ToMax MaxAnzahl = Farbanzahl.GetText Farbanzahl.More 1 If Maxanzahl < Farbanzahl.GetText Then Warnlog "- Maximum value could be raised." printlog "set color to min" Farbanzahl.ToMin MinAnzahl = Farbanzahl.GetText printlog "try to set a value lower than minimum" Farbanzahl.Less 1 If Farbanzahl.GetText < Minanzahl then Warnlog "- Minimum value could be lowered." Farbanzahl.SetText "2" Vorschau.Click sleep 5 UmwandelnInPolygon.OK sleep 5 Printlog "- object vectorized." 'TBO: verify nasty bug about asian/ctl support ToolsOptions call hToolsOptions ("Languagesettings", "Languages") printlog "Asian: '" + Aktivieren.IsChecked + "'" printlog "CTL : '" + ComplexScriptEnabled.IsChecked + "'" Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK '----------------------------------------------- Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiModifyConvertToPolygon '-------------------------------------------------------- testcase tdContextConvertIntoBitmap printlog "new document" Call hNewDocument sleep 3 printlog "insert graphic" InsertGraphicsFromFile sleep 3 kontext "Active" if Active.Exists Then Active.OK end if sleep 5 Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg" sleep 2 printlog " uses input\impress\grafik\columbia.dxf" Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\columbia.dxf") sleep 2 Oeffnen.Click sleep 2 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists Then Warnlog Active.GetText + ", Test will end here because of problems putting graphics into the document" Active.OK sleep 2 Call hCloseDocument goto endsub end if Kontext "DocumentImpress" try printlog "convert dxf file to bitmap" ContextConvertIntoBitmap sleep 1 Printlog "- Convert into bitmap works" catch Warnlog "- Convert into bitmap does not work" endcatch sleep 2 printlog "close document" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tdContextConvertIntoBitmap '-------------------------------------------------------- testcase tiAendernUmwandelnInKurve Printlog " ----- ContextConvertIntoCurve testen" printlog "New impress document" Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout printlog "create textbox" Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("I test,test,test,test only, if it works for you",20,20,60,30) sleep 2 Kontext "DocumentImpress" printlog "deselect textbox " gMouseDoubleClick 70,70 sleep 2 printlog "select textbox " EditSelectAll sleep 2 printlog "convert into curve " ContextConvertIntoCurve sleep 3 gMouseClick 30,15 printlog "try to select 3 letters " hTypeKeys "",3 try printlog "try edit copy to check if its still text " EditCopy Warnlog " - Convert into curve, seperate letters should not be selectable anymore" catch Printlog " - Text converted into a curve" endcatch printlog "close document " Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiAendernUmwandelnInKurve '-------------------------------------------------------- testcase tiAendernUmwandelnInPolygonGrafik Printlog "- Context/ConvertIntoPolygon" printlog "new document " Call hNewDocument Call sSelectEmptyLayout printlog "insert graphic (desp.bmp) " InsertGraphicsFromFile Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg" printlog "use graphic : input\impress\grafik\desp.bmp" Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp" ) Oeffnen.Click sleep 3 Kontext "DocumentImpress" EditSelectAll sleep 1 printlog " convert into polygon " ContextConvertIntoPolygon Kontext "UmwandelnInPolygon" Printlog "- Testing vectorize dialog" printlog "set number of colors to max" Farbanzahl.ToMax if Farbanzahl.GetText <> "32" Then Warnlog "- Maximum value for color depth should be 32, but it is: " + Farbanzahl.GetText printlog "set number of colors to min" Farbanzahl.ToMin sleep 1 if Farbanzahl.GetText <> "8" Then Warnlog "- Minimum value for color depth should be 8 but it is: " + Farbanzahl.GetText sleep 2 printlog "set point reduction to 50 " Punktreduktion.SetText "50" sleep 2 if Punktreduktion.GetText <> "32 Pixel" Then Warnlog "- Maximum value should be 32, but it is: " + Punktreduktion.GetText sleep 1 printlog "set an out of range value" Punktreduktion.SetText "-50" sleep 1 if Punktreduktion.GetText <> "0 Pixel" Then Warnlog "- Minimum value should be 0, but it is: " + Punktreduktion.GetText printlog "uncheck fill holes" Loecherfuellen.Uncheck if Not Kachelgroesse.IsEnabled Then Printlog "- Control disabled." else Warnlog "- Control should be disabled if Fill is not checked." end if printlog "open preview" Vorschau.Click sleep 2 printlog "close dialog " UmwandelnInPolygon.OK sleep 5 printlog "close document" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiAendernUmwandelnInPolygonGrafik '-------------------------------------------------------- testcase tiAendernUmwandelnIn3D Printlog "- Convert into 3D" printlog "new impress document " Call hNewDocument sleep 1 printlog "create rectangle" hRechteckErstellen (10,10,40,40) printlog "convert into 3D " sleep 2 gMouseclick 35,35 sleep 1 try printlog "try to access convert ito 3d a 2nd time, should be impossible using a 3d object as source " ContextConvertInto3D Printlog "- Convert into 3D works" catch Warnlog "- Convert into 3D does not work" endcatch printlog "close document" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiAendernUmwandelnIn3D '-------------------------------------------------------- testcase tiAendernUmwandelnIn3DRotationskoerper Printlog "- ConvertInto3DRotationobject" Dim PosX Dim PosY printlog "new document" Call hNewDocument Kontext "DocumentImpress" printlog "create rectangle" hRechteckErstellen (20,20,50,50) sleep 1 printlog "get position values for the rectangle " ContextPositionAndSize Kontext Active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize Kontext "TabPositionAndSize" PosX = PositionX.GetText PosY = PositionY.GetText TabPositionAndSize.OK sleep 1 Kontext "DocumentImpress" printlog "convert into 3d lathe object" ContextConvertInto3DRotationObject sleep 2 ContextPositionAndSize Kontext printlog "control changes in position values to confirm convert action" Active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize Kontext "TabPositionAndSize" if PositionX.GetText = PosX and PositionY.GetText = PosY Then Warnlog "- No change in position or dimension, converting seemd not to work" TabPositionAndSize.OK sleep 1 printlog "close document " Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiAendernUmwandelnIn3DRotationskoerper '-------------------------------------------------------- testcase tiAendernUmwandelnInMetaFile Printlog "- ConvertIntoMetaFile" printlog "new document " Call hNewDocument sleep 3 printlog "insert graphic" InsertGraphicsFromFile sleep 1 kontext "Active" sleep 1 if Active.Exists Then Active.OK end if sleep 1 Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg" sleep 2 printlog " uses input\impress\grafik\desp.gif" Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\purzel.gif") sleep 2 Oeffnen.Click sleep 5 Kontext "DocumentImpress" try printlog "convert bitmap into metafile" ContextConvertIntoMetafile sleep 2 Printlog "- Convert into Metafile does work" catch Warnlog "- Convert into Metafile does not work" endcatch sleep 2 printlog "close document" Call hCloseDocument endcase 'tiAendernUmwandelnInMetaFile