'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : Graphics Export B-tests. (the usual suspects) '* '\****************************************************************************** testcase tPNG warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim x as integer dim i as integer dim iWaitIndex as integer dim sFilter as string dim sExt as string sFilter = "PNG - Portable Network Graphic (.png)" sExt = ".png" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString ) if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "PNGOptions" if PNGOptions.Exists (2) then Compression.ToMax Interlaced.UnCheck PNGOptions.OK iWaitIndex = 0 do while PNGOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30 sleep (1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif hCloseDocument () sleep 5 hNewDocument() sleep 5 Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt ) endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPNG '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tSVM warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim x as integer dim i as integer dim sFilter as string dim sExt as string dim bTemp as boolean dim sX as string dim sY as string dim sx1 as string dim sX2 as string dim sY2 as string dim sDocument as string sFilter = "SVM - StarView Metafile (.svm)" sExt = ".svm" printlog "opening test file" sDocument = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString) hFileOpen sDocument printlog "Trying export and canceling it.." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "SVMOptions" if SVMOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.More Exportheight.Less SVMOptions.Cancel sleep 5 printlog "Checking if directory is still empty.." if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed Printlog "ok :-)" else warnlog "dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177" endif else Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!" i=5 end if sleep 2 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem" Active.OK end if end if printlog "Doing real SVM export." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "SVMOptions" if SVMOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.Less Exportheight.More SVMOptions.OK sleep 5 endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif endif printlog "Closing TestDoc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "Opening new doc and inserting exported file." hNewDocument() sleep 5 Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt ) printlog "Closing doc with inserted file." hCloseDocument () printlog "Loading testdoc." hFileOpen (sDocument) sleep (10) printlog "Making doc editable." call fMakeDocumentWritable printlog "Selecting part of doc." hTypeKeys ("") printlog "getting size of part. " fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE printlog "exporting part of doc." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "SVMOptions" SVMOptions.OK sleep 5 if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif printlog "Closing testdoc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "Opening new doc." hNewDocument() sleep 5 printlog "Inserting exported part of Testdoc." Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt ) bTemp = FALSE printlog "checking size of inserted file." fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif printlog "closing doc." hCloseDocument () printlog "opening new doc." hNewDocument() printlog "inserting Rectangle." hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 ) printlog "Exporting Rectangle" if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "SVMOptions" if SVMOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.SetText "9" if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """" printlog "sx1= " & sx1 else sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """" printlog "sY= " & sY else sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif SVMOptions.OK sleep 5 endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif printlog "Closing doc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "Opening exported rectangle." hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) kontext "Filterauswahl" if Filterauswahl.exists then Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted." Filterauswahl.Cancel goto endsub endif kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("") printlog "Selecting and checking size.." ContextOriginalSize bTemp = FALSE fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif printlog "Closing doc." call hCloseDocument endcase 'tSVM '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tPDF warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim sPath as string dim sTemp as string dim iFileSize(12) as long dim i as integer printlog "Export the file 12 times: " printlog "every compression level (3) and every range (3), check if button in toolbar uses last settings (6) (-> 12) " hFileOpen (ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport_pdf."+ExtensionString )) sleep (10) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printlog "File->Export as PDF document" printlog " range = All" printlog " compression = Screen optimized" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "------------------- Output the first file ---------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 1, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 1) printlog "Export using Button in toolbar" printlog " use the settings from the export before" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "--------------------- Output the second file -------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 2, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 1) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used printlog "File->Export as PDF document" printlog " range = Range" printlog " compression = Screen optimized" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "---------------- Output the third file --------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 3, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 1, "2") printlog "Export using Button in toolbar" printlog " use the settings from the export before" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "---------------------- Output the fourth file -----------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 4, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 1) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used printlog "File->Export as PDF document" printlog " range = all" printlog " compression = Print optimized" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "----------------------------- Output the fifth file ------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 5, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 2) printlog "Export using Button in toolbar" printlog " use the settings from the export before" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "---------------------- Output the sixth file -------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 6, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 2) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used printlog "File->Export as PDF document" printlog " range = Range" printlog " compression = Screen optimized" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "------------------ Output the seventh file ---------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 7, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 2, "2") printlog "Export using Button in toolbar" printlog " use the settings from the export before" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "---------------------- Output the eight file -------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 8, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 2) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used printlog "File->Export as PDF document" printlog " range = all" printlog " compression = Press optimized" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "------------------- Output the ninth file ----------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 9, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 3) printlog "Export using Button in toolbar" printlog "use the settings from the export before" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "------------------------- Output the tenth file ----------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 10, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 3) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used printlog "File->Export as PDF document" printlog " range = all" printlog " compression = Press optimized" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "----------------- Output the eleventh file ---------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (3, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 11, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 3, "2") printlog "Export using Button in toolbar" printlog "use the settings from the export before" kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec printlog "------------------ Output the twelfth file ---------------------" hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, OutputGrafikTBO + 12, TRUE, FALSE, 2, 3) ' button in toolbar -> last settings have to be used kontext "Standardbar" checkexppdfwaitmax10sec '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i=1 to 12 sPath = OutputGrafikTBO sPath = sPath + i + ".pdf" iFileSize(i) = app.FileLen(sPath) Printlog (" - " + i + ": " + " " + iFileSize(i) + " " + sPath if (dir(sPath) <> "") then sleep(1) printlog " the first line has to be %PDF-1.4" sTemp = fGetFileText(sPath, 8) if (sTemp <> "%PDF-1.4") then Warnlog "File doesn't start with '%PDF-1.4' it is: '" + sTemp + "'" endif printlog "the last line has to be '%%EOF' " sTemp = left(fGetFileText(sPath, -6),5) if (sTemp <> "%%EOF") then Warnlog "File doesn't end with '%%EOF' it is: '" + sTemp + "'" endif else Warnlog "File was not exported to PDF :-( '" + sPath + "'" endif next i printlog "Check if the file size is the same when exporting via toolbar and file/export" printlog "if the size is different then the options are not used when exporting via the toolbar" if (iFileSize(1) <> iFileSize(2)) then qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button" 'Warnlog ("Diffrence in filesize for file 1 and 2") endif if (iFileSize(5) <> iFileSize(6)) then qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button" 'Warnlog ("Difference in filesize for file 5 and 6") endif if (iFileSize(9) <> iFileSize(10)) then qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button" 'Warnlog ("Difference in filesize for file 9 and 10") endif if (iFileSize(1) > iFileSize(5)) then qaerrorlog "i100919: pdf export: different file size when exporting with file/export or button" 'Warnlog ("Filesize for file 1 is greater then for file 5. The compression level doesn't work.") endif if (iFileSize(5) > iFileSize(9)) then Warnlog ("Filesize for file 5 is greater then for file 9. The compression level doesn't work.") endif call hCloseDocument() endcase 'tPDF '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tPDF_Creator dim sPath as String dim sApp as String dim sTemp as String dim bTemp as String dim sTemp2 as String dim iFileSize(3) as long dim iCreatorOffset as integer dim i as integer dim sTextFilter as String dim sTextFiltername as String dim sExtension() as String sTemp = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\export_graphic3." + ExtensionString ) printlog "sTemp=" & sTemp printlog "File load" hFileOpen (sTemp) sleep (30) sPath = OutputGrafikTBO sTemp = sPath sPath = sPath + "L.pdf" printlog "sPath : " & sPath sleep(1) printlog "Exporting File as pdf but with txt ending.." hExportAsPDFmulti (1, TRUE, sPath, TRUE, FALSE, 1, 1) name sPath as sTemp+"L.txt" sleep (30) iFileSize(3) = app.FileLen(sTemp+"L.txt") iCreatorOffset = 0 sleep 5 printlog "load file in writer as text" printlog "Load File.." hFileOpen(sTemp+"L.txt") printlog "If dialog 'AsciiFilterOptionen' comes up, say OK" printlog "Checking for FilterDialog.." Kontext "AsciiFilterOptionen" If AsciiFilterOptionen.Exists(3) then AsciiFilterOptionen.OK endif printlog "Selecting Filter.." Kontext "Filterauswahl" If Filterauswahl.Exists then Filter.Select ( hGetUIFiltername("Text" )) Filterauswahl.OK End If sApp = gApplication gApplication = "WRITER" sleep 5 printlog "Search in Doc for <") editcopy sTemp = getClipboardText() printlog "sTemp from clipboard: " & sTemp sTemp = left(sTemp, inStr(sTemp, ">")-1) printlog "shortened sTemp: " & sTemp sTemp2 = "" for i = 0 to (len(sTemp)/4)-1 sTemp2 = sTemp2 + chr("&H"+mid(sTemp,(i*4)+1, 4)) next i printlog "sTemp2: " & sTemp2 printlog sTemp + " -- " + len(sTemp) + " ::: '" + sTemp2 + "'" if (lCase(sapp) <> lCase(right(sTemp2, len(stemp2)-1))) then warnlog "Application is different from Creator; is: '" + lCase(sTemp2) + "' should: '" + lCase(sapp) + "'" endif printlog "iCreatorOffset: " & iCreatorOffset iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + len(sTemp) printlog "iCreatorOffset + len(sTemp): " & iCreatorOffset printlog "Search for Producer.." bTemp = hFindeImDokument ("/Producer<") if (bTemp = TRUE) then Printlog "OK, found." else warnlog " /Producer not found in pdf file :-(" endif printlog "getting clipboard content.." hTypeKeys("") editcopy sTemp = getClipboardText() printlog "sTemp from clipboard: " & sTemp sTemp = left(sTemp, inStr(sTemp, ">")-1) printlog "shortened sTemp: " & sTemp sTemp2 = "" printlog "len(sTemp): " & ((len(sTemp)/4)-1) for i = 0 to (len(sTemp)/4)-1 sTemp2 = sTemp2 + chr("&H"+mid(sTemp,(i*4)+1, 4)) printlog "sTemp2: " & sTemp2 next i printlog sTemp + " -- " + len(sTemp) + " ::: '" + sTemp2 + "'" if gOOO then iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + len(sTemp) printlog "In case of OOO iCreatorOffset is: " & iCreatorOffset else if bAsianLan then iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + 48 if (len(sTemp) <> 48) then warnlog "Producer is different from 'StarSuite 8'; is: '" + sTemp2 + "'" endif else printlog "iCreatorOffset:" & iCreatorOffset iCreatorOffset = iCreatorOffset + 52 printlog "iCreatorOffset + 52:" & iCreatorOffset if (len(sTemp) <> 92) then warnlog "Producer is different from ''; is: '" + sTemp2 + "'" endif endif endif gApplication = sApp call hCloseDocument call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPDF_Creator '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tSVG warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim x as integer dim i as integer dim sFilter as string dim sExt as string dim bTemp as boolean dim sTemp as string dim sTextFilter as string dim sExtension() as string dim sTextFiltername as string sFilter = "SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)" sExt = ".svg" hFileOpen ( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString ) '------------------------\ if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then '------------------------\ if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'" '------------------------\ if (iSprache <> 82) then hCloseDocument () sleep 5 sTextFilter = "Text" hFileOpenWithFilter (OutputGrafikTBO+sExt, sTextFiltername, FALSE) printlog "if dialog 'AsciiFilterOptionen' comes up, say OK" Kontext "AsciiFilterOptionen" '-------------------------------\ If AsciiFilterOptionen.Exists(3) then AsciiFilterOptionen.OK else warnlog "No ASCII filter Options Dialog?" endif '-------------------------------/ sTemp = gApplication gApplication = "WRITER" sleep 5 ' wait for document to be loaded bTemp = hFindeImDokument ("",true) '-------------------------------\ if (bTemp = TRUE) then Printlog "OK" else warnlog "DOCTYPE not found in svg file :-(" endif '-------------------------------/ gApplication = sTemp else qaerrorlog "disabled for 82: #111017#" endif '--------------------------/ else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif '------------------------/ endif '------------------------/ call hCloseDocument endcase 'tSVG '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tBMP warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim x as integer dim i as integer dim bTemp as boolean dim sX as string dim sY as string dim sx1 as string dim sX2 as string dim sY2 as string dim sDocument as string printlog "open the Test-document" sDocument = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport."+ExtensionString) hFileOpen sDocument printlog "Trying to export and canceling.." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" ) = TRUE then Kontext "BMPOptions" if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then x = Colordepth.GetItemCount if x <> 7 then warnlog "Color Resolution Count is wrong; should be:7, is:" + x for i = 1 to x Colordepth.Select i sleep 1 Printlog " - " + i + ": '" +Colordepth.GetSelText + "'" next i Sleep 1 printlog "Leave dialog with cancel -> there has to be no file created!" BMPOptions.Cancel sleep 5 if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp") = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed Printlog "ok :-)" else warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177" endif else Warnlog "No BMP-Option-Dialog!" i=5 end if sleep 2 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then Warnlog "BMP-Exportfilter has a problem" Active.OK end if end if Printlog " now save it really and load the file afterwards" if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)" ) = TRUE then Kontext "BMPOptions" if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then Colordepth.Select 7 Compression.Check BMPOptions.OK sleep 5 endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp") <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp" + "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif printlog "Closing doc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "Opening new doc." hNewDocument() sleep 5 printlog "Inserting exported file." Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+".bmp" ) endif printlog "Closing doc again." hCloseDocument () Printlog "Now save a SELECTION in and load the file afterwards" hFileOpen (sDocument) kontext "Filterauswahl" if Filterauswahl.exists(10) then Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted." Filterauswahl.Cancel goto endsub endif printlog "check if the document is writable" call fMakeDocumentWritable hTypeKeys ("") fGetSizeXY sx1, sy, TRUE if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "1" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "BMPOptions" if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then BMPOptions.OK sleep 5 endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp") <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" + "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif hCloseDocument () sleep 5 hNewDocument() sleep 5 Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO + "1"+".bmp" ) bTemp = FALSE fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif hCloseDocument () Printlog "Now create a rectangle, select it, save it in SIZE and load the file afterwards" hNewDocument() hTypeKeys "" gMouseClick 50, 50 hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 ) if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO + "2" , "BMP - Windows Bitmap (.bmp)", TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "BMPOptions" if BMPOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.SetText "9" if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """" printlog "sx1= " & sx1 else sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """" printlog "sY= " & sY else sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif BMPOptions.OK sleep 5 endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp") <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" + OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp" + "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif printlog "Closing doc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO + "2"+".bmp") kontext "Filterauswahl" if Filterauswahl.exists then Warnlog "Error when loading the file. The Filter-dialogue came up. Test aborted." Filterauswahl.Cancel goto endsub endif kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("") ContextOriginalSize bTemp = FALSE fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tBMP '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tEMF warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim x as integer dim i as integer dim sFilter as string dim sExt as string dim bTemp as boolean dim sX as string dim sY as string dim sx1 as string dim sX2 as string dim sY2 as string dim sDocument as string sFilter = "EMF - Enhanced Metafile (.emf)" sExt = ".emf" sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString hFileOpen sDocument if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "EMFOptions" if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.More Exportheight.Less EMFOptions.Cancel sleep 5 if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed Printlog "ok :-)" else warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177" endif else Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!" i=5 end if sleep 2 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem" Active.OK end if end if if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "EMFOptions" if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.More Exportheight.Less EMFOptions.OK sleep 5 endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif hCloseDocument () sleep 5 hNewDocument() sleep 5 Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt ) endif hCloseDocument () hNewDocument() hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 ) if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "EMFOptions" if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.SetText "9" if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """" printlog "sx1= " & sx1 else sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """" printlog "sY= " & sY else sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif EMFOptions.OK sleep 5 endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif hCloseDocument () sleep 5 hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("") ContextOriginalSize bTemp = FALSE fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "3" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "EMFOptions" if EMFOptions.Exists (2) then sX2 = Exportwidth.GetText if (LiberalMeasurement(sx1, sX2)) <> TRUE then if (val(str(StrToDouble(sx1)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sX2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sx1 )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sX2 )) then Printlog "Width was ok. Expected: " & sx1 & "' was: '" & sX2 & "'" else warnLog "Width is different expected: '" & sx1 & "' is: '" & sX2 & "'" endif endif sY2 = Exportheight.GetText if (LiberalMeasurement(sY, sY2)) <> TRUE then if ( val(str(StrToDouble(sY)+5)) >= StrToDouble(sY2) ) AND (val(str(StrToDouble ( sY )-5)) <= StrToDouble ( sY2 )) then Printlog "Height was ok. Expected: " & sY & "' was: '" & sY2 & "'" else warnLog "Height is different expected: '" & sY & "' is: '" & sY2 & "'" endif endif EMFOptions.Cancel sleep 5 endif endif endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tEMF '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tMET warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim x as integer dim i as integer dim iWaitIndex as integer dim sFilter, sExt as string dim bTemp as boolean dim sX as string dim sY as string dim sx1 as string dim sX2 as string dim sY2 as string dim sTemp as string dim sDocument as string sFilter = "MET - OS/2 Metafile (.met)" sExt = ".met" sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString printlog "loading Test File" hFileOpen sDocument printlog "----------1st: Trying to export and then canceling it" if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "METOptions" if METOptions.Exists (2) then sTemp = Exportwidth.getText Exportwidth.More if (sTemp = Exportwidth.getText) then qaErrorLog "Width didn't change on pressing button 'More' #112225#" Exportwidth.setText "10" endif sTemp = Exportheight.getText Exportheight.Less if (sTemp = Exportheight.getText) then warnlog "Height didn't change on pressing button 'Less'" endif printlog "Canceling export..." METOptions.Cancel sleep 5 if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed Printlog "ok :-)" else warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177" endif else Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!" i=5 end if sleep 2 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem" Active.OK end if end if printlog "----------2nd: doing real export.." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "METOptions" if METOptions.Exists (2) then sTemp = Exportwidth.getText Exportwidth.Less if (sTemp = Exportwidth.getText) then warnlog "Width didn't change on pressing button 'Less'" endif sTemp = Exportheight.getText Exportheight.More if (sTemp = Exportheight.getText) then qaErrorLog "Height didn't change on pressing button 'More' #112225#" Exportwidth.setText "10" endif METOptions.OK iWaitIndex = 0 do while METOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30 sleep (1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif printlog "Closing test doc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "----------3rd: Inserting export into new doc." printlog "Opening new doc." hNewDocument() sleep 5 printlog "Inserting the exported file..." Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt ) endif printlog "Closing file with inserted graphic." hCloseDocument () printlog "----------4th: Exporting part of test doc." printlog "Opening test file.." hFileOpen (sDocument) sleep (10) printlog "making doc editable if it is readonly" call fMakeDocumentWritable printlog "Selecting part of doc for export.." hTypeKeys ("") fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "METOptions" if METOptions.Exists (2) then METOptions.OK iWaitIndex = 0 do while METOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30 sleep (1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif printlog "Closing testfile" hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "----------5th: Inserting exported part into new doc." printlog "Opening new file.." hNewDocument() sleep 5 printlog "inserting exported part." Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt ) bTemp = FALSE printlog "Checking size." fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif printlog "Closing doc." hCloseDocument () printlog "----------6th: exporting fresh rectangle." printlog "opening new file." hNewDocument() printlog "inserting rectangle." hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 ) printlog "Exporting rectangle.." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "METOptions" if METOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.SetText "9" if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """" printlog "sx1= " & sx1 else sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """" printlog "sY= " & sY else sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif METOptions.OK iWaitIndex = 0 do while METOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30 sleep (1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif printlog "closing doc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "----------7th:Opening exported file with rectangle" hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("") printlog "Checking file size." ContextOriginalSize bTemp = FALSE fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tMET '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tSWF warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim sFilter as string dim sExt as string dim x as integer dim i as integer sFilter = "Macromedia Flash (SWF) (.swf)" sExt = ".swf" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString ) if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'" sleep 5 else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tSWF '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tWMF warnlog( "#i115138 - Loading test document freezes the office" ) goto endsub dim x as integer dim i as integer dim iWaitIndex as integer dim sFilter as string dim sExt as string dim bTemp as boolean dim sX as string dim sY as string dim sx1 as string dim sX2 as string dim sY2 as string dim sDocument as string sFilter = "WMF - Windows Metafile (.wmf)" sExt = ".wmf" sDocument = gTesttoolPath & "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." & ExtensionString printlog "Loading testdoc." hFileOpen sDocument printlog "Starting export as WMF and canceling.." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "WMFOptions" if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.Less Exportheight.More WMFOptions.Cancel sleep 5 if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) = "") then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed Printlog "ok :-), nothing exported due to canceling." else warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177" endif else Warnlog "No '" & sFilter & "' -Dialog!" i=5 end if sleep 2 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then Warnlog " '" & sFilter & "' has a problem" Active.OK end if end if printlog "Doing real export." if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then Kontext "WMFOptions" if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.Less Exportheight.More WMFOptions.OK iWaitIndex = 0 do while WMFOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30 sleep (1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO+sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO+sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif Printlog "Closing test doc." hCloseDocument () sleep 5 printlog "Opening new odc." hNewDocument() sleep 5 printlog "Inserting exported graphic." Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt ) endif printlog "Closing." hCloseDocument () Printlog "Opening exported file." hFileOpen (sDocument) sleep (10) printlog "making doc editable if it is readonly" call fMakeDocumentWritable hTypeKeys ("") fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "1" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "WMFOptions" if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then WMFOptions.OK iWaitIndex = 0 do while WMFOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30 sleep (1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif hCloseDocument () sleep 5 hNewDocument() sleep 5 Call hGrafikEinfuegen ( OutputGrafikTBO & "1" & sExt ) bTemp = FALSE fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif hCloseDocument () hNewDocument() hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 ) if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) = TRUE then Kontext "WMFOptions" if WMFOptions.Exists (2) then Exportwidth.SetText "9" if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """" printlog "sx1= " & sx1 else sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """" printlog "sY= " & sY else sY = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif WMFOptions.OK iWaitIndex = 0 do while WMFOptions.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 30 sleep (1) iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1 loop endif if ( dir(OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) <> "") then Printlog "Ok :-) Saved as: '" & OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt & "'" else warnlog "File didn't get saved :-(" endif hCloseDocument () sleep 5 hFileOpen (OutputGrafikTBO & "2" & sExt) kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("") ContextOriginalSize bTemp = FALSE fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, bTemp if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tWMF '------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fGetFileText (sFilename as string, iCount as long) as string printlog "This function is for getting the first or last n characters of a file" printlog "Input:filename number If the number greater 0 then get n characters from start." printlog "number smaller 0 get from end of file." printlog "Output:string with characters" dim iFile as integer ' filehandle dim iTem as integer ' get 2 bytes of the file dim iTemByte(2) as integer ' move 1 byte from iTem in each item dim sTemp as string ' string of file dim iSize as long ' size in bytes of file dim i as long ' runner :-) iFile = FreeFile Printlog "FreeFile: " + iFile if (dir (sFilename) <> "") then Printlog "FileLen: " + FileLen(sFile) Open sFilename For binary access read shared As #iFile Printlog "Loc: " + Loc(#iFile) ' LONG! where am i in the file? iSize = Lof(#iFile) ' get size in bytes of file if (iSize > 65530) then '65536 = 64kB 'Warnlog "fGetFileText: file '" + sFilename + "' might get problems on reading it? size is > 65530 Byte: '" + iSize + "'" else printlog "iSize: " + iSize endif sTemp = "" if (iCount >= 0) then ' get bytes from file start get iFile,1,sTemp ' get max 64kByte; but not the 1st 2 bytes :-( get iFile,1,iTem ' get the first 2 bytes of the file iTemByte(2) = (iTem AND &H0000FF00) \ &H100 ' and seperate the bytes iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF) sTemp = chr(iTemByte(1)) + chr(iTemByte(2)) + sTemp ' put them together else ' get bytes from file end if ((iSize+iCount) > 0) then select case (iSize+iCount) case 1: get iFile,1,sTemp ' take bytes from the end of the file get iFile,1,iTem ' get the first 2 bytes of the file sTemp = chr(iTemByte(2)) + sTemp ' put them together case else: get iFile,(iSize+iCount)-1,sTemp ' take bytes from the end of the file end select else get iFile,1,sTemp ' take bytes from the end of the file get iFile,1,iTem ' get the first 2 bytes of the file iTemByte(2) = (iTem AND &H0000FF00) \ &H100 ' and seperate the bytes iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF) sTemp = chr(iTemByte(1)) + chr(iTemByte(2)) + sTemp ' put them together endif endif printlog "'"+left(sTemp,iSize)+"'" ' gotcha! if (iSize-(Abs(iCount)) >= 0) then fGetFileText = left(sTemp,Abs(iCount)) else 'Warnlog "fGetFileText: file '" + sFilename + "' isn't as big as expected; will only return '" + iSize+ "' bytes fom: " + iCount fGetFileText = left(sTemp,iSize) endif ' debugging routine -------------------------------------- ' iSize = Lof(#iFile) ' printlog "iSize: " + iSize ' sTemp = "" ' if iSize > 0 then ' printlog "iSize \ 2: " + (iSize \ 2) ' for i = 0 to ((iSize \ 2)-1) ' get iFile,(i*2)+1,iTem ' Printlog "i: " + i + ": 0x" + hex(iTem) ' iTemByte(2) = (iTem AND &H0000FF00) \ &H100 ' iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF) ' sTemp = sTemp + chr(iTemByte(1)) + chr(iTemByte(2)) ' next i ' if (iSize MOD 2) = 1 then ' get iFile,iSize,iTem ' Printlog "i: " + iSize + ": 0x" + hex(iTem) ' iTemByte(1) = (iTem AND &H000000FF) ' sTemp = sTemp + chr(iTemByte(1)) ' endif ' endif ' printlog "'"+sTemp+"'" ' debugging routine -------------------------------------- Close #iFile else ' does file exist Warnlog "fGetFileText: file '" + sFilename + "' doesn't exist" fGetFileText = "" endif end function