#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** PRJ := ..$/..$/.. PRJNAME := bridges TARGET := test_javauno_nativethreadpool PACKAGE := test$/javauno$/nativethreadpool ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS := TRUE #TODO: .IF "$(OS)" == "LINUX" JVM_LIB_URL := file:///net/grande.germany/develop6/update/dev/Linux_JDK_1.4.1_03/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so .ELSE ERROR -- missing platform .ENDIF .INCLUDE: settings.mk DLLPRE = # no leading "lib" on .so files INCPRE += $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/inc SHL1TARGET = $(TARGET)_client.uno SHL1OBJS = $(SLO)$/testnativethreadpoolclient.obj SHL1STDLIBS = $(CPPULIB) $(CPPUHELPERLIB) $(SALLIB) SHL1VERSIONMAP = version.map SHL1IMPLIB = i$(TARGET)_client SHL2TARGET = $(TARGET)_server.uno SHL2OBJS = $(SLO)$/testnativethreadpoolserver.obj SHL2STDLIBS = $(CPPULIB) $(CPPUHELPERLIB) $(SALLIB) SHL2VERSIONMAP = version.map SHL2IMPLIB = i$(TARGET)_server SLOFILES = $(SHL1OBJS) $(SHL2OBJS) JAVAFILES = Relay.java JARFILES = java_uno.jar juh.jar jurt.jar ridl.jar .INCLUDE: target.mk ALLTAR: test EXEC_CLASSPATH_TMP = $(foreach,i,$(JARFILES) $(SOLARBINDIR)$/$i) EXEC_CLASSPATH = \ $(strip $(subst,!,$(PATH_SEPERATOR) $(EXEC_CLASSPATH_TMP:s/ /!/))) $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/types.rdb: types.idl - rm $@ - $(MKDIR) $(MISC)$/$(TARGET) - $(MKDIR) $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/inc $(IDLC) -I$(SOLARIDLDIR) -O$(MISC)$/$(TARGET) $< $(REGMERGE) $@ /UCR $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/types.urd $(CPPUMAKER) -BUCR -C -O$(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/inc $@ -X$(SOLARBINDIR)$/types.rdb $(JAVAMAKER) -BUCR -nD -O$(CLASSDIR) $@ -X$(SOLARBINDIR)$/types.rdb $(SLOFILES) $(JAVACLASSFILES): $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/types.rdb $(BIN)$/$(TARGET).uno.jar: $(JAVACLASSFILES) relay.manifest jar cfm $@ relay.manifest -C $(CLASSDIR) test/javauno/nativethreadpool $(BIN)$/$(TARGET).rdb .ERRREMOVE: $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/types.rdb \ $(BIN)$/$(TARGET).uno.jar cp $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/types.rdb $@ $(REGMERGE) $@ / $(SOLARBINDIR)$/types.rdb $(REGCOMP) -register -r $@ -c acceptor.uno$(DLLPOST) \ -c bridgefac.uno$(DLLPOST) -c connector.uno$(DLLPOST) \ -c remotebridge.uno$(DLLPOST) -c uuresolver.uno$(DLLPOST) \ -c javaloader.uno$(DLLPOST) -c javavm.uno$(DLLPOST) \ -c stocservices.uno$(DLLPOST) cp $(SOLARBINDIR)$/types.rdb $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/bootstrap.rdb $(REGCOMP) -register -r $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/bootstrap.rdb \ -c javaloader.uno$(DLLPOST) -c javavm.uno$(DLLPOST) \ -c stocservices.uno$(DLLPOST) .IF "$(GUI)" == "WNT" ERROR -- missing platform .ELSE # GUI, WNT + export OO_JAVA_PROPERTIES='RuntimeLib=$(JVM_LIB_URL)' && \ $(REGCOMP) -register -r $@ -c file://$(PWD)/$(BIN)$/$(TARGET).uno.jar \ -br $(MISC)$/$(TARGET)$/bootstrap.rdb -classpath $(EXEC_CLASSPATH) \ -env:URE_INTERNAL_JAVA_DIR=file://$(SOLARBINDIR) .ENDIF # GUI, WNT test .PHONY: $(SHL1TARGETN) $(BIN)$/$(TARGET).uno.jar $(BIN)$/$(TARGET).rdb .IF "$(GUI)" == "WNT" ERROR -- missing platform .ELSE # GUI, WNT $(AUGMENT_LIBRARY_PATH) uno -c test.javauno.nativethreadpool.server \ -l $(SHL2TARGETN) -ro $(BIN)$/$(TARGET).rdb \ -u 'uno:socket,host=localhost,port=3830;urp;test' --singleaccept & + $(AUGMENT_LIBRARY_PATH) OO_JAVA_PROPERTIES='RuntimeLib=$(JVM_LIB_URL)' \ CLASSPATH=$(EXEC_CLASSPATH)$(PATH_SEPERATOR)$(BIN)$/$(TARGET).uno.jar \ uno -c test.javauno.nativethreadpool.client -l $(SHL1TARGETN) \ -ro $(BIN)$/$(TARGET).rdb \ -env:URE_INTERNAL_JAVA_DIR=file://$(SOLARBINDIR) .ENDIF # GUI, WNT