Only Copy Visible Cells/text/scalc/guide/cellcopy.xhpcells; copying/deleting/formatting/movingrows;visible and invisiblecopying; visible cells onlyformatting;visible cells onlymoving;visible cells onlydeleting;visible cells onlyinvisible cellsfilters;copying visible cells onlyhidden cellsmw changed "cells;"Only Copy Visible Cells
Assume you have hidden a few rows in a cell range. Now you want to copy, delete, or format only the remaining visible rows.$[officename] behavior depends on how the cells were made invisible, by a filter or manually.
Method and ActionResultCells were filtered by AutoFilters, standard filters or advanced filters.Copy, delete, move, or format a selection of currently visible cells.Only the visible cells of the selection are copied, deleted, moved, or formatted.Cells were hidden using the Hide command in the context menu of the row or column headers, or through an outline.Copy, delete, move, or format a selection of currently visible cells.All cells of the selection, including the hidden cells, are copied, deleted, moved, or formatted.