#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** PACKAGEDIR*:=$(subst,.,/ $(PACKAGE)) XSLTPACKAGEDIR*:=$(subst,.,/ $(PACKAGE)) XCSROOTURL!:=$(ABSXCSROOT) .IF $(GUI)==WNT XCSROOTURL!:=file:///$(subst,\,/ $(XCSROOTURL)) .ENDIF SYSXSLDIR*:=$(XSLDIR)/ .IF $(GUI)==OS2 XCSROOTURL!:=$(subst,\,/ $(XCSROOTURL)) SYSXSLDIR!:=$(subst,\,/ $(SYSXSLDIR))/ .ENDIF # # --- XCS --- # .IF "$(XCSFILES)"!="" # remove unnecessary info from the component schemas XCS_TRIM=$(PROCESSOUT)/registry/schema/$(PACKAGEDIR)/{$(XCSFILES)} # transform xcs format to properties format # XCS_RESOURCES=$(foreach,i,$(XCSFILES) $(MISC)/registry/res/{$(alllangiso)}/$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(i:b).properties) ALLTAR: \ $(XCS_TRIM) .ENDIF # "$(XCSFILES)"!="" .IF "$(XCS_TRIM)" != "" $(XCS_TRIM) : $(DTDDIR)/registry/component-schema.dtd \ $(XSLDIR)/schema_val.xsl \ $(XSLDIR)/sanity.xsl \ $(XSLDIR)/schema_trim.xsl .ENDIF $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/schema/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcs : %.xcs @echo "Making: (.xcs) " $(@:f) .IF "$(VERBOSE)" != "FALSE" @echo --- validating and stripping schema files .ENDIF @-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $(@:d))$*.val) \ --stringparam componentName $(PACKAGE).$* \ $(SYSXSLDIR)schema_val.xsl $< $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $(@:d))$*.san) \ $(SYSXSLDIR)sanity.xsl $< $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $@)) \ $(SYSXSLDIR)schema_trim.xsl $< @+-$(RM) $(@:d)$*.val > $(NULLDEV) @+-$(RM) $(@:d)$*.san > $(NULLDEV) $(PROCESSOUT)/merge/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcs : %.xcs # just a copy for now - insert "cfgex" commandline when required $(COMMAND_ECHO)-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(COPY) $< $@ # Create properties files for localized contents (Currently not built) .IF "$(XCS_RESOURCES)" != "" $(XCS_RESOURCES) : $(XSLDIR)/resource.xsl .ENDIF $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/res/{$(alllangiso)}/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.properties :| $(PROCESSOUT)/merge/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcs @echo "Making: (.xcs) " $(@:f) .IF "$(VERBOSE)" != "FALSE" @echo --- creating locale dependent resource bundles .ENDIF @-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $@)) \ --stringparam locale {$(subst,/$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(@:f), $(subst,$(PROCESSOUT)/registry/res/, $@))} \ $(SYSXSLDIR)resource.xsl $< # # --- XCU --- # .IF "$(XCUFILES)"!="" XCU_DEFAULT =$(PROCESSOUT)/registry/data/$(PACKAGEDIR)/{$(XCUFILES)} XCU_MODULES =$(foreach,i,$(MODULEFILES) $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/spool/$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(i)) XCU_LANG =$(foreach,i,$(LOCALIZEDFILES) $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/res/{$(alllangiso)}/$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(i)) .ENDIF # "$(XCUFILES)"!="" .IF "$(XCU_DEFAULT)" != "" $(XCU_DEFAULT) : $(DTDDIR)/registry/component-update.dtd \ $(XSLDIR)/data_val.xsl \ $(XSLDIR)/alllang.xsl .ENDIF $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/data/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcu : %.xcu @echo "Making: (.xcu) " $(@:f) .IF "$(VERBOSE)" != "FALSE" @echo --- validating and creating a locale independent file .ENDIF @-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $(@:d))$*.val) \ --stringparam xcs $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema/$(XSLTPACKAGEDIR)/$*.xcs \ --stringparam schemaRoot $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema \ --path $(DTDDIR)/registry \ $(SYSXSLDIR)data_val.xsl $< $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $@)) \ --stringparam xcs $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema/$(XSLTPACKAGEDIR)/$*.xcs \ --stringparam schemaRoot $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema \ --path $(DTDDIR)/registry \ $(SYSXSLDIR)alllang.xsl $< @+-$(RM) $(@:d)$*.val > $(NULLDEV) # --- localizations --- .IF "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" .IF "$(XCU_LANG)"!="" $(XCU_LANG) : $(LOCALIZESDF) .ENDIF # "$(XCU_LANG)"!="" $(PROCESSOUT)/merge/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcu : %.xcu @-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(SOLARBINDIR)/genLang merge $(PRJNAME) $(SRC_ROOT)/languages/source "$(WITH_LANG)" -t $(PROCESSOUT)/merge/$(PACKAGEDIR) -d -v -f $< .IF "$(XCU_LANG)" != "" $(XCU_LANG) : $(XSLDIR)/alllang.xsl .ENDIF $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/res/{$(alllangiso)}/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcu :| $(PROCESSOUT)/merge/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcu .ELSE # "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/res/{$(alllangiso)}/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcu :| %.xcu .ENDIF # "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" @echo "Making: (.xcu) " $(@:f) .IF "$(VERBOSE)" != "FALSE" @echo --- creating locale dependent entries .ENDIF @-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $@)) \ --stringparam xcs $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema/$(XSLTPACKAGEDIR)/$*.xcs \ --stringparam schemaRoot $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema \ --stringparam locale {$(subst,/$(PACKAGEDIR)/$(@:f), $(subst,$(PROCESSOUT)/registry/res/, $@))} \ --path $(DTDDIR)/registry \ $(SYSXSLDIR)alllang.xsl $< # --- languagepack tag modules --- .IF "$(LANGUAGEPACKS)" != "" $(LANGUAGEPACKS) : $(XSLDIR)/delcomment.sed .ENDIF $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/spool/Langpack-%.xcu : Langpack.xcu.tmpl .IF "$(VERBOSE)" != "FALSE" @echo --- creating a Langpack module for locale $* .ENDIF -$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(SED) -e "s/__LANGUAGE__/$*/" -f $(XSLDIR)/delcomment.sed $< > $@ # --- modules --- .IF "$(XCU_MODULES)" != "" $(XCU_MODULES) : $(XSLDIR)/alllang.xsl .ENDIF $(PROCESSOUT)/registry/spool/$(PACKAGEDIR)/%.xcu :| $$(@:b:s/-/./:b).xcu @echo "Making: (.xcu) " $(@:f) .IF "$(VERBOSE)" != "FALSE" @echo --- creating a module file .ENDIF @-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(normpath $(subst,$(PATH_IN_MODULE), $(PWD))/$(subst,$(PRJ), $@)) \ --stringparam xcs $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema/$(XSLTPACKAGEDIR)/$(<:b).xcs \ --stringparam schemaRoot $(XCSROOTURL)/registry/schema \ --stringparam module $(subst,$(<:b)-, $(*)) \ $(SYSXSLDIR)alllang.xsl $< .IF "$(XCUFILES)"!="" ALLTAR: \ $(XCU_DEFAULT) \ $(XCU_MODULES) \ $(XCU_LANG) $(XCU_DEFAULT) : $$(@:d:s!$(PROCESSOUT)/registry/data/!$(ABSXCSROOT)/registry/schema/!)$$(@:f:s/.xcu/.xcs/) .ENDIF # "$(XCUFILES)"!=""