#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** ####################################################### # unroll begin .IF "$(RESLIB$(TNR)TARGETN)"!="" $(RSC_MULTI$(TNR)) : \ $(RESLIB$(TNR)SRSFILES) \ $(RESLIB$(TNR)TARGETN) \ $(RESLIB$(TNR)BMPS) @echo Compiling: $(@:f) .IF "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(RSC) -presponse $(VERBOSITY) @$(mktmp \ -r -p \ $(foreach,i,$(alllangiso) -lg$i \ $(null,$(rescharset_{$i}) $(default$(LANG_GUI)) $(rescharset_{$i})) \ -fs={$(subst,$(OUTPATH),$(COMMON_OUTDIR) $(BIN))/$(RESLIB$(TNR)NAME)$i.res} \ $(foreach,j,$(subst,$(PRJ),$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/$(PRJNAME) $(RESLIB$(TNR)IMAGES)) -lip={$j}/$i \ -lip={$j} ) \ -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res/$i -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res \ -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/$i -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG) ) \ -subMODULE=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG) \ -subGLOBALRES=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res \ -oil={$(subst,$(OUTPATH),$(COMMON_OUTDIR) $(BIN))} \ -ft=$@ \ $(RSC$(TNR)HEADER) $(RESLIB$(TNR)SRSFILES) \ ) > $(NULLDEV) .ELSE # "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(RSC) -presponse $(VERBOSITY) @$(mktmp \ -r -p \ $(foreach,i,$(alllangiso) -lg$i \ $(null,$(rescharset_{$i}) $(default$(LANG_GUI)) $(rescharset_{$i})) \ -fs={$(BIN)/$(RESLIB$(TNR)NAME)$i.res} \ $(foreach,j,$(subst,$(PRJ),$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/$(PRJNAME) $(RESLIB$(TNR)IMAGES)) -lip={$j}/$i \ -lip={$j} ) \ -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res/$i -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res \ -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/$i -lip=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG) ) \ -subMODULE=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG) \ -subGLOBALRES=$(SOLARSRC)/$(RSCDEFIMG)/res \ -oil=$(BIN) \ -ft=$@ \ $(RSC$(TNR)HEADER) $(RESLIB$(TNR)SRSFILES) \ ) > $(NULLDEV) .ENDIF # "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" $(RESLIB$(TNR)TARGETN): \ $(RESLIB$(TNR)SRSFILES) \ $(RESLIB$(TNR)BMPS) @echo "Making: " $(@:f) .IF "$(GUI)"=="UNX" .IF "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" @@-$(RM) $(RSC_MULTI$(TNR)) .ELSE # "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" @@-$(RM) $(RSC_MULTI$(TNR)) .ENDIF # "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" .ELSE # "$(GUI)"=="UNX" .IF "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" @@-$(RM) $(RSC_MULTI$(TNR)) .ELSE # "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" @@-$(RM) $(RSC_MULTI$(TNR)) .ENDIF # "$(common_build_reslib)"!="" .ENDIF # "$(GUI)"=="UNX" .ENDIF # "$(RESLIB$(TNR)TARGETN)"!="" # unroll end #######################################################