#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** # to make it usable with special lang selection of # helpcontent2 aux_alllangiso*:=$(alllangiso) SHELL_PACKAGE:=$(subst,/,$/ $(PACKAGE)) .IF "$(XHPDEST)"=="" XHPDEST*:=$(COMMONMISC) HELP_OUT:=$(COMMONMISC) .ELSE # "$(XHPDEST)"=="" HELP_OUT:=$(MISC) .ENDIF # "$(XHPDEST)"=="" HLANGXHPFILES*:=$(foreach,i,$(XHPFILES) $(foreach,j,$(aux_alllangiso) $(XHPDEST)$/$j$/$(SHELL_PACKAGE)$/$(i:f))) ALLTAR : $(HELP_OUT)$/$(TARGET).done $(HELP_OUT)$/xhp_changed.flag optix $(HLANGXHPFILES) : $$(@:d)thisdir.created $(XHPDEST)$/{$(aux_alllangiso)}$/$(SHELL_PACKAGE)$/%.xhp :| %.xhp @$(TOUCH) $@ # internal dependencies not sufficient to trigger merge? # @$(NULL) $(HELP_OUT)$/$(TARGET).done : $(HLANGXHPFILES) .IF "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" $(AUGMENT_LIBRARY_PATH) $(HELPEX) -p $(PRJNAME) -r $(PRJ) -i @$(mktmp $(uniq $(foreach,i,$? $(!eq,$(i:f),$(i:f:s/.xhp//) $(i:f) $(XHPFILES))))) -x $(XHPDEST) -y $(SHELL_PACKAGE) -l all -lf $(aux_alllangiso:t",") -m $(LOCALIZESDF) && $(TOUCH) $@ .ELSE # "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" cp $(uniq $(foreach,i,$? $(!eq,$(i:f),$(i:f:s/.xhp//) $(i:f) $(XHPFILES)))) $(XHPDEST)$/en-US$/$(SHELL_PACKAGE) && $(TOUCH) $@ .ENDIF # "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" .IF "$(OS)"=="SOLARIS" @$(ECHONL) " " .ELSE # "$(OS)"=="SOLARIS" @$(ECHONL) .ENDIF # "$(OS)"=="SOLARIS" $(HELP_OUT)$/xhp_changed.flag : $(HLANGXHPFILES) @$(TOUCH) $@ # urks - dmake mixes up operators and strings :-( .IF "$(HLANGXHPFILES:s/defined/xxx/)"!="" .IF "$(HELPTRANSPHONY)"!="" $(HELP_OUT)$/$(TARGET).done .PHONY : .ELSE # "$(HELPTRANSPHONY)"!="" $(HELP_OUT)$/$(TARGET).done : makefile.mk .IF "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" $(HELP_OUT)$/$(TARGET).done : $(LOCALIZESDF) .ENDIF # "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" .ENDIF # "$(HELPTRANSPHONY)"!="" .ENDIF # "$(HLANGXHPFILES)"!="" optix: $(HELP_OUT)$/$(TARGET).done @echo done %.created : @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) @$(TOUCH) $@