'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : Writer-Tools '* '\****************************************************************************** sub wDokSchreiben ( OutputText , optional iLoop as Integer ) Dim i as integer If lcase(OutputText) = "" then If iSprache = 34 then OutputText = "" end if If IsMissing(iLoop) = True then iLoop = 1 For i = 1 to iLoop Select Case Ucase(gApplication) Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.TypeKeys OutputText Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" DocumentMasterDoc.TypeKeys OutputText Case "HTML" Kontext "DocumentWriterWeb" DocumentWriterWeb.TypeKeys OutputText case "DRAW" Call hTextrahmenErstellen (OutputText,35,35,50,20) case "IMPRESS" Call hTextrahmenErstellen (OutputText,35,35,50,20) end select wait 500 next i end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wTypeKeys ( OutputText , optional iLoop as Integer ) Dim i as integer If lcase(OutputText) = "" then If iSprache = 34 then OutputText = "" end if If IsMissing(iLoop) = True then iLoop = 1 For i = 1 to iLoop Select Case Ucase(gApplication) Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.TypeKeys OutputText Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" DocumentMasterDoc.TypeKeys OutputText Case "HTML" Kontext "DocumentWriterWeb" DocumentWriterWeb.TypeKeys OutputText case "DRAW" Call hTextrahmenErstellen (OutputText,35,35,50,20) case "IMPRESS" Call hTextrahmenErstellen (OutputText,35,35,50,20) end select wait 500 next i end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wBlindtextEinfuegen() as boolean '/// This functions inserts a Dummytext and returns true if it was inserted Dim BlindText as string, bTemp as boolean bTemp = False select case iSprache case 01 : BlindText = "DT" case 03 : BlindText = "TE" case 07 : BlindText = "DT" case 31 : BlindText = "BT" case 34 : BlindText = "TE" case 33 : BlindText = "TEX" case 39 : BlindText = "TE" case 45 : BlindText = "ET" case 46 : BlindText = "BT" case 48 : BlindText = "TW" case 49 : BlindText = "BT" case 55 : BlindText = "TP" case 81 : BlindText = "DT" case 82 : BlindText = "BT" case 86 : BlindText = "DT" case 88 : BlindText = "BT" case else : QAErrorlog "No Shortcut for Dummytext available!" end select if BlindText > "" then Call wTypeKeys BlindText Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then if Active.GetRT = 304 then Warnlog Active.Gettext Active.Ok else bTemp = True end if else bTemp = True end if end if wBlindtextEinfuegen = bTemp end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wZeichenobjektEinfuegen ( Objekt$, xStart%, yStart%, xEnde%, yEnde%, optional sCloseToolbar as boolean, optional bLeaveSelected as boolean ) Kontext "DrawBar" if Not DrawBar.Exists then Call hToolbarSelect("Drawing", true) Sleep 2 if IsMissing(bLeaveSelected) then bLeaveSelected = false endif Objekt = UCase( Objekt ) select case Objekt case "RECHTECK" : Rechteck.Click case "LINIE" : Linie.Click case "ELLIPSE" : Ellipse.Click case "TEXT" : Textobjekt.Click case "VTEXT" : try VerticalText.Click catch if gAsianSup = True then Warnlog "Unable to insert Vertical Text! Asian Support in Options activated ?" end if endcatch case "LAUFTEXT" : Lauftext.Click case "LEGENDE" : Legende.Click case "VLEGENDE" : try VerticalCallout.Click catch Warnlog "Unable to insert Vertical Callout! Asian Support in Options activated ?" endcatch end select Sleep (2) Select Case gApplication Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.MouseDown xStart%, yStart% DocumentWriter.MouseMove xEnde%, yEnde% DocumentWriter.MouseUp xEnde%, yEnde% wait 100 Kontext "Drawbar" if IsMissing(sCloseToolbar) then Drawbar.Close else if sCloseToolbar = true then Drawbar.Close end if if Objekt <> "TEXT" and Objekt <> "VTEXT" then Kontext "DocumentWriter" if bLeaveSelected = false then Call gMouseClick (10, 10) wait 100 endif end if Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" DocumentMasterDoc.MouseDown xStart%, yStart% DocumentMasterDoc.MouseMove xEnde%, yEnde% DocumentMasterDoc.MouseUp xEnde%, yEnde% wait 100 Kontext "Drawbar" if IsMissing(sCloseToolbar) then Drawbar.Close else if sCloseToolbar = true then Drawbar.Close end if if Objekt <> "TEXT" and Objekt <> "VTEXT" then Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" if bLeaveSelected = false then Call gMouseClick (10, 10) wait 100 endif end if end select sleep (1) end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wObjektSelektieren ( xStart%, yStart%, xEnde%, yEnde% ) Call hToolbarSelect("DRAWING",true) if Auswahl.Getstate(2) = 0 then Auswahl.Click endif Select Case gApplication Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.MouseDown xStart%, yStart% wait 500 DocumentWriter.MouseMove xEnde%, yEnde% DocumentWriter.MouseUp xEnde%, yEnde% Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" DocumentMasterDoc.MouseDown xStart%, yStart% wait 500 DocumentMasterDoc.MouseMove xEnde%, yEnde% DocumentMasterDoc.MouseUp xEnde%, yEnde% end select wait 200 end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wFindSelectObjectBelow ( xStart%, yStart%, xEnde%, yEnde% ) WL_TB_ZF_Auswahl Select Case gApplication Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.MouseMove xStart%, yStart% DocumentWriter.MouseDown xStart%, yStart% DocumentWriter.MouseUp xStart%, yStart% do while (Mousepointer<>"Normalpointer") DocumentWriter.MouseMove xEnde%, yEnde% DocumentWriter.MouseDown xEnde%, yEnde% DocumentWriter.MouseUp loop i = 1 while ((getMouseStyle = 0) AND (i<80)) sleep 1 inc (i) printlog getMouseStyle if (getMouseStyle <> 0) then i = 80 wend Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" DocumentMasterDoc.MouseDown xStart%, yStart% DocumentMasterDoc.MouseMove xEnde%, yEnde% DocumentMasterDoc.MouseUp xEnde%, yEnde% end select wait 200 end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function WortAusWoerterbuchLoeschen ( Aufnahme$ ) as Boolean Dim i as integer : Dim AnzahlBuecher as string Dim j as integer ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("LanguageSettings","WritingAids") WortAusWoerterbuchLoeschen = FALSE for j = 1 to Benutzerwoerterbuch.GetItemCount try Bearbeiten.Click exit for catch Benutzerwoerterbuch.Select j endcatch next j Kontext "BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten" AnzahlBuecher = Buch.GetItemCount for i= 1 to AnzahlBuecher Buch.Select i printlog " - search word in module: " + Buch.GetSelText Kontext "BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten" Inhalt.SetText Aufnahme$ Sleep 1 if Entfernen.IsEnabled then Entfernen.Click WortAusWoerterbuchLoeschen = TRUE i = AnzahlBuecher + 1 end if next i if WortAusWoerterbuchLoeschen = FALSE then Warnlog "The added word has not been found in modules" BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten.Close Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wIgnorierenlisteLoeschen Dim i as integer : Dim j as integer : Dim AlleBuecher as integer ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("LANGUAGESETTINGS","WRITINGAIDS") Sleep 3 for j = 1 to Benutzerwoerterbuch.GetItemCount try Bearbeiten.Click exit for catch Benutzerwoerterbuch.Select j endcatch next j Kontext "BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten" sleep 1 AlleBuecher = Buch.GetItemCount for i = 1 to AlleBuecher Buch.Select i if Left$(Buch.GetSelText,13)="IgnoreAllList" then sleep 2 for j = 1 to 100 if Loeschen.IsEnabled then Loeschen.Click sleep 1 else Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then Warnlog Active.Gettext Active.Ok end if Kontext "BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten" BenutzerwoerterbuchBearbeiten.Cancel sleep 1 j=101 end if wait 500 next j i=AlleBuecher + 1 end if next i Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub hLeisteUmschalten(welche as integer) Sleep 2 Select Case welche case 1: try ' Textobjectbar Kontext "NumObjectbar" NumObjectbar.SetNextToolbox catch endcatch Sleep 1 if gApplication = "HTML" then Kontext "TextObjectbar" else Kontext "TextObjectbar" end if Sleep 1 try Fett.Click ' Sonst sind Comboboxen fȭr Testtool nicht sichtbar Sleep 1 Fett.Click catch Warnlog "Error on switching the function bar!" endcatch Sleep 1 case 2: Select Case gApplication ' Numbering-Objectbar Case "HTML" Kontext "TextObjectbar" try TextObjectbar.SetNextToolbox catch endcatch Case else Kontext "TextObjectbar" try TextObjectbar.SetNextToolbox catch endcatch end select Sleep 1 Kontext "NumObjectbar" try Hinunterstufen.Click catch try Hochstufen.Click catch Warnlog "Error on switching the function bar!" endcatch endcatch Sleep 2 end select end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub hGrafikleisteUmschalten(welche as integer) Select Case welche case 1: try Kontext "GraphicObjectbar" Wait 500 GraphicObjectbar.SetNextToolBox catch endcatch Kontext "FrameObjectbar" Sleep 1 case 2: try Kontext "FrameObjectbar" Wait 500 FrameObjectbar.SetNextToolBox catch endcatch Kontext "GraphicObjectbar" Sleep 1 end select end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wEinfuegenHyperlink(welcheSeite as integer) Kontext "Hyperlink" Auswahl.MouseDown 2,2 Auswahl.MouseUp 2,2 wait 500 Auswahl.TypeKeys "",1 wait 500 Auswahl.TypeKeys "",4 Sleep 1 Select case welcheSeite case 1: Kontext "TabHyperlinkInternet" case 2: Auswahl.TypeKeys "",1 Kontext "TabHyperlinkMailUndNews" case 3: Auswahl.TypeKeys "",2 Kontext "TabHyperlinkDokument" case 4: Auswahl.TypeKeys "",3 Kontext "TabHyperlinkNeuesDokument" end select end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wNavigatorAuswahl(Gruppe as integer, Eintrag as integer,optional LeaveFocus as boolean) dim j as integer, WelcherEintrag as integer Dim MinEntrys as integer If IsMissing(LeaveFocus) = True then LeaveFocus = False Select Case Ucase(gApplication) Case "CALC" Kontext "NavigatorCalc" if NavigatorCalc.NotExists then ViewNavigator wait 500 Kontext "NavigatorCalc" MinEntrys = 8 Case "WRITER", "HTML", "HTML" Kontext "NavigatorWriter" if NavigatorWriter.NotExists then ViewNavigator wait 500 Kontext "NavigatorWriter" MinEntrys = 11 Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "NavigatorGlobalDoc" if NavigatorGlobalDoc.NotExists then ViewNavigator wait 500 Kontext "NavigatorGlobalDoc" if Liste.IsVisible then Kontext "GlobaldokumentToolbox" Umschalten.Click Kontext "NavigatorWriter" end if MinEntrys = 11 Case Else ' for all others!!!! Warnlog "Not supported application!" exit sub end select Sleep 2 Select Case gApplication Case "CALC" if (Liste.GetItemCount < MinEntrys) then Umschalten.Click if Liste.GetItemCount >MinEntrys then For j= 1 to 9 Liste.Select j Liste.TypeKeys "-" next j end if Liste.Select Gruppe if Eintrag >0 then WelcherEintrag = Gruppe + Eintrag Liste.TypeKeys "+" Liste.Select WelcherEintrag Liste.TypeKeys "" end if Case "WRITER","HTML" if (Auswahlliste.GetItemCount < MinEntrys) then try Inhaltsansicht.Click catch endcatch end if if Auswahlliste.GetItemCount >MinEntrys then For j= 1 to 12 Auswahlliste.Select j Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "-" next j end if Auswahlliste.Select Gruppe if Eintrag >0 then WelcherEintrag = Gruppe + Eintrag Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "+" Auswahlliste.Select WelcherEintrag Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "" end if Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" if Liste.IsVisible = True then Umschalten.Click end if if Auswahlliste.GetItemCount >MinEntrys then For j= 1 to 12 Auswahlliste.Select j Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "-" next j end if Auswahlliste.Select Gruppe if Eintrag >0 then WelcherEintrag = Gruppe + Eintrag Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "+" Auswahlliste.Select WelcherEintrag Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "" end if end select if LeaveFocus = False then Select Case Ucase(gApplication) Case "CALC" Kontext "DocumentCalc" Case "HTML", "HTML" Kontext "DocumentWriter" Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" end select end if end sub ' --------------------------------------------------------------- function wNavigatorClose '/// Close Navigator Kontext "Navigator" if Navigator.Exists(2) then Navigator.Close WaitSlot() end if end function ' --------------------------------------------------------------- sub wClearDocument Dim i as integer : Dim j as integer '/// Remove all Text, Drawing-objects or Objects from document /// Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "",5 DocumentWriter.MouseDown ( 30,30 ) DocumentWriter.MouseMove ( 75,60 ) wait 500 DocumentWriter.MouseUp ( 75, 60 ) Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 3 Kontext "NavigatorWriter" if Not NavigatorWriter.Exists then ViewNavigator wait 500 Kontext "NavigatorWriter" if Auswahlliste.GetItemCount <11 then Inhaltsansicht.Click ' Grundzustand if Auswahlliste.GetItemCount >11 then For j= 1 to 12 Auswahlliste.Select j Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "-" next j end if wait 500 for i = 1 to 12 Auswahlliste.Select i Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "+" if Auswahlliste.GetItemCount > 11 then for j = 1 to 5 ' maximal 5 Elemente in einer Gruppe Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "" Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "" wait 500 if Auswahlliste.GetItemCount > 11 then Auswahlliste.Select i next j end if next i if j= 5 then Warnlog "Try another way to clear page !" Kontext "Navigator" try Navigator.Close catch Errorlog ViewNavigator endcatch try Call wTypeKeys "" catch endcatch Call wTypeKeys "" DocumentWriter.MouseDown ( 50,10 ) DocumentWriter.MouseUp ( 50,10 ) Sleep 2 Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 5 end sub ' --------------------------------------------------------------- sub wMarkObjects(delete as boolean) ' The drawing objects has to be selected before deleting them Select Case gApplication Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" Case "HTML" Kontext "DocumentWriterWeb" end select Call gMouseClick 50,50 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "",5 Call gMouseClick 50,50 Select Case gApplication Case "WRITER" DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "" Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" DocumentMasterDoc.TypeKeys "" Case "HTML" DocumentWriterWeb.TypeKeys "" end select Sleep 1 if delete = TRUE then Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 3 end if end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub hExportUmstellung ( WasDenn as Boolean ) if Ucase(gApplication) = "HTML" then ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("LoadSave","HTMLCompatibility") if WasDenn = TRUE then 'Select Case iSprache ' Case 81 : Export.Select "Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0" ' Case else : Export.Select "MS Internet Explorer 4.0" 'end select try Export.Select "Microsoft Internet Explorer" catch Warnlog "Unable to choose browser for export !" endcatch else Export.Select "Netscape Navigator" end if Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK end if end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wSetMacroSecurityLevel ( wLevel as integer ) as boolean ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("StarOffice","Security") wSetMacroSecurityLevel = False try MacroSecurity.Click catch Warnlog "Unable to set macro security level (Button 'Macro Security' not found)" Goto EarlyExit endcatch Kontext Active.SetPage TabSecurityLevel Kontext "TabSecurityLevel" Select Case wLevel Case 1: VeryHigh.Check Case 2: High.Check Case 3: Medium.Check Case 4: Low.Check Case else: Warnlog "Wrong level number entered. Unknown" goto EarlyExit end select TabSecurityLevel.Ok wSetMacroSecurityLevel = True EarlyExit: Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wInsertFrame InsertFrame Kontext Active.SetPage TabType Kontext "TabType" TabType.OK Sleep 3 end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wRectangleToClipboard Dim tempApplication as string tempApplication = gApplication gApplication = "DRAW" Call hNewDocument Call hRechteckErstellen ( 45, 45, 60, 60 ) ' select the drawn object try EditSelectAll catch warnlog "Unable to select object. Maybe not drawn!" endcatch ' copy the selected object try EditCopy catch Warnlog "Unable to copy object. Maybe not selected!" endcatch Call hCloseDocument gApplication = tempApplication Select Case gApplication Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" Case "MASTERDOCUMENT" Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" end select Call gMouseClick 10,10 end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wRectangleToClipboardHTML gApplication = "DRAW" Call hNewDocument Call hRechteckErstellen ( 45, 45, 60, 60 ) EditSelectAll EditCopy Call hCloseDocument gApplication = "HTML" Kontext "DocumentWriterWeb" Call gMouseClick end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function MachMirDenEintrag(WoDenn as integer,WieLang as integer, optional Welches as string) Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "",WoDenn Call wTypeKeys "" , WieLang Kontext "VerzeichniseintragEinfuegen" if Welches > "" then Select case Welches case "Inhalt" : Verzeichnis.Select 1 case "Stich" : Verzeichnis.Select 2 case "Benutz" : Verzeichnis.Select 3 end select end if Verzeichniseintrag.TypeKeys "" Wait 500 EintragOk.Click end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub wOptionsUndo ( sOption$ ) Dim i as integer Dim sTempSeparator as string Dim sTempUnit as integer Printlog " - Initial state" Call hNewDocument Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" if Not ExtrasOptionenDlg.Exists then ToolsOptions end if Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","General") if Instr(Tabulatorenabstand.Gettext, ",") then sTempSeparator = "," else sTempSeparator = "." end if sTempUnit = Masseinheit.GetSelIndex if sOption$ = "Laden" OR sOption$ = "All" then ' Update AufNachfrage.Check Feldbefehle.Check Diagramme.Uncheck ' Settings Select Case sTempUnit Case 1: 'Millimeter Tabulatorenabstand.Settext "12" & sTempSeparator & "51" Case 2: ' Centimeter Tabulatorenabstand.Settext "1" & sTempSeparator & "25" Case 3: ' Inch Tabulatorenabstand.Settext "0" & sTempSeparator & "49" Case 4: ' Pica Tabulatorenabstand.Settext "2" & sTempSeparator & "95" Case 5: ' Point Tabulatorenabstand.Settext "35" & sTempSeparator & "5" end select end if Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","View") if sOption$ = "Inhalte" OR sOption$ = "All" then ' Guides Hilfslinien.Uncheck FarbigeHandles.Check GrosseHandles.Uncheck ' View HorizontaleBildlaufleiste.Check VertikaleBildlaufleiste.Check Lineal.Check HorizontalesLineal.Check VertikalesLineal.Check WeichesScrollen.Uncheck ' Display GrafikenUndObjekte.Check Zeichnungen.Check Feldname.Uncheck Notizen.Check end if if sOption$ = "Cursor" OR sOption$ = "All" then Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","FormattingAids") ' Display of Absatzenden.UnCheck WeicheTrenner.Check Leerzeichen.UnCheck GeschLeerzeichen.Check Tabulatoren.UnCheck Umbrueche.UnCheck VersteckterText.Uncheck VersteckteAbsatze.Check 'Direct-Cursor DirektCursor.Uncheck Absatzausrichtung.Check 'Cursor in protected areas Zonen_Cursor.Check end if if sOption$ = "Raster" OR sOption$ = "All" then Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","Grid") ' Grid FangrasterBenutzen.Uncheck RasterSichtbar.Uncheck ' Resolution AchsenSynchronisieren.Uncheck Select Case sTempUnit Case 1: 'Millimeter RasterAufloesungXAchse.SetText "10" & sTempSeparator & "00" RasterAufloesungYAchse.SetText "10" & sTempSeparator & "00" Case 2: ' Centimeter RasterAufloesungXAchse.SetText "1" & sTempSeparator & "00" RasterAufloesungYAchse.SetText "1" & sTempSeparator & "00" Case 3: ' Inch RasterAufloesungXAchse.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "39" RasterAufloesungYAchse.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "39" Case 4: ' Pica RasterAufloesungXAchse.SetText "2" & sTempSeparator & "36" RasterAufloesungYAchse.SetText "2" & sTempSeparator & "36" Case 5: ' Point RasterAufloesungXAchse.SetText "28" & sTempSeparator & "3" RasterAufloesungYAchse.SetText "28" & sTempSeparator & "3" end select RasterUnterteilungXAchse.ToMin RasterUnterteilungXAchse.More 1 RasterUnterteilungYAchse.ToMin RasterUnterteilungYAchse.More 1 end if if sOption$ = "Grundschriften" OR sOption$ = "All" then Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","BasicFonts") Standard.Click AktuellesDokument.Uncheck end if if sOption$ = "Drucken" OR sOption$ = "All" then Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","Print") ' Contents Grafiken.Check Kontrollfelder.Check Hintergrund.Check SchwarzDrucken.Uncheck ' Pages LinkeSeiten.Check RechteSeiten.Check Prospekt.Uncheck ' Notes Keine.Check ' Other LeereSeitenDrucken.Check AusDruckereinstellung.Uncheck Fax.SetNoSelection end if if sOption$ = "Tabelle" OR sOption$ = "All" then Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","Table") ' Default Ueberschrift.Check Wiederholen.Check NichtTrennen.Uncheck Umrandung.Check ' Input in Tables AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.Check Zahlenformaterkennung.Check AutomatischeAusrichtung.Check AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.UnCheck ' Keyboard handling Select Case sTempUnit Case 1: 'Millimeter VerschiebenZeile.SetText "4" & sTempSeparator & "99" VerschiebenSpalte.SetText "4" & sTempSeparator & "99" EinfuegenZeile.SetText "4" & sTempSeparator & "99" EinfuegenSpalte.SetText "24" & sTempSeparator & "99" Case 2: ' Centimeter VerschiebenZeile.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "50" VerschiebenSpalte.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "50" EinfuegenZeile.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "50" EinfuegenSpalte.SetText "2" & sTempSeparator & "50" Case 3: ' Inch VerschiebenZeile.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "20" VerschiebenSpalte.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "20" EinfuegenZeile.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "20" EinfuegenSpalte.SetText "0" & sTempSeparator & "98" Case 4: ' Pica VerschiebenZeile.SetText "1" & sTempSeparator & "18" VerschiebenSpalte.SetText "1" & sTempSeparator & "18" EinfuegenZeile.SetText "1" & sTempSeparator & "18" EinfuegenSpalte.SetText "5" & sTempSeparator & "90" Case 5: ' Point VerschiebenZeile.SetText "14" & sTempSeparator & "2" VerschiebenSpalte.SetText "14" & sTempSeparator & "2" EinfuegenZeile.SetText "14" & sTempSeparator & "2" EinfuegenSpalte.SetText "70" & sTempSeparator & "9" end select Sleep 1 ' Behaviour of rows/columns Variabel.Check end if if sOption$ = "Aenderung" OR sOption$ = "All" then Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","Changes") ' Text display EinfuegenAttribute.Select 4 EinfuegenFarbe.Select 2 LoeschenAttribute.Select 4 LoeschenFarbe.Select 2 AendernAttribute.Select 2 AendernFarbe.Select 2 ' Lines changed Zeilenmarkierung.Select 2 Zeilenfarbe.Select 1 end if if sOption$ = "AutoCaption" OR sOption$ = "All" then Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","Autocaption") for i = 1 to ObjectList.GetItemCount ObjectList.Select i ' uncheck only if checked, else it might crash on macosx, see issue 111883 for further information if ObjectList.getState (i) > 1 then ObjectList.UnCheck endif next i end if Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK Call hCloseDocument end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wInsertDocumentinMasterDoc(DocumentName as string) as boolean Call hNewDocument hFileOpenLocally( DocumentName) Sleep 2 Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 2 EditCopy Call hCloseDocument wInsertDocumentinMasterDoc = True end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function CheckForFilters() as boolean Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" if not GraphicFilterBar.Exists then Warnlog "- Toolbox has been closed!" Kontext "GraphicObjectbar" if Filter.IsEnabled then GraphicObjectbar.TearOff Filter Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" GraphicFilterBar.Move ( 20, 20 ) CheckForFilters = True else Warnlog "- Though graphic is selected, the filter button in objectbar is disabled!" Select Case gApplication Case "WRITER" Kontext "DocumentWriter" DocumentWriter.MouseDoubleClick 10,10 DocumentWriter.MouseDown 50,20 DocumentWriter.MouseUp 50,20 case else Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc" DocumentMasterDoc.MouseDoubleClick 10,10 DocumentMasterDoc.MouseDown 50,20 DocumentMasterDoc.MouseUp 50,20 end select Wait 500 Kontext "GraphicObjectbar" if Filter.IsEnabled then GraphicObjectbar.TearOff Filter Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" GraphicFilterBar.Move ( 20, 20 ) CheckForFilters = True else Warnlog "- Reselecting the graphic didn't enable the button in the toolbar! No further test!" CheckForFilters = False end if end if else CheckForFilters=True end if Kontext "GraphicFilterBar" end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub hInsertFloatingFrame Sleep 3 InsertFloatingFrame Sleep 3 Kontext "TabEigenschaften" FrameName.SetText "Hallo" TabEigenschaften.OK Sleep 2 Kontext "OeffnenDlg" if OeffnenDlg.Exists(2) then OeffnenDlg.Cancel end sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wStyleCreate( sStyleName as string, sType as string, optional NotFromSelection as boolean ) as boolean '/// This function creates a new style through stylist Kontext "Stylist" If Not Stylist.Exists then FormatStylist select case sType case "Paragraph": Absatzvorlagen.Click case "Character": Zeichenvorlagen.Click case "Frame": Rahmenvorlagen.Click case "Page": Seitenvorlagen.Click case "Numbering": Numerierungsvorlagen.Click end select if IsMissing ( NotFromSelection ) then wait 500 AusSelektion.OpenMenu Sleep 1 Call hMenuSelectNr(1) Sleep 1 wait 500 Kontext "VorlageErzeugen" Vorlagenname.Settext sStyleName VorlageErzeugen.Ok else if NotFromSelection = true then VorlagenListe.TypeKeys "" Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" Vorlagenliste.OpenContextMenu Sleep 1 Call hMenuSelectNr(1) wait 500 Kontext Active.SetPage TabVerwalten wait 500 Kontext "TabVerwalten" VorlagenName.SetText sStyleName wait 500 TabVerwalten.OK end if end if Kontext "Stylist" if wStyleSelect ( sStyleName, sType ) = true then wStyleCreate = False else wStyleCreate = True end if Stylist.Close end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wStyleSelect( sStyleName as string, optional sType as string ) as boolean '/// This function selects a given style in Stylist '/// function leaves Stylist opened Dim i as integer Kontext "Stylist" If Not Stylist.Exists then FormatStylist wait 500 Gruppenliste.Select 2 '-> 'All Styles' has to be selected wait 500 if IsMissing (sType) then Absatzvorlagen.Click else select case sType case "Paragraph": Absatzvorlagen.Click case "Character": Zeichenvorlagen.Click case "Frame": Rahmenvorlagen.Click case "Page": Seitenvorlagen.Click case "Numbering": Numerierungsvorlagen.Click end select end if Sleep 1 Vorlagenliste.Select 1 wait 500 if Vorlagenliste.GetSelText <> sStyleName then For i = 1 to 200 if Vorlagenliste.GetSelText = sStyleName then wStyleSelect = true i = 202 else Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" end if next i if i = 202 then wStyleSelect = true else wStyleSelect = true end if end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wStyleDelete ( sStyleName as string, sType as string ) as boolean '/// This function selects a given style in Stylist '/// function leaves Stylist opened Dim i as integer Kontext "Stylist" If Not Stylist.Exists then FormatStylist select case sType case "Paragraph": Absatzvorlagen.Click case "Character": Zeichenvorlagen.Click case "Frame": Rahmenvorlagen.Click case "Page": Seitenvorlagen.Click case "Numbering": Numerierungsvorlagen.Click end select Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" if Vorlagenliste.GetSelText <> sStyleName then For i = 1 to 200 if Vorlagenliste.GetSelText = sStyleName then Vorlagenliste.OpenContextMenu Sleep 1 Call hMenuSelectNr(3) wait 500 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then if Active.GetRT = 304 then Active.Yes i = 203 end if end if else Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" end if next i if i = 204 then wStyleDelete = true else Vorlagenliste.OpenContextMenu Sleep 1 Call hMenuSelectNr(3) wait 500 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then if Active.GetRT = 304 then Active.Yes end if end if wStyleDelete = true end if end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wStyleSet( sStyleName as string, optional sType as string ) as boolean '/// This function sets a given style in Stylist '/// function leaves Stylist opened Dim i as integer Kontext "Stylist" If Not Stylist.Exists then FormatStylist wait 500 Gruppenliste.Select 2 '-> 'All Styles' has to be selected wait 500 if IsMissing (sType) then Absatzvorlagen.Click else select case sType case "Paragraph": Absatzvorlagen.Click case "Character": Zeichenvorlagen.Click case "Frame": Rahmenvorlagen.Click case "Page": Seitenvorlagen.Click case "Numbering": Numerierungsvorlagen.Click end select end if Sleep 1 Vorlagenliste.Select 1 wait 500 if Vorlagenliste.GetSelText <> sStyleName then For i = 1 to 200 if Vorlagenliste.GetSelText = sStyleName then wStyleSet = true Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" exit for else Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "" end if next i else wStyleSet = true end if end function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function wStyleGet( sStyleName as string, optional sType as string ) as boolean '/// This function checks if a given style is selected in Stylist '/// function leaves Stylist opened Dim i as integer Kontext "Stylist" If Not Stylist.Exists then FormatStylist wait 500 Gruppenliste.Select 2 '-> 'All Styles' has to be selected wait 500 if IsMissing (sType) then Absatzvorlagen.Click else select case sType case "Paragraph": Absatzvorlagen.Click case "Character": Zeichenvorlagen.Click case "Frame": Rahmenvorlagen.Click case "Page": Seitenvorlagen.Click case "Numbering": Numerierungsvorlagen.Click end select end if wait 500 if Vorlagenliste.GetSelText = sStyleName then wStyleGet = true end if end function