ELFTtRU tRPd#;3MQEPE MQ0u uEM0u_^[]Íe]uhe]uW_^[]ËEM 0_^[]ÐUSE0f4PRP`fddfh3PR",EH;PR\,M D3ɍ` PR`3ҍd01V d3ɉhl PRFl3ҍp01VQ p3ɉt1X0P Xtlh\`jX 0P` PRxffPRj7448<@ 0P` ,M xPRLfPPfT3PR),EH;PR,M D3ɍ PR3ҍ01V 3ɉ PRM3ҍ01VX 3ɉ10P# j 0P` PRff3PR f$$f(3PR,EH;PR`,M Dd3ɍ PRKh`lp3ҍ01VV t3ɉx| PR|3ҍ01V 3ɉ10P tfXJj` 0>P` PRff3h3PR',EH;dPRh,M Dl3ɍ PRphtx3ҍ 01V |3ɉMUE PRTEMME3ҍ01Vk E3ɉMM1jEEEEPRf E3ɉMč$M1uEE$L3j3LP844<PRP3ɉTHIRPPу X3ɉ\`IjjjPR 00P M Hw܋^[]ÐUSVpx,px,px,px,Component registration service could not be loaded! ERROR: %s revoke component "%s" from registry "%s" failed! revoke component "%s" from registry "%s" failed! revoke component "%s" from registry "%s" succesful! ERROR: %s register component "%s" in registry "%s" failed! register component "%s" in registry "%s" succesful! the 'com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary' is used. loaders: com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary | com.sun.star.loader.Java2 or a list of urls seperated by ';' or ' '. Note if a list of urls is specified, the components must all need the same loader (quoting is possible with \ or ""). If the bootstrap registry have the same name as the registration registry the -r option is optional. using: regcomp -register|revoke -r registryfile -c locationUrl [-br registryfile] [-l componentLoaderUrl]