ELF=t&t&}t&t&=t&EPth(t& t&PEWPRAЋUBPEPhPPWRAЃt)UBPEPht&t&t&t&`]܅tS@ ЃUtR@Ѓ] t&}t&using: regcomp -register|revoke -r registryfile -c locationUrl [-br registryfile] [-l componentLoaderUrl] If the bootstrap registry have the same name as the registration registry the -r option is optional. or a list of urls seperated by ';' or ' '. Note if a list of urls is specified, the components must all need the same loader (quoting is possible with \ or ""). the 'com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary' is used. loaders: com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary | com.sun.star.loader.Java2 register component "%s" in registry "%s" succesful! register component "%s" in registry "%s" failed! ERROR: %s revoke component "%s" from registry "%s" succesful! revoke component "%s" from registry "%s" failed! Component registration service could not be loaded! A A G..A A k. e.n.