'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : Writer Table Test '* '************************************************************************* '* '* tTableOption '* tTableInsert1 '* tTableInsert2 '* tTableInsert3 '* tTableInsert4 '* tTableInsert5 '* tTableNumberFormat '* tTableDelete '* tTableText '* tTableCalculate '* tTableEdit '* '\*********************************************************************** sub w_204_ Call tTableOption Call tTableInsert1 Call tTableInsert2 Call tTableInsert3 Call tTableInsert4 Call tTableInsert5 Call tTableNumberFormat Call tTableDelete Call tTableText Call tTableCalculate Call tTableEdit end sub testcase tTableOption '/// Check Tables' default Option /// printlog "/// Check Tables' default Option ///" Call hNewDocument '/// TOOLS->OPTIONS->StarOffice Writer->Table ///" '/// Number recognition should be OFF by default///" '/// two boxes below are checked but disabled ///" ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions ("WRITER","Table") if AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.IsChecked then warnlog "The default for 'Number recognition' should be OFF => 114166 " AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.UnCheck else if AutomatischeAusrichtung.IsChecked then try AutomatischeAusrichtung.UnCheck warnlog "'Number format recognition' should be disabled => 114166 " catch endcatch else warnlog "'Number format recognition' should be checked => 114166 " end if if Zahlenformaterkennung.IsChecked then try Zahlenformaterkennung.UnCheck warnlog "'Alignment' should be disabled => 114166 " catch endcatch else warnlog "'Alignment' should be checked => 114166 " end if end if Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableInsert1 dim i as integer Call hNewDocument Kontext "DocumentWriter" Printlog "'/// 1. Insert Toolbox -> Insert Table ///" Call hToolbarSelect ( "Insert", True ) Kontext "InsertBar" Tabelle.Click Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" TabellenName.SetText "one" Spalten.Settext "5" TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK Call wTypeKeys "one" Printlog "'///+ ... play with number recognition in TOOLS->OPTIONS->TextDoc->Table ///" Printlog "'///+ ... Number recognition OFF ///" ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions ("WRITER","Table") AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.UnCheck Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK ' insert test row Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) ZeileEinfuegen.Click Call wTypeKeys "111111"+cSep+"1161111"+cDecSep+"116111abcd" ' check format for i=1 to 4 FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelText <> fLocaleString("LocaleText")) then warnlog "wrong format; is: "+Kategorie.GetSelText+" should: "+fLocaleString("LocaleText") ' Text end if Zahlenformat.Cancel FormatParagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (links.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of tablefield: "+i TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" next i ' go back to start of table Call wTypeKeys "" Printlog "'///+ ... Number recognition ON - ///" ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions ("WRITER","Table") AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.Check ' even with that, everything is a TEXT :-(???? Zahlenformaterkennung.UnCheck ' much better with that! everything with numbers&decimalsep is number with 2 decimal places displayed, but all kept!!! AutomatischeAusrichtung.UnCheck ' just the allignment does change too! Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) ZeileEinfuegen.Click Call wTypeKeys "111111"+cSep+"1161111"+cDecSep+"116111abcd" for i=1 to 4 FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelText <> fLocaleString("LocaleText")) then warnlog "wrong format; is: "+Kategorie.GetSelText+" should: "+fLocaleString("LocaleText") ' Text end if Zahlenformat.Cancel FormatParagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "TabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (Links.IsChecked = false) then warnlog "wrong alignment of tablefield: "+i TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call wTypeKeys "" Printlog "'///+ ... Number recognition ON - Number format recognition ///" ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions ("WRITER","Table") AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.Check ' even with that, everything is a TEXT :-(???? Zahlenformaterkennung.Check ' much better with that! everything with numbers&decimalsep is number with 2 decimal places displayed, but all kept!!! AutomatischeAusrichtung.UnCheck ' just the allignment does change too! Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) ZeileEinfuegen.Click Call wTypeKeys "111111"+cSep+"1161111"+cDecSep+"116111abcd" ' number, text, number, text for i=1 to 4 FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" Select Case i Case 1,2,3 if (Kategorie.GetSelText <> fLocaleString("LocaleNumber")) then warnlog "wrong format; "+ i +"; is: "+Kategorie.GetSelText+" should: "+fLocaleString("LocaleNumber") ' Number end if Case 4 if (Kategorie.GetSelText <> fLocaleString("LocaleText")) then warnlog "wrong format; "+ i +"; is: "+Kategorie.GetSelText+" should: "+fLocaleString("LocaleText") ' Text end if end select Zahlenformat.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call wTypeKeys "" Printlog "'///+ ... Number recognition ON - Number format recognition - Alignment ///" ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions ("WRITER","Table") AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.Check ' even with that, everything is a TEXT :-(???? Zahlenformaterkennung.Check ' much better with that! everything with numbers&decimalsep is number with 2 decimal places displayed, but all kept!!! AutomatischeAusrichtung.Check ' just the allignment does change too! Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) ZeileEinfuegen.Click Call wTypeKeys "111111"+cSep+"1161111"+cDecSep+"116111abcd" ' number-right, text-left, number-right, text-left for i=1 to 4 Select Case i Case 1,2,3 FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelText <> fLocaleString("LocaleNumber")) then warnlog "wrong format; "+ i +"; is: "+Kategorie.GetSelText+" should: "+fLocaleString("LocaleNumber") ' number end if Zahlenformat.Cancel formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of tablefield: "+i +"; should: right" tabausrichtungabsatz.Cancel Case 4 FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelText <> fLocaleString("LocaleText")) then warnlog "wrong format; is: "+ i +"; "+Kategorie.GetSelText+" should: "+fLocaleString("LocaleText") ' Text end if Zahlenformat.Cancel formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage TabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "TabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (links.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of tablefield: "+i+"; should: left" TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel end select Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call hCloseDocument endcase ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableInsert2 Call hNewDocument Printlog "'/// 2. Insert Toolbox -> Insert Table -> Autoformat ///" ' using autoformat Call hToolbarSelect ( "Insert", True ) Kontext "InsertBar" Tabelle.Click Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" Spalten.Settext "5" Zeilen.SetText "20" Autoformat.Click Kontext "AutoformatTabelle" AutoFormatTabelle.OK Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" TabellenName.SetText "two" TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK Call wTypeKeys "two" Call hCloseDocument endcase ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableInsert3 dim i as integer dim sTemp as string dim itemp(3) as integer Call hNewDocument Printlog "'/// 3. Menu: Insert -> Table (Shortcut): {strg} + {F12} ///" Printlog "'///+ Test Options on 'Insert Table' ///" Printlog "'///+ Header ON ///" ' table heading active ' Don't split table INactive ' table border unchecked Call wTypeKeys "" Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" TabellenName.SetText "three" Spalten.Settext "5" Ueberschrift.Check Umrandung.Uncheck TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK Call wTypeKeys "three" ' -------------check if heading 1 ' if checked: heading; else: contents !! SystemLanguage dependent !! :-( Printlog "'///+ check if Header ON ///" Kontext "TextObjectbar" sleep (1) sTemp = Vorlage.GetSelText if (sTemp <> fLocaleString("LocaleTableHeading")) then Warnlog "--- table heading did not work!" warnlog "--- is:" + sTemp + ", should :" + fLocaleString("LocaleTableHeading") end if '---------------------------------- Call wTypeKeys "" ' -------------check if splitting; it HAS TO split Printlog "'///+ check if Table gets splitted - it HAS TO split ///" InsertFieldsPagenumbers ' get pagenumber & leave it for next calculation Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsCalculate itemp(1) = val(GetClipboardText) Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) for i=1 to 60 ZeileEinfuegen.Click ' inserted below the current row wait 200 next i ToolsUpdateUpdateAll ' update field & get pagenumber & clear Call wTypeKeys "" ' Seems there are focus problems on Solaris...workaround Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsCalculate itemp(2) = val(GetClipboardText) if (itemp(1)+1 = itemp(2)) then warnlog "--- Table moved to seconde page" EditCut Call wTypeKeys "got start3" Call wTypeKeys "" ' move to last cell in table InsertFieldsPagenumbers ' get pagenumber & clear Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsCalculate itemp(3) = val(GetClipboardText) if (itemp(2) <> itemp(3)) then printlog "--- Table splitted" + itemp(3) else warnlog "put some more rows in!!!" end if Call hCloseDocument endcase ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableInsert4 dim i as integer dim stemp as string '/// Open a new writer document Call hNewDocument '/// Insert some dummy text if wBlindTextEinfuegen() = false then Call hCloseDocument goto endsub end if '/// Insert a table with parameters: InsertTableWriter Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" '/// - Set table name: four TabellenName.SetText "four" '/// - number of columns: 5 Spalten.Settext "5" '/// - number of rows: 16 Zeilen.Settext "16" '/// - Header: uncheck Ueberschrift.UnCheck '/// - Don't split table: check TabelleNichtTrennen.Check '/// - Border: check Umrandung.check TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK '/// check if table has no header Printlog "check if Header OFF" Kontext "TextObjectbar" sleep (1) if wStyleGet(fLocaleString("LocaleTableHeading")) = true then Warnlog "Seems tableheader is activated though header is off" end if '/// Cursor leaves table with and Printlog "check if Table gets splitted" Call wTypeKeys "" '/// Insert dummy text again 3 times Call wBlindtextEinfuegen ' wait 500 Call wBlindtextEinfuegen ' wait 500 Call wBlindtextEinfuegen '/// check if table has been moved to Page 2 Call wTypeKeys "" ' jump to documents end Call wTypeKeys "" ' move cursor into table Call wTypeKeys "" ' move cursor to first cell '/// Insert / Fields / Pagenumbers to check on which page table is InsertFieldsPagenumbers Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsCalculate if (GetClipboardText = "2") or (GetClipboardText = "3") then printlog "Table has been moved correctly" else warnlog " It seems table has been splitted" end if '/// Table should split if table is bigger than one page Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wBlindtextEinfuegen Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Printlog "Table should split" Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) for i=1 to 25 ZeileEinfuegen.Click ' inserted below the current row next i Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsCalculate stemp = GetClipboardText Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" InsertFieldsPagenumbers Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsCalculate if (GetClipboardText <> stemp) then printlog "Table has been splitted" else warnlog " It seems table has not been splitted" end if Call hCloseDocument endcase ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableInsert5 Call hNewDocument '/// Insert Text with delimeter & call Tools -> Text<->Table Printlog "'/// Insert Text with delimeter & call Tools -> Text<->Table ///" Call wTypeKeys "five;2;3;4;5;" Call wTypeKeys "a;b;c;d;e;" Call wTypeKeys "A;B;C;D;E;" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsTextInTable Kontext "TextInTabelleUmwandeln" Semikolon.Check TextInTabelleUmwandeln.OK Call wTypeKeys "" Call hCloseDocument endcase ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableNumberFormat Call hNewDocument Printlog "'/// Fill table with content: Tools->Options->TextDoc->Number formating/recognition check ALL ///" '/// use table 5x10; and try to get every entry from format->numberFormat->Categorie ///' Call TBOhTabelleEinfuegen ("six",0, 0, 0, 1,"5", "10" ) Call wTypeKeys "six" ToolsOptions ' set options for this test Call hToolsOptions ("WRITER","Table") AutomatischeZahlenerkennung.Check Zahlenformaterkennung.Check AutomatischeAusrichtung.Check Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK printlog "Checking numberformater" '///+ - Currency printlog " - Currency" call wTypeKeys(fLocaleString("LocaleCurrencyValue")) call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 5) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as currency, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as currency" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of number" else printlog " - Currencyvalue is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> fLocaleString("LocaleCurrencyValue")) then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated. It is: " & GetClipboardText & " but should be: " & fLocaleString("LocaleCurrencyValue") else printlog " - Currencyvalue is correctly formated" end if '///+ - Unknown currency printlog " - Unknown currency" call wTypeKeys("10.78 §") call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 11) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as string, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as string" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (links.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of number" else printlog " - Value is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "10.78 §") then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated: should be 10.78 §, but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - Value is correctly formated" end if '///+ - Date printlog " - Date" call wTypeKeys(fLocaleString("LocaleDateValue")) call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 6) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as date, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as date" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel Formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of number" else printlog " - Datevalue is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> fLocaleString("LocaleDateOutput")) then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated: should be " & fLocaleString("LocaleDateOutput") & ", but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - Datevalue is correctly formated" end if '///+ - Time printlog " - Time" call wTypeKeys(fLocaleString("LocaleTimeInput")) call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 7) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as time, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as date" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel Formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of number" else printlog " - Timevalue is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> fLocaleString("LocaleTimeValue")) then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated: should be " & fLocaleString("LocaleTimeValue") & ", but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - Timevalue is correctly formated" end if '///+ - Percent printlog " - Percent" call wTypeKeys(fLocaleString("LocalePercentValue")) call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 4) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as percent, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as percent" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel Formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of number" else printlog " - Percentvalue is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> fLocaleString("LocalePercentValue")) then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated: should be " & fLocaleString("LocalePercentValue") & ", but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - Percentvalue is correctly formated" end if '///+ - Scientific printlog " - Scientific" call wTypeKeys(fLocaleString("LocaleScientificValue")) call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 8) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as scientific, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as scientific" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel Formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of number" else printlog " - Scientificvalue is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> fLocaleString("LocaleScientificValue")) then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated: should be " & fLocaleString("LocaleScientificValue") & ", but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - Scientificvalue is correctly formated" end if '///+ - Fraction printlog " - Fraction" call wTypeKeys("58 11/4") call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 9) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as fraction, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as fraction" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel Formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of number" else printlog " - Fractionvalue is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "60 3/4") then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated: should be 60 3/4, but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - Fractionvalue is correctly formated" end if '///+ - Boolean printlog " - Boolean" call wTypeKeys(fLocaleString("LocaleBooleanValue")) call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex = 10) then printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as boolean" elseif iSprache = 86 or iSprache = 82 or iSprache =88 then warnlog "Boolean value in chinese and korean not recognized" else warnlog "The value " & fLocaleString("LocaleBooleanValue") & "is not recognized as boolean, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText end if Zahlenformat.Cancel Formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (rechts.isChecked = true) then printlog " - Booleanvalue is correctly alligned" elseif iSprache = 86 or iSprache = 82 or iSprache = 88 then warnlog "Boolean value in chinese and korean not recognized" else warnlog "wrong alignment of number" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> fLocaleString("LocaleBooleanValue")) then warnlog "The number is not correctly formated: should be " & fLocaleString("LocaleBooleanValue") & ", but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - Booleanvalue is correctly formated" end if '///+ - String printlog " - String" call wTypeKeys("testtext") call wTypeKeys "" FormatNumberFormat Kontext "Zahlenformat" if (Kategorie.GetSelIndex <> 11) then warnlog "The value is not recognized as string, it is " & Kategorie.GetSelText else printlog " - Value is correctly recognized as string" end if Zahlenformat.Cancel Formatparagraph Kontext Active.SetPage tabAusrichtungAbsatz Kontext "tabAusrichtungAbsatz" if (links.isChecked <> true) then warnlog "wrong alignment of string" else printlog " - String is correctly alligned" end if TabAusrichtungAbsatz.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "Testtext") then warnlog "The string is not correctly formated: should be Testtext, but is " & GetClipboardText else printlog " - String is correctly formated" end if '/// finished the file, now some hardwired tests ///' '///+ check, if all decimals are saved, even if not displayed ///' Call wTypeKeys "123" & cDecSep & "123456789" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" wait 500 EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "123" & cDecSep & "12") then warnlog "wrong reformating of text tablefield 1; should: " & "123" & cDecSep & "12 is: "+GetClipboardText EditUndo Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "123" & cDecSep & "123456789") then warnlog "wrong reformating of text tablefield 2; should: 123" & cDecSep & "123456789 is: "+GetClipboardText Call hCloseDocument () endcase ' -------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableDelete dim i as integer Call hNewDocument Printlog "'/// delete rows/columns in a table ///" Call TBOhTabelleEinfuegen ("seven",0, 0, 0, 1,"20", "20" ) ' Point cursor to upper left cell Call wTypeKeys "", 2 Call wTypeKeys "1" For i = 2 to 20 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys CStr(i) next i Call wTypeKeys "", 2 Printlog "'/// via keys {alt delete} {cursor} -> delete row/column ///" ' delete some rows/columns using shortcuts del 2rows 2cols Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call SpaltenTesten ( 18 ) Call wTypeKeys "", 2 Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if GetClipboardtext <> "2" then Warnlog "Deleting rows/columns via keys has not been worked as accepted! -> Test failed!" Call hCloseDocument exit sub end if Printlog "'/// via menue Format[Zeile|Spalte]Loeschen ///" for i = 1 to 17 ' delete some rows/columns FormatZeileLoeschen wait 500 FormatSpalteLoeschen wait 500 next i Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if GetClipboardtext <> "20" then Warnlog "Deleting rows/columns via keys has not been worked as accepted! -> Test failed!" Call hCloseDocument exit sub end if Printlog "'/// via keys {alt insert} {cursor} -> insert row/column ///" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call SpaltenTesten ( 3 ) Call wTypeKeys "", 2 Call wTypeKeys "" try EditCopy Warnlog "Maybe no columns have been inserted!" catch Call wTypeKeys "", 2 Call wTypeKeys "" try EditCopy if GetClipboardtext <> "20" then Warnlog "Maybe no columns have been inserted!" end if catch Warnlog "Maybe no columns have been inserted!" endcatch endcatch Printlog "'/// delete whole table ///" Call wTypeKeys "", 2 ' delete hole table Call wTypeKeys "" try Call wTypeKeys "" 'EditCut Call wTypeKeys "" catch Warnlog "Unable to delete table!" endcatch Call hCloseDocument endcase '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableText dim i as integer Call hNewDocument Printlog "'/// +++ table to text ///" Call TBOhTabelleEinfuegen ("seven",0, 0, 0, 1,"10", "10" ) for i = 1 to 99 ' fill every cell Call wTypeKeys CStr(i) Call wTypeKeys "" next i ToolsTextInTable ' convert with '+' seperator Kontext "TextInTabelleUmwandeln" Andere.Check AndereText.settext "+" TextInTabelleUmwandeln.OK Call wTypeKeys "" ' calculate every row for i = 1 to 10 Call wTypeKeys "" ToolsCalculate Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "+" next i Call wTypeKeys "0" ToolsCalculate if (GetClipboardText <> "12645") then warnlog "wrong table converting table<->text " Call wTypeKeys "" Call hCloseDocument () endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableCalculate Printlog "'/// calculating in table ///" Call hNewDocument Call TBOhTabelleEinfuegen () Call wTypeKeys "12345678" Call wTypeKeys "" Call TBOhTabelleEinfuegen ("eight",0, 0, 0, 1,"5", "5" ) '///' should look like:
    '///+  a        b    c        d                 e ///
    '///+1 1,.1  2,.2   =3,.3  4,.4        =summe<:4,.4 ///
    '///+2 1        2   =3        4        =summe<:4 ///
    '///+3 =2,.1 =18,.9 =2     =-0,31      =32,.6926671... <1.check> ///
    '///+4 =14   =16    gone   =<2.check>  = ...table1 ?? ///
/// '/// this table gets generated one by one ///' Call wTypeKeys "1"+cDecSep+"1" ' insert input A1 Call wTypeKeys "2"+cDecSep+"2" Call wTypeKeys "=" ' Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" ' C1 Eingabefeld.SetText "+" Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "4"+cDecSep+"4" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "1" ' A2 Call wTypeKeys "2" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "4" Call wTypeKeys "=" ' Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" ' C2 Eingabefeld.SetText "-" Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' automatic sum works only to next formula :-< ///' Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) formeleingeben.click Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call hToolbarSelect ( "Table", true ) formeleingeben.click Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "=" ' slip into calculation area Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" ' A3 Eingabefeld.SetText "sum " Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "sum " Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "sqrt " Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "cos " Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' E3 check this out :-) Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "sum " Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "32" & cDecSep & "69") then warnlog "wrong calculation should: 32" & cDecSep & "69 is: "+GetClipboardText Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' A4 Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "2+3*4" Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "14") then warnlog "wrong calculation should: "+"14"+" is: "+GetClipboardText Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' B4 Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "2*2 pow 3" Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "16") then warnlog "wrong calculation should: "+"16"+" is: "+GetClipboardText Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (1) Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (1) '/// one row gets deleted///' FormatSpalteLoeschen ' grumel: have to find a cell :-( Call wTypeKeys "" ' C4 Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "sum " Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "58" & cDecSep & "89") then warnlog "wrong calculation should: " & "58" & cDecSep & "89" & " is: " & GetClipboardText Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" ' C4 Kontext "OL_SW_Rechenleiste" Eingabefeld.SetText "sum <"+fLocaleString("LocaleTable")+"1.B1:E1> / " sleep (2) Uebernehmen.click Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if (GetClipboardText <> "1" & cDecSep & "27") then warnlog "wrong calculation should: 1" & cDecSep & "27 is: " & GetClipboardText Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Call hCloseDocument () endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTableEdit dim itemp(5) as integer Call hNewDocument Printlog "'/// edit table ///" Call TBOhTabelleEinfuegen ("nine-dumy",0, 0, 0, 1,"5", "3" ) Call wTypeKeys "" Call TBOhTabelleEinfuegen ("nine",0, 0, 0, 1,"5", "3" ) Call wTypeKeys "nine" Printlog "'/// insert Frame & Graphic in heading ///" InsertFrame sleep (5) Kontext "tabtype" sleep (5) TabType.ok sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (5) Call hGrafikEinfuegen (gTesttoolPath +"writer\optional\input\options\ga000907.gif") sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (5) Printlog "'/// insert Frame & Graphic in body ///" InsertFrame sleep (5) Kontext "tabtype" sleep (5) TabType.ok sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (5) Call hGrafikEinfuegen (gTesttoolPath +"writer\optional\input\options\ga000907.gif") sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" Printlog "'/// insert Frame & Table in body ///" InsertFrame sleep (5) Kontext "tabtype" sleep (5) TabType.ok sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" sleep (5) try Call hTabelleEinfuegen () Call wTypeKeys "" catch Warnlog "Hit -Key should enable edit mode for selected frames! (srx642z or greater)" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" endcatch sleep (5) Printlog "'/// insert PageBreak ///" '/// TBO: check test / insert dummy table ' doesn't work, if the first 'stuff' in a document is the table ///' InsertFieldsPagenumbers Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy ToolsCalculate sleep (5) itemp(1) = val(GetClipboardText) EditCut InsertManualBreak sleep (5) Kontext "UmbruchEinfuegen" Seitenumbruch.check UmbruchEinfuegen.OK sleep (5) InsertFieldsPagenumbers Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy ToolsCalculate sleep (5) itemp(3) = val(GetClipboardText) if (itemp(1) <> itemp(3)) then printlog "--- Pagebreak works in Table, that's good :-)" else warnlog " Pagebreak doesn't work in Table, that's not good :-("+itemp(1) +" "+ itemp(3) end if sleep (5) Call wTypeKeys "" Printlog "'/// the following may not be possible ///" Printlog "'///+ Insert table in footnote ///" InsertFootnote Kontext "FussnoteEinfuegen" FussnoteEinfuegen.OK try InsertTableWriter warnlog " Table in Footnote is possible, that's not good :-(" catch endcatch Call wTypeKeys "" Call hCloseDocument endcase