'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : tools/functions for the Section-testing '* '************************************************************************ '* ' #1 fInsertSection ' #1 fInsertBookmark ' #1 fInsertFootnote ' #1 fInsertEndnote ' #1 fInsertTable ' #1 fCloseNavigator ' #1 fCheckDirectCursor ' #1 fMultiSelection '* '\*********************************************************************** '****************************************************** '* insert a section with name SectionName ** '****************************************************** function fInsertSection(SectionName as string) InsertSection wait 500 Kontext Active.Setpage TabBereiche Kontext "TabBereiche" Bereichsliste.Settext SectionName TabBereiche.OK wait 500 end function '****************************************************** '* insert a bookmark with name ** '****************************************************** function fInsertBookmark(BookmarkName as string) InsertBookmark Kontext Kontext "TextmarkeEinfuegen" Textmarken.SetText BookmarkName TextmarkeEinfuegen.OK end function '****************************************************** '* insert a footnote ** '****************************************************** function fInsertFootnote(Numbering as string , ConTentInCharater as String) InsertFootnote Kontext "FussnoteEinfuegen" ' check footnote Fussnote.Check Select Case Numbering Case "automatic" : Automatisch.Check Case "character" : Zeichen.Check ZeichenText.SetText ConTentInCharater Case else : Warnlog "Maybe new options! :-)" Automatisch.Check end select FussnoteEinfuegen.OK end function '****************************************************** '* insert a endnote ** '****************************************************** function fInsertEndnote(Numbering as string , ConTentInCharater as String) InsertFootnote Kontext "FussnoteEinfuegen" ' check endnote Endnote.Check Select Case Numbering Case "automatic" : Automatisch.Check Case "character" : Zeichen.Check ZeichenText.SetText ConTentInCharater Case else : Warnlog "Maybe new options! :-)" Automatisch.Check end select FussnoteEinfuegen.OK end function '****************************************************** '* insert a table with name TableName ** '* Column is table's column's number ** '* Row is table's row 's number ** '****************************************************** function fInsertTable(TableName as string, ColumnNumber as string, RowNumber as string) InsertTableWriter Sleep 1 Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter" TabellenName.SetText TableName Spalten.SetText ColumnNumber Zeilen.SetText RowNumber TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK end function '******************************************************* '* Close Navigator ** '******************************************************* function fCloseNavigator Kontext Kontext "Navigator" try Navigator.Close catch Warnlog "Could not close Navigator!" endcatch end function '******************************************************* '* Open options and check 'Direct-Cursor' in options ** '******************************************************* function fCheckDirectCursor ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","FormattingAids") Zonen_Cursor.Check Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK end function '********************************************************* '* This function is evaluated multisection ** '* selectString is the selected string in the text ** '* There must be more than 2 selectStrings in the text ** '********************************************************* function fMultiSelection(selectedString as String) Kontext EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText selectedString SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 FindAndReplace.Close end function