'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* '* '* short description : Test the functionality of Page Formatting / Page Styles - 1 '* '************************************************************************ '* ' #1 tFormatPage_1 'Open format/page dialog ' #1 tFormatPage_2 'Test Portrait in tabpage Page ' #1 tFormatPage_3 'Test Landscape in tabpage Page ' #1 tFormatPage_4 'Width and Height boxes must change after changing between Portrait and Landscape ' #1 tFormatPage_5 'The sum of "Left margin" and "Right margin" must always stay below the Paper width.(Same for top/bottom and height) ' #1 tFormatPage_6 'Test predefined formats ' #1 tFormatPage_7 'Test user defined formats ' #1 tFormatPage_8 'Check Listbox Text Direction when Asian language support is enabled ' #1 tFormatPage_9 'Check Listbox Text Direction when CTL is enabled ' #1 tFormatPage_10 'when Asian support and CTL are all enabled , 3 entries should be in Text Direction listbox ' #1 TFormatPage_11 'Test Page layout - Right and left ' #1 tFormatPage_12 'Test Page layout - Mirrored ' #1 tFormatPage_13 'Test Page layout - Only right ' #1 tFormatPage_14 'Test Page layout - Only left ' #1 tFormatPage_15 'Insertfields / other / Document / Type/Page -> As page Style must be set '* '\*********************************************************************** testcase tFormatPage_1 PrintLog "- Open format/page dialog" '/// Open format/page dialog /// Call hNewDocument '/// 1. via Mouse clicks in Menu: Format-Page try fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") TabSeite.Cancel catch endcatch '/// 2. via shortcuts in menu (manual test is needed) '/// 3. via Context menu when Cursor is in the document try hMenuSelectNr(5) Sleep 2 hMenuSelectNr(5) Sleep 2 Kontext Active.SetPage TabSeite Kontext "TabSeite" TabSeite.Cancel catch endcatch Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_2 Dim sTestString as String Dim iRepectLength as Integer Dim iFormat as Integer sTestString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ" iRepectLength = 26 iFormat = 3 'A4 paper PrintLog "- Test Portrait in tabpage Page" '/// Test Portrait in tabpage Page /// Call hNewDocument '/// Input a long test string Call wTypeKeys sTestString '/// Format/Page , tabpage page , check 'Portrait' fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Papierformat.Select iFormat Wait 500 Hoch.Check Wait 500 TabSeite.OK '/// Check if Checkbox -- Portrait works fine Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy wait 500 if Len(GetClipboardText) < iRepectLength then Warnlog "Checkbox Portrait doesn't work fine!" Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_3 Dim iTextLength as integer PrintLog "- Test Landscape in tabpage Page" '/// Test Landscape in tabpage Page Call hNewDocument Call wOptionsUndo( "Grundschriften" ) '/// Input a long test string Call wTypeKeys "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy iTextLength = Len(GetClipBoardtext) '/// Format/Page , tabpage page , check 'Landscape' fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Papierformat.Select 3 ' A4 Paper Wait 500 Quer.Check Wait 500 TabSeite.OK '/// Check if Checkbox -- Landscape works fine Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy wait 500 if Len(GetClipboardText) <= iTextLength then Warnlog "Checkbox Landscape doesn't work fine!" Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_4 Dim iFormat as Integer Dim sWidth as String Dim sHeight as String iFormat = 3 'A4 paper PrintLog "- Width and Height boxes must change after changing between Portrait and Landscape" '/// Width and Height boxes must change after changing between Portrait and Landscape Call hNewDocument '/// Format/Page tabpage page , '/// + check 'Portrait' first and get width and height , '/// + then change from Portrait to Landscape '/// + check if the change is effective fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Papierformat.Select iFormat Wait 500 Hoch.Check Sleep 1 sWidth = Breite.GetText sHeight = Hoehe.GetText Quer.Check Sleep 1 if Breite.GetText <> sHeight then Warnlog "Width isn't changed when changing from Portrait to Landscape !" if Hoehe.GetText <> sWidth then Warnlog "Height isn't changed when changing from Portrait to Landscape !" TabSeite.Cancel '/// Format/Page tabpage page , '/// + check 'Landscape' first and get width and height , '/// + then change from Landscape to Portrait '/// + check if the change is effective fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Papierformat.Select iFormat Wait 500 Quer.Check Sleep 1 sWidth = Breite.GetText sHeight = Hoehe.GetText Hoch.Check Sleep 1 if Breite.GetText <> sHeight then Warnlog "Width isn't changed when changing from Landscape to Portrait !" if Hoehe.GetText <> sWidth then Warnlog "Height isn't changed when changing from Landscape to Portrait !" TabSeite.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_5 Dim iFormat as Integer Dim sWidth as String , sHeight as String Dim sLeft as String , sRight as String , sUp as String , sBottom as String ' set page size Dim sLeft1 as String , sRight1 as String , sUp1 as String , sBottom1 as String ' get page size iFormat = 3 'A4 paper sWidth = "20" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeight = "25" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sLeft = "15" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sRight = "15" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sUp = "15" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sBottom = "15" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sLeft1 = "15" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sRight1 = "4" + gSeperator + "50" + gMeasurementUnit sUp1 = "15" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sBottom1 = "9" + gSeperator + "50" + gMeasurementUnit PrintLog "- The sum of 'Left margin' and 'Right margin' must always stay below the Paper width." PrintLog " (Same for top/bottom and height)" '/// The sum of "Left margin" and "Right margin" must always stay below the Paper width. '/// (Same for top/bottom and height) Call hNewDocument '/// Format/Page , tabpage Page , set width and height , close the dialog fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Papierformat.Select iFormat Wait 500 Hoch.Check Sleep 1 Breite.SetText sWidth Wait 500 Hoehe.SetText sHeight Wait 500 TabSeite.OK '/// Format/Page , tabpage Page , '/// + Set the sum of "Left margin" and "Right margin" more than Width fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Links.SetText sLeft Wait 500 Rechts.SetText sRight Wait 500 TabSeite.OK '/// Check if the setting is OK fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Left$(Links.GetText,5) <> Left$(sLeft1,5) then Warnlog "The Margin(left) is wrong!" if Left$(Rechts.GetText,4) <> Left$(sRight1,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(right) is wrong!" TabSeite.Cancel '/// Format/Page , tabpage Page , '/// + Set the sum of "Up margin" and "Bottom margin" more than Heigth fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Oben.SetText sUp Wait 500 Unten.SetText sBottom Wait 500 TabSeite.OK '/// Check if the setting is OK fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Left$(Oben.GetText,5) <> Left$(sUp1,5) then Warnlog "The Margin(Up) is wrong!" if Left$(Unten.GetText,4) <> Left$(sBottom1,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(Bottom) is wrong!" TabSeite.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_6 Dim iPaperTray as Integer , iPageLayout as Integer Dim iFormatLayout as Integer , iReferenceStyle as Integer Dim sWidth as String, sHeight as String Dim sLeft as String , sRight as String , sUp as String , sBottom as String iPaperTray = 1 : iPageLayout = 2 iFormatLayout = 2 : iReferenceStyle = 5 sWidth = "20" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeight = "25" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sLeft = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sRight = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sUp = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sBottom = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit PrintLog "- Test Pre-defined formats" '/// Test Pre-defined formats Call hNewDocument '/// Format/Page , tabpage page , do some configuration fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Hoch.Check Wait 500 Breite.SetText sWidth Wait 500 Hoehe.SetText sHeight Wait 500 Schacht.Select iPaperTray Wait 500 Links.SetText sLeft Wait 500 Rechts.SetText sRight Wait 500 Oben.SetText sUp Wait 500 Unten.SetText sBottom Wait 500 Seitenlayout.Select iPageLayout Wait 500 Numerierung.Select iFormatLayout Wait 500 Einschalten.Check Sleep 1 AbsatzVorlage.Select iReferenceStyle Wait 500 TabSeite.OK '/// Save the file , close the file and reload the file Call hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficepath + "user\work\tFormatPage_6.odt", "writer8") Call hCloseDocument Call hNewDocument hFileOpen( gOfficepath + "user\work\tFormatPage_6.odt") '/// Check if Pre-defined formats are correct fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Hoch.IsChecked <> TRUE then Warnlog "Portrait should be checked!" if Left$(Breite.GetText,5) <> Left$(sWidth,5) then Warnlog "The width is wrong!" if Left$(Hoehe.GetText,5) <> Left$(sHeight,5) then Warnlog "The height is wrong!" if Schacht.GetSelIndex <> iPaperTray then Warnlog "The Paper tray is wrong!" if Left$(Links.GetText,4) <> Left$(sLeft,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(left) is wrong!" if Left$(Rechts.GetText,4) <> Left$(sRight,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(right) is wrong!" if Left$(Oben.GetText,4) <> Left$(sUp,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(top) is wrong!" if Left$(Unten.GetText,4) <> Left$(sBottom,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(bottom) is wrong!" if Seitenlayout.GetSelIndex <> iPageLayout then Warnlog "The paper layout is wrong!" if Numerierung.GetSelIndex <> iFormatLayout then Warnlog "The layout settings(format) is wrong!" if Einschalten.IsChecked <> TRUE then Warnlog "Portrait should be checked!" if AbsatzVorlage.GetSelIndex <> iReferenceStyle then Warnlog "The reference style is wrong!" TabSeite.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_7 Dim iPaperTray as Integer , iPageLayout as Integer Dim iFormatLayout as Integer , iReferenceStyle as Integer Dim sWidth as String , sHeight as String Dim sLeft as String , sRight as String , sUp as String , sBottom as String iPaperTray = 1 : iPageLayout = 2 iFormatLayout = 2 : iReferenceStyle = 5 sWidth = "20" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeight = "25" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sLeft = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sRight = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sUp = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sBottom = "2" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit PrintLog "- Test user defined formats" '/// Test user defined formats Call hNewDocument '/// Format/Page , tabpage page , do some configuration fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Hoch.Check Wait 500 Breite.SetText sWidth Wait 500 Hoehe.SetText sHeight Wait 500 Schacht.Select iPaperTray Wait 500 Links.SetText sLeft Wait 500 Rechts.SetText sRight Wait 500 Oben.SetText sUp Wait 500 Unten.SetText sBottom Wait 500 Seitenlayout.Select iPageLayout Wait 500 Numerierung.Select iFormatLayout Wait 500 Einschalten.Check Sleep 1 AbsatzVorlage.Select iReferenceStyle Wait 500 TabSeite.OK '/// Check if user defined formats are correct fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Hoch.IsChecked <> TRUE then Warnlog "Portrait should be checked!" if Left$(Breite.GetText,5) <> Left$(sWidth,5) then Warnlog "The width is wrong!" if left$(Hoehe.GetText,5) <> Left$(sHeight,5) then Warnlog "The height is wrong!" if Schacht.GetSelIndex <> iPaperTray then Warnlog "The Paper tray is wrong!" if Left$(Links.GetText,4) <> Left$(sLeft,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(left) is wrong!" if Left$(Rechts.GetText,4) <> Left$(sRight,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(right) is wrong!" if Left$(Oben.GetText,4) <> Left$(sUp,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(top) is wrong!" if Left$(Unten.GetText,4) <> Left$(sBottom,4) then Warnlog "The Margin(bottom) is wrong!" if Seitenlayout.GetSelIndex <> iPageLayout then Warnlog "The paper layout is wrong!" if Numerierung.GetSelIndex <> iFormatLayout then Warnlog "The layout settings(format) is wrong!" if Einschalten.IsChecked <> TRUE then Warnlog "Portrait should be checked!" if AbsatzVorlage.GetSelIndex <> iReferenceStyle then Warnlog "The reference style is wrong!" TabSeite.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_8 Dim RecheckCTLSupport as string Dim RecheckAsianSupport as string RecheckCTLSupport = gCTLSup RecheckAsianSupport = gAsianSup Select Case iSystemSprache Case 81, 82, 86, 88 printlog "No test with asian lovale, because checkbox 'Asian language support' is disabled by default!" goto endsub end select PrintLog "- Check Listbox Text Direction when Asian language support is enabled" '/// Check Listbox Text Direction when Asian language support is enabled Call hNewDocument '/// Set CTL unable Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(FALSE) '/// Enable Asian Support Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(TRUE) '/// - the Listbox Text Direction should be visible when Asian language support is enabled Call fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Not Textfluss.IsVisible then Warnlog "Listbox 'Text Direction' isn't visible though asian support is enabled" end if TabSeite.Cancel '/// Disable Asian Support Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(FALSE) '/// - the Listbox Text Direction should be invisible when Asian language support is unabled Call fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Textfluss.IsVisible then Warnlog "Listbox 'Text Direction' is visible though asian support is disabled" end if TabSeite.Cancel if RecheckCTLSupport = True then Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(TRUE) else Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(FALSE) end if if RecheckAsianSupport = True then Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(TRUE) else Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(FALSE) end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_9 Dim RecheckCTLSupport as string Dim RecheckAsianSupport as string RecheckCTLSupport = gCTLSup RecheckAsianSupport = gAsianSup PrintLog "- Check Listbox Text Direction when CTL is enabled" '/// Check Listbox Text Direction when CTL is enabled Call hNewDocument '/// Set CTL enabled Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(FALSE) Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(TRUE) '/// Check if 'Text direction' appears Call fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Textfluss.IsVisible = False then Warnlog "Right to Left (horizontal) should appear when CTL is checked!" end if TabSeite.Cancel '/// Set CTL unable Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(FALSE) '/// Check if 'Text direction' appears Call fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Textfluss.IsVisible = TRUE then Warnlog "Left to Right (horizontal) appears though CTL is disabled" end if TabSeite.Cancel if RecheckCTLSupport = True then Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(TRUE) else Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(FALSE) end if if RecheckAsianSupport = True then Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(TRUE) else Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(FALSE) end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_10 Dim RecheckCTLSupport as string Dim RecheckAsianSupport as string RecheckCTLSupport = gCTLSup RecheckAsianSupport = gAsianSup PrintLog "- when Asian support and CTL are all enabled , 3 entries should be in Text Direction listbox" '/// when Asian support and CTL are all enabled , 3 entries should be in Text Direction listbox Call hNewDocument '/// Set Asian support enabled and Set CTL enabled Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(TRUE) Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(TRUE) '/// Check if there are 3 entires in Text Direction listbox fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") if Textfluss.GetItemCount <> 3 then Warnlog "There should be 3 entries in Text direction listbox , but get " & Textfluss.GetItemCount end if TabSeite.Cancel if RecheckCTLSupport = True then Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(TRUE) else Call ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport(FALSE) end if if RecheckAsianSupport = True then Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(TRUE) else Call ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(FALSE) end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_11 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sMarginsLeft as String Dim iPageLayout as Integer sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\formatpage\pageLayout.sxw") sMarginsLeft = "10" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit iPageLayout = 1 PrintLog "- Test Page layout - Right and left" '/// Test Page layout - Right and left Call hNewDocument '/// Open a test file , '/// + There are 2 pictures in 2 pages separately , '/// + and they are anchored as character hFileOpenLocally( sTestFile ) '/// FormatPage / tabpage Page , Set left margins to 10cm , '/// + and set page layout to "Right to left" fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Links.SetText sMarginsLeft Sleep 1 Seitenlayout.Select iPageLayout Sleep 1 TabSeite.OK '/// Set focus to first picture , format/anchor to Page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Call wTypeKeys "" FormatAnchorToPage Sleep 1 '/// Check its position fPositionAndSize("TabPositionAndSizeWriter") if Left$(Horizontalby.Gettext,5) <> Left$(sMarginsLeft,5) then Warnlog "1-The position X isn't right , should be " &sMarginsLeft & " but get " & Horizontalby.Gettext TabPositionAndSizeWriter.Cancel '/// Set focus to second picture , format/anchor to Page Call wTypeKeys "" FormatAnchorToPage Sleep 1 '/// Check its position fPositionAndSize("TabPositionAndSizeWriter") if Left$(Horizontalby.Gettext,5) <> Left$(sMarginsLeft,5) then Warnlog "2-The position X isn't right , should be " &sMarginsLeft & " but get " & Horizontalby.Gettext TabPositionAndSizeWriter.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_12 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sMarginsLeft as String Dim sMarginsRight as String Dim iPageLayout as Integer sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\formatpage\pageLayout.sxw") sMarginsLeft = "10" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sMarginsRight = "4" + gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit iPageLayout = 2 PrintLog "- Test Page layout - Mirrored" '/// Test Page layout - Mirrored Call hNewDocument '/// Open a test file , '/// + there are 2 pictures in 2 pages separately , and they are anchored as character hFileOpenLocally( sTestFile ) '/// FormatPage / tabpage Page , Set left margins to 10cm , '/// + and set page layout to "Mirrored" fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Links.SetText sMarginsLeft Sleep 1 Rechts.SetText sMarginsRight Sleep 1 Seitenlayout.Select iPageLayout Sleep 1 TabSeite.OK '/// Set focus to first picture , format/anchor to Page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Call wTypeKeys "" FormatAnchorToPage Sleep 1 '/// Check its position fPositionAndSize("TabPositionAndSizeWriter") if Left$(Horizontalby.Gettext,5) <> Left$(sMarginsLeft,5) then Warnlog "1-The position X isn't right , should be " &sMarginsLeft & " but get " & Horizontalby.Gettext TabPositionAndSizeWriter.Cancel '/// Set focus to second picture , format/anchor to Page Call wTypeKeys "" FormatAnchorToPage Sleep 1 '/// Check its position fPositionAndSize("TabPositionAndSizeWriter") if Left$(Horizontalby.Gettext,4) <> Left$(sMarginsRight,4) then Warnlog "2-The position X isn't right , should be " &sMarginsRight & " but get " & Horizontalby.Gettext TabPositionAndSizeWriter.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_13 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sPage1 as String Dim sPage2 as String Dim iPageLayout as Integer sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\formatpage\pageLayout.sxw") sPage1 = "1" sPage2 = "3" iPageLayout = 3 PrintLog "- Test Page layout - Only right" '/// Test Page layout - Only right Call hNewDocument '/// Open a test file , '/// + there are 2 pictures in 2 pages separately hFileOpenLocally( sTestFile ) '/// FormatPage / tabpage Page , Set left margins to 10cm , '/// + and set page layout to "Only right" fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Seitenlayout.Select iPageLayout Sleep 1 TabSeite.OK '/// Set focus to first picture , Check if the picture is in first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Call wTypeKeys "" Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> sPage1 then Warnlog "1st pic isn't in page 1 !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 '/// Set focus to second picture , Check if the picture is in third page Call wTypeKeys "" Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> sPage2 then Warnlog "2nd pic isn't in page 3 !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call hCloseDocument endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_14 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sPage1 as String Dim sPage2 as String Dim iPageLayout as Integer sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\formatpage\pageLayout.sxw") sPage1 = "2" sPage2 = "4" iPageLayout = 4 PrintLog "- Test Page layout - Only left" '/// Test Page layout - Only left Call hNewDocument '/// Open a test file , '/// + there are 2 pictures in 2 pages separately hFileOpenLocally( sTestFile ) '/// FormatPage / tabpage Page , Set left margins to 10cm , '/// + and set page layout to "Only left" fFormatPageWriter("TabSeite") Seitenlayout.Select iPageLayout Sleep 1 TabSeite.OK '/// Set focus to first picture , Check if the picture is in first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Call wTypeKeys "" Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> sPage1 then Warnlog "1st pic isn't in page 2 !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 '/// Set focus to second picture , Check if the picture is in third page Call wTypeKeys "" Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> sPage2 then Warnlog "2nd pic isn't in page 4 !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 printlog " Close active document " Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0 Call hCloseDocument Loop endcase '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tFormatPage_15 Dim sType as String Dim sFormat as String Select case iSprache case 01: sType = "Page" sFormat = "As Page Style" case 03: sType = "Página" sFormat = "Como estilo de página" case 31: sType = "Pagina" sFormat = "Zoals paginaopmaakprofiel" case 33 : sType = "Page" sFormat = "D'après le style de page" case 34 : sType = "Página" sFormat = "Como estilo de página" case 39 : sType = "Pagina" sFormat = "Come modello di pagina" case 46: sType = "Sida" sFormat = "Som sidformatmall" case 49: sType = "Seite" sFormat = "Wie Seitenvorlage" case 50: sType = "Stran" sFormat = "Kot predloga za stran" case 55 : sType = "Estatísticas" sFormat = "Como Estilo de Página" case 81 : sType = "ページ" sFormat = "ページスタイル�?�設定" case 82 : sType = "통계" sFormat = "페�?�지 스타�?� 설정" case 86 : sType = "页" sFormat = "和页�?�样�?相�?�" case 88 : sType = "�?" sFormat = "和�?�?�樣�?相�?�" case else : QAErrorLog "The test does not support the language " + iSprache Goto endsub end select PrintLog "- Insertfields / other / Document / Type/Page -> As page Style must be set." '/// Insertfield / other / Document / Type/Page -> As page Style must be set. Call hNewDocument '/// InsertFields / other , tabpage document , select page , '/// + check if Page format is right Call fInsertFieldsOther("TabDokumentFeldbefehle") Feldtyp.Select sType Sleep 3 if Formatliste.GetSelText <> sFormat then warnlog "the format setting should be " & sFormat & " but get " &Formatliste.GetSelText end if TabDokumentFeldbefehle.Close Call hCloseDocument endcase