Title: Making a release The following documents the steps which are necessary to make a release of Apache OpenNLP. - Release discussion and release planning on the mailing list - Elect a release manager - Prepare Jira for the release - Crate an empty test plan for the release - Make a release candidate - Test the candidate accoding to the test plan and iterate until tests pass - Do the release vote on opennlp-dev and on general incubator ## Releasing The release candidate can be released after a successful release vote on the opennlp-dev and incubator general list. - Release the staging repository. This will make the artifacts available in the Maven Central repository. To do this go to the [repository server](repository.apache.org), log in, go to the staging area and release the staging repository linked to this release. - Upload artifacts to the distribution server. All release artifacts need to be copied to /www/www.apache.org/dist/incubator/opennlp on people.apache.org. - Update the download page. The download page should only offer the latest release. Old releases can be downloaded from the archive. - Deploy the documentation. The documentation is part of the website and need to be checked into subversion. Remove all old files from the documentation folder. Download the release, copy everything inside the doc folder to the documentation folder of our website and commit the changes. - Update the news page. Add a news item to the website. - Release the staged website. - Test and review the website. Test that all download links are working. Test that the documentation is updated and can be viewed. - Send out announcements. - Update Jira for the next release. It is suggested to use the wiki to plan all tasks for the release and to distribute them among the team.