Apache OpenMeetings Change Log See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-* (where * is the number of the issue below) See https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-* (where * is the number of CVE below) Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.2.0 ================================================================================================================ ** Sub-task * [OPENMEETINGS-896] - Basic room layout should be created * [OPENMEETINGS-1030] - Add Files section * [OPENMEETINGS-1045] - Screen-sharing button/action should be added * [OPENMEETINGS-1085] - Room Rights should be implemented * [OPENMEETINGS-1120] - Activities section should be added * [OPENMEETINGS-1376] - User list should be fully implemented * [OPENMEETINGS-1386] - CalDAV client prerequisites * [OPENMEETINGS-1391] - Fix CalDAV4j issues * [OPENMEETINGS-1392] - Implement OM CalDAV client * [OPENMEETINGS-1454] - Interview room should work as expected * [OPENMEETINGS-1455] - invitationHash/securityHash should work * [OPENMEETINGS-1458] - Show nickname dialog should be added * [OPENMEETINGS-1459] - External users need to be redirected on connection error * [OPENMEETINGS-1469] - Download functionality is missing in file tree ** Bug * [OPENMEETINGS-508] - Network testing page is not localized * [OPENMEETINGS-653] - playing video follow the scrolling of the screen and leave its player. * [OPENMEETINGS-827] - Video play/stop event acceptable one time in all tab * [OPENMEETINGS-840] - Strange uploaded video behaviour * [OPENMEETINGS-863] - Video Problem * [OPENMEETINGS-1327] - Messages are being displayed in the folder right after creation * [OPENMEETINGS-1358] - RTMPS SSHHandshakeFailed error in 3.0.7 and working fine with 3.0.4 * [OPENMEETINGS-1377] - Backup fails when appointment has deleted room * [OPENMEETINGS-1379] - XSS in Chat window leading to DOS * [OPENMEETINGS-1380] - Chat messages are not being imported * [OPENMEETINGS-1384] - SIP dial to room need to be fixed * [OPENMEETINGS-1385] - Moving Uploaded Images * [OPENMEETINGS-1396] - Swf selection should be improved * [OPENMEETINGS-1399] - OpenMeetings is vulnerable to session fixation * [OPENMEETINGS-1400] - Admin>Conference Rooms>Appointment Room Checkbox * [OPENMEETINGS-1401] - Email Reminders for Calendared Events Not Issued * [OPENMEETINGS-1402] - Screen Sharing issue with Greek language * [OPENMEETINGS-1406] - View profile form is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1410] - Om failed to install using Oracle * [OPENMEETINGS-1411] - allowSameURLMultipleTimes parameter for secure hash is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1412] - Window too big when changing resolution in Audio-Video Recording Test Application * [OPENMEETINGS-1414] - spring-mvc and batik need to be removed * [OPENMEETINGS-1416] - Users with moderator's flag in usergroup do not become moderators in rooms. * [OPENMEETINGS-1417] - Check/uncheck of moderator flag in usergroups doesn't work. * [OPENMEETINGS-1422] - WB is not usable for the appointment room * [OPENMEETINGS-1423] - Aspect ration is being changed for WB video * [OPENMEETINGS-1432] - Recording download from Moodle is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1433] - WB vertical tools panel is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1434] - Only the first group is added in ATTRIBUTE mode * [OPENMEETINGS-1435] - Whiteboard Pointer in OM-3.1.2 gives wrong user name * [OPENMEETINGS-1438] - Recordings permission check is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1442] - Remote keyboard is not working in screen-sharing app * [OPENMEETINGS-1443] - Invitations are broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1444] - Language editor is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1448] - Recordings backup fails "Enum missing" * [OPENMEETINGS-1449] - Check box "Do not ask again" in "Choose device" dialog doesn't work * [OPENMEETINGS-1451] - SOAP/REST API documentation need to be improved * [OPENMEETINGS-1457] - flvRecordings and fileExplorerItem::Video file name depends on id * [OPENMEETINGS-1460] - Application.ONLINE_USERS does not reflect changes to Client instances * [OPENMEETINGS-1461] - We need to switch to java8 * [OPENMEETINGS-1464] - Clear objects on current slide only is not working * [OPENMEETINGS-1465] - Password field is enabled when Password protected is not checked * [OPENMEETINGS-1466] - REST/SOAP methods are incomplete * [OPENMEETINGS-1468] - problems with keyborad usage while screensharing with remote desktop * [OPENMEETINGS-1470] - WB video is not displayed * [OPENMEETINGS-1472] - User cannot be deleted * [OPENMEETINGS-1476] - Deleted records are shown under trash * [OPENMEETINGS-1478] - Admin->Connections displays outdated connections * [OPENMEETINGS-1479] - Dashboard Chat not disabled when dashboard.show.chat value is 0 * [OPENMEETINGS-1482] - Om performance issues * [OPENMEETINGS-1483] - Error while installing OM on MSSQL * [OPENMEETINGS-1486] - Registration dialog is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1487] - Clear text passwords shouldn't be sent via email * [OPENMEETINGS-1489] - Calendar in broken in French * [OPENMEETINGS-1492] - OM 3.1.3 duplication records in database * [OPENMEETINGS-1494] - Calendar & Events * [OPENMEETINGS-1495] - Labels in admin forms are overlapping with inputs * [OPENMEETINGS-1496] - Dates from backup files are being parsed with errors * [OPENMEETINGS-1498] - Exception is thown when user exit from the room * [OPENMEETINGS-1499] - Backup import is crached under OS Windows * [OPENMEETINGS-1500] - Image drop is broken, in case "don't ask" is selected * [OPENMEETINGS-1502] - NullPointerException while checking existing LDAP user * [OPENMEETINGS-1504] - User with no password is being created in Web installer * [OPENMEETINGS-1505] - Password is not checked when owner invite guest to the room with password protected invitation * [OPENMEETINGS-1508] - Italian translation * [OPENMEETINGS-1509] - Count of users in the room on the rooms page is not updated when any user exit from room * [OPENMEETINGS-1510] - WB drawing should be more smooth * [OPENMEETINGS-1511] - LDAP user profile picture * [OPENMEETINGS-1513] - The Installer Converters page should be improved * [OPENMEETINGS-1518] - Recorgings should not be converted to ogg/avi format * [OPENMEETINGS-1521] - 'null' is shown instead of usergroup when user update and save User details * [OPENMEETINGS-1524] - Poll description is missed in the Poll results * [OPENMEETINGS-1525] - Openmeetings 3.1.3 - Problem with script red5-highperf.sh * [OPENMEETINGS-1532] - Recording folders not always imported as expected * [OPENMEETINGS-1533] - Impossible to create Appointment using calendar WebService * [OPENMEETINGS-1534] - Video upload to room is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1535] - Calendar web service range method is broken * [OPENMEETINGS-1537] - external soap users unable to login to the conference room created * [OPENMEETINGS-1539] - Calendar web service: delete method returns nothing on success * [OPENMEETINGS-1540] - Placeholder in reset template email is not being replaced * [OPENMEETINGS-1541] - Appointment invitations are not always accessible * [OPENMEETINGS-1542] - Ajax busy status is not displayed in the room * [OPENMEETINGS-1543] - Webservice Calendar/range ** Improvement * [OPENMEETINGS-652] - video playback is not very clear and there isn't a pause button. * [OPENMEETINGS-1138] - In the general interface, provide a way to access links to recordings, which can be shared with others (both registered users and external people). * [OPENMEETINGS-1366] - Recommendations * [OPENMEETINGS-1373] - 3.2.0 Library versions should be updated * [OPENMEETINGS-1382] - Update default avatar of user * [OPENMEETINGS-1383] - Updated French translation for OpenMeetings 3.1.1/3.1.1+ * [OPENMEETINGS-1393] - Missing text strings are not internationalized for translation * [OPENMEETINGS-1403] - External cameras should be supported * [OPENMEETINGS-1405] - Appointment dialog should be simplified * [OPENMEETINGS-1419] - Connect to Oracle DB with Service Name through Web Installer * [OPENMEETINGS-1445] - 3.1.2 Build Compilation Warnings * [OPENMEETINGS-1446] - SSL installation not fully working * [OPENMEETINGS-1462] - Implementation for a delete button for the chat content on the principal chat window * [OPENMEETINGS-1480] - Ukrainian translation need to be improved * [OPENMEETINGS-1488] - Additional functionality for groups * [OPENMEETINGS-1490] - Jodconverter should be added to openmeetings project * [OPENMEETINGS-1507] - Remove "application.base.url" configuration key * [OPENMEETINGS-1512] - Wrong LDAP value can cause error on My Profile Page * [OPENMEETINGS-1527] - Multiselect using Shift/Ctrl need to be added to file tree ** New Feature * [OPENMEETINGS-895] - HTML5 room should be implemented * [OPENMEETINGS-1408] - provide device-settings dialog via link * [OPENMEETINGS-1427] - Re-name Witheboards tabs * [OPENMEETINGS-1453] - Provision for getting OpenMeetings version from SOAP/REST api * [OPENMEETINGS-1501] - Openmeetings - deleting emails ** Task * [OPENMEETINGS-1515] - Fluido skin for the site should be replaced with reflow ** Test * [OPENMEETINGS-1516] - Users are kicked off the rooms and participant list is incomplete ** Wish * [OPENMEETINGS-853] - temporary uploaded files