import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import*; if (!this.enabled) { return; } canvas.doActionmenu(this.actionCommand); if (!this.enabled) { return; } canvas._mymod.checkForApplyScreen("no"); if (!this.enabled) { return; } if ($debug) Debug.write("cmd_applyforWhiteBoard onselect",tSel); //Ask for Right to Draw on Whiteboard var tDate = new Date(); canvas.thishib.sendMessageWithClient.sendMessage("applyForWhiteboard",tDate.getTime()); if (!this.enabled) { return; } if ($debug) Debug.write("cmd_applyforA onselect",canvas.ismoderator,tSel); if (canvas.ismoderator) { //Do directly send confirmation to share Audio/Video to SELF! so that all users get //the notification and the broadcasting Bit is set for this User canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.publicSIDOfNewModerator = canvas.publicSID; canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.isAllowedToBroadCastAV = true; canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.canVideo = false; canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.doCall(); } else { //Apply for Right to Share Audio/Video var tDate = new Date(); canvas.thishib.sendMessageWithClient.sendMessage("applyForA",tDate.getTime()); } if (!this.enabled) { return; } if ($debug) Debug.write("cmd_applyforAV onselect",canvas.ismoderator,tSel); if (canvas.ismoderator) { //Do directly send confirmation to share Audio/Video to SELF! so that all users get //the notification and the broadcasting Bit is set for this User canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.publicSIDOfNewModerator = canvas.publicSID; canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.isAllowedToBroadCastAV = true; canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.canVideo = true; canvas.thishib.setBroadCastingFlag.doCall(); } else { //Apply for Right to Share Audio/Video var tDate = new Date(); canvas.thishib.sendMessageWithClient.sendMessage("applyForAV",tDate.getTime()); } if ($debug) Debug.warn("remoteLogWrite:: ", message); if (!errorLoader) { errorLoader = new RestCall({ url: canvas.getUrl() + 'services/error/report/' , method: URLRequestMethod.POST }); } var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); vars.message = message; errorLoader.load(vars); 0) { return canvas.httphostlocal; } return canvas.rtmphostlocal; ]]> if ($debug) Debug.write("############# logicalRoomLeave: ",value); canvas.commonVideoViewContent.closeAllScreenSharings(); if (canvas.appointmentNotificationPopUp != null) { canvas.appointmentNotificationPopUp.destroy(); } canvas.doActionmenu('quit'); //if($debug) Debug.write("main.lzx/getLabelName()",id); return getLabelTag(id); if (action == "exportFilePNG") { canvas._drawarea.confirmSaveAsImageTypeExport("image","png"); } else if (action == "exportFileJPG") { canvas._drawarea.confirmSaveAsImageTypeExport("image","jpg"); } else if (action == "exportFilePDF") { canvas._drawarea.confirmSaveAsImageTypeExport("image","pdf"); } else if (action == "exportFileSVG") { canvas._drawarea.confirmSaveAsImageExport("image"); } else if (action == "exportFileTIF") { canvas._drawarea.confirmSaveAsImageTypeExport("image","tif"); } canvas.thishib.src = null; canvas.thishib.reconnectionAction = false; canvas.thishib.counterror = 100; canvas.thishib.disconnect(); if (canvas.thishib._nc) { canvas.thishib._nc.close(); }"roomExit"); if ($debug) Debug.warn("setRoomValues ",roomObj); //this is needed cause in the rpc-method *getCurrentModeratorList* we check if its room.type == 'restricted' //if so we will not show any *There is no Moderator* Warning Dialog canvas.currentRoomObj = roomObj; if (roomObj != null) { hib.currentroomid =; canvas.isConference = roomObj.type == 'conference'; canvas.isInterview = roomObj.type == 'interview'; if (roomObj.type == 'conference') { new lz.flexibleConferenceRoom(canvas.main_content._content.inner, {roomobj:roomObj}); } else if (roomObj.type == 'restricted') { new lz.restrictedConferenceRoom(canvas.main_content._content.inner, {roomobj:roomObj}); } else if (roomObj.type == 'interview') { new lz.interviewConferenceRoom(canvas.main_content._content.inner, {roomobj:roomObj}); } } ////Debug.write('parseLanugageObject: ',obj); ////Debug.write('parseLanugageObject: ',obj.childNodes); = 48 && c <= 57 || c >= 65 && c <= 90 || c >= 97 && c <= 122 ); ]]> = 224 && c <= 250 ); ]]> switch ( type ) { case "left" : obj.setX( 0 ); break; case "center" : obj.setX( this.parent.width / 2 - this.getTextWidth() / 2 ); break; case "right" : obj.setX( this.parent.width - this.getTextWidth() ); break; } var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal('userdata'); var g =; if (g == null) { if($debug) Debug.write("sharedObject.getData IS null"); g = new Array(); } return g; var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal('userdata'); for (var i in g) { if($debug) Debug.write("g[" + i + "] = ", g[i]);[i] = g[i]; } so.flush(); //if ($debug) Debug.write("load Image by Name: ",tName); var tPath = canvas.mainTheme.getPointer().xpathQuery("theme/resource[@name='"+tName+"']/@src"); //if ($debug) Debug.write("tPath "+tPath); if (tPath == null) { if ($debug) Debug.warn("getThemeImage - No Image found for config: ",tName); } else { tPath = canvas.getUrl() + 'public/' + tPath; } return tPath; //if ($debug) Debug.write("load Color by Name: ",tColor); var tResColor = canvas.mainTheme.getPointer().xpathQuery("theme/color[@name='"+tColor+"']/@value"); //if ($debug) Debug.write("tColor "+tColor); if (tResColor == null) { if ($debug) Debug.warn("getThemeColor - No Color found for config: ",tColor); } return tResColor; defaultstyle.setAttribute("basecolor",canvas.getThemeColor('basebgcolorizer')); itemStyle.setAttribute("basecolor",canvas.getThemeColor('basebgcolorizer')); menuStyle.setAttribute("basecolor",canvas.getThemeColor('styleMenuBarBaseColor')); _conferencemenu.setAttribute("bgcolor",canvas.getThemeColor('baseMousecolorizer')); main_content.setAttribute("bgcolor",canvas.getThemeColor('mainBackgroundColor')); return value == null ? '' : value; return canvas.isinitRoomDirect || canvas.remoteUserLogin || canvas.directUserLogin || canvas.secureRemoteUserLogin; cmp.sprite.resource = imgUrl; if (!cmp.sprite.imgLoader) { if (cmp.sprite.resourceContainer) { // unload previous internal image-resource cmp.sprite.unload(); } cmp.sprite.imgLoader = new Loader(); cmp.sprite.imgLoader.mouseEnabled = false;// @devnote: see LPP-7022 cmp.sprite.imgLoader.mouseChildren = false; cmp.sprite.resourceContainer = cmp.sprite.imgLoader; cmp.sprite.addChild(cmp.sprite.imgLoader); } var res:Loader = cmp.sprite.imgLoader; if (res) { res.scaleX = res.scaleY = 1.0; } if (completeCallback) { cmp.sprite.imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeCallback); } cmp.sprite.imgLoader.load(new URLRequest(imgUrl), LzSprite.loaderContext);