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SIP-Transport Integration

You need minimum version 2.0 of Apache OpenMeetings to apply this guide!

Here is instruction how-to set up red5sip transport integration with OpenMeetings on Ubuntu 10.04.

Setup Asterisk
Run the commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install asterisk asterisk-mysql
Ubuntu 10.04 has broken asterisk-mysql version. For other distribution next commands not needed:
aptitude purge asterisk-mysql
cd /tmp
apt-get build-dep asterisk-mysql
apt-get -b source asterisk-mysql
dpkg -i asterisk-mysql_1.6.2.0-1_i386.deb
Enable asterisk mysql realtime module:

Add string
load => res_config_mysql.so
to the /etc/asterisk/modules.conf into the "modules" section.
Configure mysql realtime module:

Create file /etc/asterisk/res_mysql.conf and add lines:
Add next lines into the /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf:
sipusers => mysql,general,sipusers
sippeers => mysql,general,sipusers
extensions => mysql,general,extensions
meetme => mysql,general,meetme
Add next lines into the /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf:
switch => Realtime/@
Restart asterisk:
service asterisk restart
Insert, for example, SIP user with name 'test':
INSERT INTO sipusers (allow, context, disallow, host, name, secret) VALUES ('ulaw' , 'rooms', NULL, 'dynamic' , 'test', '12345');

Setup red5sip transport
Download red5sip from

Build with Apache Ant

Install jsvc:
apt-get install jsvc
Insert proper values to the /opt/red5sip/settings.properties
red5.host - red5 server address (
sip.obproxy - asterisk adderss (
sip.phone - sip phone number (test)
sip.authid - sip auth id (test)
sip.secret - sip password (12345)
sip.realm - sip realm, "asterisk" by default
sip.proxy -
rooms - ids of openmeetings rooms, can be, for example, 2,3,5,6
Add red5sip to autostart:
ln -s /opt/red5sip/red5sip.sh /etc/init.d/red5sip
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/red5sip
update-rc.d /etc/init.d/red5sip defaults
Start openmeetings
service red5 start
Start red5sip
service red5sip start

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