Available WebServices:

WebService: CalendarService

CalendarService contains methods to create, edit delete calendar meetings

WSDL sample Url: http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/services/CalendarService?wsdl

Index of Methods available in CalendarService

Methods Details in CalendarService

Method: getAppointmentByRange ( String SID , Date starttime , Date endtime )

Load appointments by a start / end range for the current SID

Return Type: java.util.List


Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin
Date starttime start time, yyyy-mm-dd
Date endtime end time, yyyy-mm-dd

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: getAppointmentByRangeForUserId ( String SID , long userId , Date starttime , Date endtime )

Load appointments by a start / end range for the userId

Return Type: java.util.List


Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin
long userId the userId the calendar events should be loaded
Date starttime start time, yyyy-mm-dd
Date endtime end time, yyyy-mm-dd

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: getNextAppointment ( String SID )

Get the next Calendar event for the current user of the SID

Return Type: org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.calendar.Appointment


Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: getNextAppointmentForUserId ( String SID , long userId )

Get the next Calendar event for userId

Return Type: org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.calendar.Appointment


Warning: Params in this method do not seem to be correctly documentated

Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: searchAppointmentByName ( String SID , String appointmentName )

Search a calendar event for the current SID

Return Type: java.util.List


Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin
String appointmentName the search string

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: saveAppointment ( String SID , String appointmentName , String appointmentLocation , String appointmentDescription , Calendar appointmentstart , Calendar appointmentend , Boolean isDaily , Boolean isWeekly , Boolean isMonthly , Boolean isYearly , Long categoryId , Long remind , String mmClient , Long roomType , Long languageId , Boolean isPasswordProtected , String password , long roomId )

Save an appointment

Return Type: java.lang.Long


Warning: Params in this method do not seem to be correctly documentated

Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin
String appointmentName name of the calendar event
String appointmentLocation location info text of the calendar event
String appointmentDescription description test of the calendar event
Calendar appointmentstart start as Date yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
Calendar appointmentend end as Date yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
Boolean isDaily if the calendar event should be repeated daily (not implemented)
Boolean isWeekly if the calendar event should be repeated weekly (not implemented)
Boolean isMonthly if the calendar event should be repeated monthly (not implemented)
Boolean isYearly if the calendar event should be repeated yearly (not implemented)
Long categoryId the category id of the calendar event
Long remind the reminder type of the calendar event
String mmClient List of clients, comma separated string,
sample: '1,firstname,lastname,hans.tier@gmail.com,1,Etc/GMT+1' to add multiple clients you can use the same GET parameter in the URL multiple times, for example: &mmClient='1,firstname,lastname,hans.tier@gmail.com,1,Etc/GMT+1'&mmClient='2,firstname,lastname,hans.tier@gmail.com,1,Etc/GMT+1' (Please NOTE mmClient value is enclosed in single quotes)
Long roomType the room type for the calendar event
Long languageId the language id of the calendar event, notification emails will be send in this language
Boolean isPasswordProtected if the room is password protected
String password the password for the room

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: updateAppointmentTimeOnly ( String SID , Long appointmentId , Date appointmentstart , Date appointmentend , Long languageId )

Update an calendar event time only

Return Type: java.lang.Long


Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin
Long appointmentId the calendar event that should be updated
Date appointmentstart start yyyy-mm-dd
Date appointmentend end yyyy-mm-dd
Long languageId the language id

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: updateAppointment ( String SID , Long appointmentId , String appointmentName , String appointmentLocation , String appointmentDescription , Calendar appointmentstart , Calendar appointmentend , Boolean isDaily , Boolean isWeekly , Boolean isMonthly , Boolean isYearly , Long categoryId , Long remind , String mmClient , Long roomType , Long languageId , Boolean isPasswordProtected , String password )

Save an appointment

Return Type: java.lang.Long


Type Fieldname Description
String SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as Loggedin
Long appointmentId the id to update
String appointmentName name of the calendar event
String appointmentLocation location info text of the calendar event
String appointmentDescription description test of the calendar event
Calendar appointmentstart start as Date yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
Calendar appointmentend end as Date yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
Boolean isDaily if the calendar event should be repeated daily (not implemented)
Boolean isWeekly if the calendar event should be repeated weekly (not implemented)
Boolean isMonthly if the calendar event should be repeated monthly (not implemented)
Boolean isYearly if the calendar event should be repeated yearly (not implemented)
Long categoryId the category id of the calendar event
Long remind the reminder type of the calendar event
String mmClient List of clients, comma separated string,
sample: '1,firstname,lastname,hans.tier@gmail.com,1,Etc/GMT+1' to add multiple clients you can use the same GET parameter in the URL multiple times, for example: &mmClient='1,firstname,lastname,hans.tier@gmail.com,1,Etc/GMT+1'&mmClient='2,firstname,lastname,hans.tier@gmail.com,1,Etc/GMT+1' (Please NOTE mmClient value is enclosed in single quotes)
Long roomType the room type for the calendar event
Long languageId the language id of the calendar event, notification emails will be send in this language
Boolean isPasswordProtected if the room is password protected
String password the password for the room

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: deleteAppointment ( String SID , Long appointmentId , Long language_id )

delete a calendar event If the given SID is from an Administrator or Web-Service user, the user can delete any appointment.
If the SID is assigned to a simple user, he can only delete appointments where he is also the owner/creator of the appointment

Return Type: java.lang.Long


Type Fieldname Description
String SID an authenticated SID
Long appointmentId the id to delete
Long language_id the language id in which the notifications for the deleted appointment are send

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: getAppointmentByRoomId ( String SID , Long room_id )

Load a calendar event by its room id

Return Type: org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.calendar.Appointment


Type Fieldname Description
String SID
Long room_id

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: getAppointmentCategoryList ( String SID )

Get all categories of calendar events

Return Type: java.util.List


Type Fieldname Description
String SID

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: getAppointmentReminderTypList ( String SID )

Get all reminder types for calendar events

Return Type: java.util.List


Type Fieldname Description
String SID

REST Sample Call/URL: