//Debug.write("validateCountry: ",str); // must ensure the floatinglist is closed so that if it is being tabbed from, // we can change the focus. (focus is normally not allowed to escape from // a modal view). this.setOpen(false); return lz.Focus.getNext(interior.cbtext); // must ensure the floatinglist is closed so that if it is being tabbed from, // we can change the focus. (focus is normally not allowed to escape from // a modal view). this.setOpen(false); return interior.cbtext; var txt = classroot.cblist.getText(); if ( !txt ) { if ( classroot.defaultselection ) { if ( classroot.cblist._contentview != null ) { classroot.cblist.selectItemAt( classroot.defaultselection ); txt = classroot.cblist.getText(); } } else { txt = classroot.defaulttext; } } if (this.cbtext) this.cbtext.setAttribute('text', txt ); if (this._dsblfield) this._dsblfield.setAttribute('text', txt ); parent._applystyle( parent.style ); if ( classroot['onfocus'] ) classroot.onfocus.sendEvent(v); this.initSelect=true; classroot.setAttribute('text', this.getText() ); if ( classroot['onblur'] ) classroot.onblur.sendEvent(v); if ( classroot['onkeyup'] ) classroot.onkeyup.sendEvent(kc); if ( classroot['onkeydown'] ) classroot.onkeydown.sendEvent(kc); return classroot.getFocusRect(); this.dataoption = owner.dataoption; if (kc == 27) { // escape needs to close floating list this.owner.setOpen(false); } for (var eg in _contentview.subviews){ _removeitem(_contentview.subviews[eg]); } this.defaultselection = ds; if ( ds == null ) return; if ( defaulttext != "" ) { this.defaulttext = ""; //Debug.write("defaultselection overrides defaulttext",this); } if ( this.ondefaultselection ) this.ondefaultselection.sendEvent(); this.cblist.datapath.setPointer( d ); this.itemclassname = icn; // before anything is inited capture value if ( this.isinited ) { // view is now inited so check classname with cblist if (icn != "") { // then force this classname as the classname for cblist cblist.setAttribute('itemclassname',this.itemclassname); } else { //use the default subview as the classname this.itemclassname = cblist.itemclassname; } } if (this.onitemclassname) this.onitemclassname.sendEvent(); if (placement == 'cblist') return this.cblist.determinePlacement(newsub, placement, iargs); else return super.determinePlacement(newsub, placement, iargs); this._initcomplete = true; super.init(); // reassign classname now that the instance is inited this.setItemclassname(this.itemclassname); cblist.setVisible(false); if ( lz.Focus.getFocus() != this.interior.cbtext ) this.setOpen(false); var fx = this.getAttributeRelative('x',canvas); var fy = this.getAttributeRelative('y',canvas); var fw = this.getAttributeRelative('width',canvas); var fh = this.getAttributeRelative('height',canvas); return [fx,fy,fw,fh]; this.cblist.select(item); this.interior.cbtext.setSelection(_fixseldel.start, _fixseldel.end); this.setOpen(!this.isopen, withkey) if (!this.isinited) { this.isopen = open; return; } if (open) { // open combox if (this.isopen) return; // tends to get called more than once, esp when lz.ModeManager.makeModal( this ); this.cblist.bringToFront(); this.cblist.setVisible(true); lz.Focus.setFocus(this.cblist, withkey); this.isopen = true; if (this['onisopen']) this.onisopen.sendEvent(true); } else { // close combox if (!this['isopen']) return; this.isopen = false; lz.ModeManager.release( this ); this.cblist.setVisible(false); if (this['onisopen']) this.onisopen.sendEvent(false); if ( lz.Focus.getFocus() == this.cblist ) { lz.Focus.setFocus(interior.cbtext, withkey); } } this.setAttribute('text', d ); var rv; var ra = this.cblist.getValue(); // an array of values if (ra==null) { rv = this.interior.cbtext.getText(); } else { rv = ra; } return rv; this.text = t; this.interior.cbtext.setAttribute('text', t ); if (!this._enabled) interior._dsblfield.setAttribute('text', t ); if ( this.ontext ) this.ontext.sendEvent( t ); return this.interior.cbtext.getText(); return this.cblist.getSelection(); this.cblist.addItem(txt,val); return this.cblist.getItem(value); return this.cblist.getItemAt(index); this.cblist.removeItem(value); this.cblist.removeItemAt(index); if (initSelect) this.interior.cbtext.initSelect=true; this.cblist.selectItem(value); this.cblist.selectItemAt(index); this.cblist.clearSelection(); this.setAttribute('text',""); if (this.style != null) { interior.editbkgnd.setAttribute("bgcolor", s.textfieldcolor); interior.cbtext.setAttribute('bgcolor',s.textfieldcolor); setTint(bkgnd, s.basecolor); } interior.cbtext.setVisible(this._enabled); if (!this._enabled) { if (interior._dsblfield == null) { var t = new LzText(interior, { name: '_dsblfield', x: 2, y: 1, width:interior.width, height:interior.height, fgcolor:this['style'] ? this.style.textdisabledcolor : null}); } else { interior._dsblfield.setVisible(true); } interior._dsblfield.setAttribute('text',this.getText()); } else { if (interior._dsblfield) interior._dsblfield.setVisible(false); } super.setWidth(Math.max(w,this.min_width)); super._showEnabled(); if (_enabled) { this.bkgnd.lft.setAttribute('frame', 1 ); this.bkgnd.mid.setAttribute('frame', 1 ); } else { this.bkgnd.lft.setAttribute('frame', 3 ); this.bkgnd.mid.setAttribute('frame', 3 ); }