Available WebServices:

WebService: ServerService

This class provides method implementations necessary for OM to manage servers participating in cluster.

WSDL sample Url: http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/services/ServerService?wsdl

Index of Methods available in ServerService

Methods Details in ServerService

Method: getServers ( String SID , int start , int max )

Method to retrieve the list of the servers participating in cluster

Return Type: org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.basic.Server[]


Type Fieldname Description
String SID - session id to identify the user making request
int start - server index to start with
int max - Maximum server count

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: getServerCount ( String SID )

Method to retrieve the total count of the servers participating in cluster

Return Type: int


Type Fieldname Description
String SID - session id to identify the user making request

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: saveServer ( String SID , long id , String name , String address , int port , String user , String pass , String webapp , String protocol , Boolean active , String comment )

Method to add/update server

Return Type: long


Type Fieldname Description
String SID - session id to identify the user making request
long id - the id of the server to save
String name - the name of the server to save
String address - the address(DNS name or IP) of the server to save
int port - the http port of the slave
String user - REST user to access the slave
String pass - REST pass to access the slave
String webapp - webapp name of the OpenMeetings instance
String protocol - protocol to access the OpenMeetings instance
Boolean active - if the server currently participates in the cluster or not
String comment - comment for the server

REST Sample Call/URL:
Method: deleteServer ( String SID , long id )

Method to delete server

Return Type: boolean


Type Fieldname Description
String SID - session id to identify the user making request
long id - the id of the server to delete

REST Sample Call/URL: