this.preText = this.getText(); //this.field.setAttribute("bgcolor",0xFFFFFF); =0x80 && t.charCodeAt(i)<=0xBF) || (cp1252[t.charCodeAt(i)])) && i>0) { //if ($debug) Debug.write("DO WHILE -2- ",t.charCodeAt(i),cp1252[t.charCodeAt(i)],i); if (cp1252[t.charCodeAt(i)]) { t=t.substr(0,i)+String.fromCharCode(cp1252[t.charCodeAt(i)])+t.substr(i+1); } i--; } if (i==d) { //if ($debug) Debug.write("i == d NOTHING TO REPLACE!"); return; } var u=0; if (t.charCodeAt(i)>=0xC2 && t.charCodeAt(i)<=0xDF && d-i==1) { // two-byte sequence u= (t.charCodeAt(i+1) & 0x3F) + ((t.charCodeAt(i ) & 3 ) << 6) + ((t.charCodeAt(i ) & 0x1C) << 6); } else if (t.charCodeAt(i)>=0xE0 && t.charCodeAt(i)<=0xEF && d-i==2) { // three-byte sequence // (Flash Player doesn't cope with any more obscure Unicode) u= (t.charCodeAt(i+2) & 0x3F) + ((t.charCodeAt(i+1) & 3 ) << 6 ) + ((t.charCodeAt(i+1) & 0x3C) << 6 ) + ((t.charCodeAt(i ) & 0x0F) << 12); } if (u!=0) { //if ($debug) Debug.write("Replace String -1- ",txt,u,"Replace With ",String.fromCharCode(u)); this.setAttribute("text",t.slice(0,i)+String.fromCharCode(u)+t.slice(d+1)); //if ($debug) Debug.write("Replace String -2- ",txt,u); this.setAttribute("text",this.text.split(String.fromCharCode(0x03)).join('')); } //if ($debug) Debug.write("-- END ",this.text); ]]> var tResult = canvas.checkRegExpResult(this.regExpCheckId); if ($debug) Debug.write("callback",tResult); if(tResult == undefined || tResult == null) { lz.Timer.resetTimer( this.callDelegate, 50 ); } else { if(!tResult){ if ($debug) Debug.warn("FALSE: regexperror"); disablesTooltips(new lz.regexptip(canvas,{x:this.getAttributeRelative('x',canvas)+12, y:this.getAttributeRelative('y',canvas)+26, regexptext:canvas.getLabelName(this.regexpLabelid)})); this.usePreContent(); this.setAttribute('isvalidInput',false); } else { if(!this.isvalidInput){ disablesTooltips(null); } this.setAttribute('isvalidInput',true); } if ($debug) Debug.write("-- Complete --"); this.onafterCheck.sendEvent(); } this.labelid = _labelid; this.setAttribute('text',canvas.getLabelName(this.labelid)); this.setAttribute('text',this.preText);