Available WebServices:

WebService: $webServiceName


WSDL sample Url: http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/services/$webServiceName?wsdl

Index of Methods available in $webServiceName

Methods Details in $webServiceName

#foreach ( $method in $methods ) #if ($method.isPublic())
Method: $method.name() ( #set ($index = 0) #foreach ( $parameter in $method.parameters() ) #if ($index > 0) , #end $parameter.type().simpleTypeName() $parameter.name() #set ($index = $index+1) #end )


Return Type: $method.returnType()


#if ( $method.paramTags().size() != $method.parameters().size() ) Warning: Params in this method do not seem to be correctly documentated

#end #if ($method.paramTags().size() > 0) #set ($index = 0) #foreach ( $parameter in $method.paramTags() ) #set ($index = $index+1) #end
Type Fieldname Description
#if ($method.parameters().size() <= $index) $index Doclet Param Mismatch: fix JavaDocs in this Method! #else $method.parameters().get($index).type().simpleTypeName() #end $parameter.parameterName() $parameter.parameterComment()
#else No Params #end
REST Sample Call/URL:
#set ($link = "http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/services/"+$webServiceName+"/"+$method.name()) #set ($index = 0) #foreach ( $parameter in $method.parameters() ) #if ($index == 0) #set ($link = $link+"?") #else #set ($link = $link+"&") #end #set ($link = $link + $parameter.name()+"=VALUE") #set ($index = $index+1) #end $link
#end #end