h1. Tools for OpenJPA This page will host description of design-time and runtime tools for OpenJPA. The tools mentioned below are available as command-line utilities. In the future, they may be made available as interactive graphical tools integrated into popular IDEs such as Eclipse or IntelliJ. h3. Existing OpenJPA Tools The OpenJPA distribution and runtime already comes with a series of useful tools to: * [Entity Enhancement] for enhancing the bytecode of POJO domain classes * [reverse map|http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/latest/docs/docbook/manual.html#ref_guide_pc_reverse] a database schema to Java source code * [create/synchronize|http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/latest/docs/docbook/manual.html#ref_guide_mapping_mappingtool_examples] a Java persistent domain model to a database schema * [generate|http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/latest/docs/docbook/manual.html#d0e11103] canonical metamodel classes for strictly-typed Criteria queries h3. Tools Under Development A new OpenJPA Tools subproject has been created to deliver a new set of tools that are decoupled from a specific OpenJPA release. * [Migration Tool] - translates proprietary mapping descriptors (such as Hibernate) to standard JPA mapping descriptors. * [Entity enhancer for Eclipse|OpenJPAEclipseInstallation] provides a plugin which can be used to pre-enhance your entities when building in Eclipse. * [Domain Model Browser] * [JConsole DataCache Plugin] - JConsole plugin to monitor openjpa.DataCache usage. * [Fetch Statistics] - monitors persistent field access and determines which fields are never used. \\ \\