After our meeting, Patrick did some analysis of our current API and where we might want to take it. Here are some initial observations. Please comment as appropriate. - OpenJPAEntityManager extends EntityTransaction; should it? clr no, I like your idea below to add an OpenJPAEntityTransaction interface, so users could do OpenJPAEntityTransaction tx = (OpenJPAEntityTransaction)em.getTransaction(); - StoreCache, QueryResultCache, Extent, FetchPlan, Generator, OpenJPAQuery all have getDelegate() calls that return an underlying kernel implementation detail. Maybe these should be pushed down to theh impl classes only? clr I agree these don't belong in OpenJPAEntityManager - OpenJPAEntityManager and OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory both have a getConfiguration() method. Maybe this should be pushed down to the impl classes only? clr I don't know when I would use the Configuration, so no opinion on this one. - OpenJPAEntityManager.getManagedRuntime() should be pushed down to impl only clr I agree - The following methods in OpenJPAPersistence return things that are not currently part of what I consider a user-focused API: toBrokerFactory() toBroker() toEntityManagerFactory() toEntityManager() getMetaData() toOpenJPAObjectId() / toOpenJPAObjectIds()\\ \\ I think that we should move these methods to o.a.o.persistence.impl.ImplHelper or some other impl-specific class.\\ \\ clr I agree. - We have a bunch of methods in OpenJPAEntityManager that seem like they should belong on a new OpenJPAEntityTransaction interface: public void commitAndResume(); public void rollbackAndResume(); public void setRollbackOnly(); (already part of EntityTransaction) public void setRollbackOnly(Throwable cause); public Throwable getRollbackCause(); public boolean getRollbackOnly(); (also already part of EntityTransaction)\\ \\ public boolean isStoreActive(); public void beginStore();\\ \\ I'm not quite as sure where these belong:\\ \\ public void setSavepoint(String name); public void rollbackToSavepoint(); public void rollbackToSavepoint(String name); public void releaseSavepoint(); public void releaseSavepoint(String name);\\ \\ public void preFlush(); public void validateChanges();\\ \\ clr All of these seem like transaction-focused methods that belong in OpenJPAEntityTransaction... pcl: I moved the commit / rollback / rollbackOnly stuff into OpenJPAEntityTransaction, but things are trickier for the rest of the methods: you can only call EM.getTransaction() when not in a JTA context, and these other methods are valuable in a JTA env as well as a non-JTA env. So, we can either leave them on OpenJPAEM or create some other interface for them. - I don't like the OpenJPAEntityManager.setLargeTransaction() method name - I'd like to rename it to setTrackChangesByType() instead, since it better reflects what the method does. (We can easily deprecate the old method if desired.) clr I kinda like setLargeTransaction. It's more "task-oriented". pcl: The thing is that if you are using large transactions, you might want to call either (or both) setLargeTx() and setPopulateDataCache(), depending on the nature of the tx workload. - I think that it might make sense to move OpenJPAEntityManager.setPopulateDataCache() to FetchPlan, and rename FetchPlan.setQueryResultCache() to setPopulateQueryResultCache(). (We can easily deprecate the old methods if desired.) clr No opinion here.