Title: Tools # Tools for OpenJPA This page will host description of design-time and runtime tools for OpenJPA. The tools mentioned below are available as command-line utilities. In the future, they may be made available as interactive graphical tools integrated into popular IDEs such as Eclipse or IntelliJ. ### Existing OpenJPA Tools The OpenJPA distribution and runtime already comes with a series of useful tools to: * [Entity Enhancement](entity-enhancement.html) for enhancing the bytecode of POJO domain classes * [reverse map](http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/latest/docs/docbook/manual.html#ref_guide_pc_reverse) a database schema to Java source code * [create/synchronize](http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/latest/docs/docbook/manual.html#ref_guide_mapping_mappingtool_examples) a Java persistent domain model to a database schema * [generate](http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/latest/docs/docbook/manual.html#d0e11103) canonical metamodel classes for strictly-typed Criteria queries ### Tools Under Development A new OpenJPA Tools subproject has been created to deliver a new set of tools that are decoupled from a specific OpenJPA release. * [Migration Tool](migration-tool.html)- translates proprietary mapping descriptors (such as Hibernate) to standard JPA mapping descriptors. * [Entity enhancer for Eclipse](openjpaeclipseinstallation.html) provides a plugin which can be used to pre-enhance your entities when building in Eclipse. * [Domain Model Browser](domain-model-browser.html) * [JConsole DataCache Plugin](jconsole-datacache-plugin.html) - JConsole plugin to monitor openjpa.DataCache usage. * [Fetch Statistics](fetch-statistics.html) - monitors persistent field access and determines which fields are never used.