Title: 2.1 Roadmap
# OpenJPA 2.1 Roadmap
We'll try to maintain this page with delivered and planned features for the
OpenJPA 2.1.0 release, so check back often.
## Planned Features
* Built-in connection pooling for Java SE applications
* Inclusion of commons-dbcp in openjpa-all.jar and the binary distribution
* Ability to configure or disable commons-dbcp
* Built-in Bean Validation Provider
* Inclusion of Apache Bean Validation Provider in openjpa-all.jar and the
binary distribution
* Additional Database Support
* Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
* Microsoft SQL JDBC driver v3.0
* IBM solidDB
* Additional Samples
* OpenBook
* Image Gallery
* OpenTrader
* Instrumentation and Platform MBean support
* Pluggable instrumentation support
* Remote monitoring of OpenJPA's caches using JMX
* New Tools
* [JConsole plugin for monitoring OpenJPA's datacache](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENJPA-1844)
# Migration Issues
* This release will officially *drop support for Java SE 5*. Anyone
requiring Java SE 5 support will have to continue using OpenJPA 2.0.x,
which is fully JPA 2.0 compliant.
# Release Plan
A [2.1.x branch](https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openjpa/branches/2.1.x/)
is available in SVN and 2.1.0 release preparations are underway. The
OpenJPA team is planning to deliver a 2.1.0 release in late January, 2011.