HOWTO for OpenJPA Site ====================== How do I change the site content and generate ? --------------------------------------------- 1) Make your modifications to the source xml file in xdocs/ 2) Run the default ant target to generate new html $ ant 3) If errors, fix and repeat step 2 4) If all ok - you can verify by looking at the site locally with your browser, do a svn commit to ensure that all changes both .xml in the xdocs directory and the .html in the docs directory get committed. How to update the javadoc ------------------------- 1) Generate javadoc in the spec-jars trunk subproject: cd openjpa/trunk/spec-jars; maven javadoc 2) Copy the spec-jars javadoc results to the site/docs directory: cp -r openjpa/trunk/spec-jars/target/docs/apidocs openjpa/site/docs/spec-jars How do I deploy site to the internet? ------------------------------------- 1) Once all changes are committed to subversion, ssh into 2) cd /www/ 3) `cat UPDATE` That should bring all the changed content from SVN. You must then wait for up to 4 hours for the sync to take place to the real website