Windows NT Service ================== The two batch files for creating and removing OpenEJB as a Windows Service are basically self explanatory. Both scripts must be run using an account that has rights to install or de-install a service. This is usually an administrator account. NOTE: If you modify either of these batch files then ensure that there are no hidden characters after the '^' continuation symbol (such as tab or space). But always ensure there is a space before (and not a tab). The service installer will drop further options and simply warn that '++JvmOptions' is unknown, leading to unexpected results. ++JvmOptions=-Dopenejb.home="%openejb%" ^ ++JvmOptions=-Xms128M ^[tab or space] <-- Will break here, no further options will be appended ++JvmOptions=-Xmx512M ^ ++JvmOptions=-XX:MaxPermSize=256M <-- Last line has no continuation symbol