Title: Ejbd Transport Ejbd Transport is different using TomEE or OpenEJB. In OpenEJB it uses openejb http layer and ejbd is configured through ejbd service (same for ejbds). So to activate/deactivate them use conf/ejbd(s).properties files. You can set property disabled to true if you don't want them to be started. In TomEE the transport is the Tomcat one. It uses a servlet brought by TomEE webapp. Here is the servlet as defined in TomEE webapp: ServerServlet org.apache.openejb.server.httpd.ServerServlet ServerServlet /ejb/* You can easily remove it if you don't use remote EJBs. Another way is to deactivate the servlet using the "activated" init parameter of the servlet. Finally you can move this servlet in your own webapp if you want to use a provider url containing your webapp context. Simply copy paste the servlet definition in your web.xml and set the url mapping to what you want (let say /foo/*). Then use the provider url http://<host>:<port>/<webapp context name&lgt;/foo