Title: Working on the Website The easiest way to edit is to simply click the blue pencil icon in the upper right. Have fun! ## Offline Editing Editing offline can be fantastic for making big changes or documenting while coding. You simply need to check out the site source from svn: svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/site/trunk website-source All the important source is in the `content` directory. Just edit and check in the `.mdtext` files and they will appear in the staging site within seconds. For example, `documentation.mdtext` shows up as: [http://openejb.staging.apache.org/documentation.html] ## Publishing Simply visit [https://cms.apache.org/openejb/publish](https://cms.apache.org/openejb/publish) It will prompt you for user/pass information and make you review the changes. Enter the optional log message and click "sumbit", then done! The login information is cached for a while, so you won't have to enter user/pass information each time. ## Building Locally optional Should you want to build the site locally, you can do so pretty easily with the right perl modules installed. First check out the CMS source: svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/cms/build apache-cms-source The cpan modules you have to install may vary. Here are the ones I installed: sudo cpan XML::RSS::Parser::Lite sudo cpan XML::RSS::Parser sudo cpan XML::Parser::Lite sudo cpan XML::Atom::Feed What you need to install may be different, so perhaps just skip to the part where we attempt to run the build locally and see what shows up missing and install just those things. cd apache-cms-source ./build_site.pl --source-base ~/path/to/website-source --target-base /tmp/site All the generated html content will be under `/tmp/site/content` ## Cleaning out old files Currently, if you've used svn directly to delete a file, it won't be deleted from the stanging repo. You can however directly checkout the staging repo and modify its contents. A little script can help keep the current docs in sync with the generated docs: #!/bin/bash svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/site/trunk/content current svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/staging/openejb/trunk/content staging find staging -name '*.html' | while read n; do x="${n/staging\//current/}" [ -f "$x" ] && continue [ -f "${x/.html/.mdtext}" ] && continue [ -f "${x/.html/.md}" ] && continue echo "$n" svn rm "$n" done svn ci -m "cleaning out docs removed from main site source" staging