Title: Comparison Apache OpenEJB and Apache TomEE are born from the same project and community. They differ in two major ways, only one of them technical: - TomEE incorporates two additional projects; Tomcat and MyFaces - TomEE, as a name, more easily implies the breadth of technologies included Effectively, TomEE is a superset of OpenEJB. They share the same code and TomEE grew out of OpenEJB.
Tomcat TomEE TomEE JAXRS TomEE+ OpenEJB
Java Servlets (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java ServerPages (JSP) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java ServerFaces (JSF) (/) (/) (/)
Java Transaction API (JTA) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Persistence API (JPA) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) (/) (/) (/) (/)
JavaMail API (/) (/) (/) (/)
Bean Validation (/) (/) (/) (/)
Enterprise JavaBeans (/) (/) (/) (/)
Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) (/) (/) (/)
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) (/) (/)
Java EE Connector Architecture (/) (/)
Java Messaging Service (JMS) (/) (/)