Title: Builds Builds are available from the CI system and are created daily at 04:05 UTC or on demand via the openejb-bot on irc.freenode.net. We are happy to support the nightly builds as having people try them out results in more stable releases and an overall better TomEE. Keep some things in mind: - Try a released version first - SNAPSHOT builds are not perfect When reporting issues, let us know: - that you are using a SNAPSHOT build - aproximately when you downloaded it # 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT Builds Note there will be more than one build for a given binary. Look to the bottom of each build page for the most current. - [apache-tomee/1.5.1-SNAPSHOT/](http://openejb.apache.org/cgi-bin/builds.cgi/apache-tomee/1.5.1-SNAPSHOT/) - [openejb-standalone/4.5.1-SNAPSHOT/](http://openejb.apache.org/cgi-bin/builds.cgi/openejb-standalone/4.5.1-SNAPSHOT/) - [provisionning/4.5.1-SNAPSHOT/](http://openejb.apache.org/cgi-bin/builds.cgi/openejb-provisionning/4.5.1-SNAPSHOT/)