Usage instructions ------------------ Requires m2 to be installed. Check out from: If running under windows, requires m2 local repo path not to contain spaces. Refer to on how to change the location of m2 local repo. Run m2-bootstrap-all.[sh|bat] as per the instructions in that directory. Create the M2_HOME environment variable, set to the installation directory and add $M2_HOME/bin to the path. From this directory, run For Unix maven2.bat For Windows This will create an openejb subdirectory (sources will be copied from the parent structures into that subdirectory). From the openejb subdirectory, run: m2 install -Dmaven.itest.skip=true This project depends on the XMLBeans plugin. The current version is at: By default, it will be downloaded from the remote repository. If you need to make changes to the plugin and install an updated version, run from that directory: m2 install