=============================================== Examples for the EJB Container System and EJB Server Examples v0.1.0 http://openejb.sf.net/ ----------------------------------------------- This directory contains a few examples beans from Richard Monson-Haefel's book, Enterprise JavaBeans. ___________________ Building =================== First you must build the examples. Running the BuildIt script will compile the examples and place the beans and the client code in the proper directories. Change your directory to the OPENEJB_HOME directory, then src, and finally examples. Next run the BuildIt script. For Windows users, that looks like this: C:\openejb\src\examples> BuildIt jar For UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X users, that looks like this: [user@host examples]# ./BuildIt.sh jar ___________________ Running the Examples =================== To run the examples you need to do three things: - create the database tables on your favorite database server - update the mssql.titan_local_database.xml and mssqql.openejb.xml files with the proper driver configuration. - start the OpenEJB server in its own window - start the RunIt script For the moment, the examples only support MS SQL Server. Other database examples are in the works such as MySql, InstantDB, Oracle, and DB2. First, you can create the database tables using the script in the scripts directory. Here, you would use the mssql.sql script. Second, you need to update the mssql.titan_local_database.xml and mssqql.openejb.xml files with the proper JDBC driver configuration. This is very site and driver specific but, if you need some help, contact the user list mentioned below. Next, you start the OpenEJB server in its own window. Open a command window and move to the OPENEJB_HOME directory, the directory where OpenEJB was unpacked, and type: openejb start -conf ./src/examples/conf/mssql.openejb.xml Finally, change your directory to the OPENEJB_HOME directory, then src, and finally examples. Now run the RunIt script. For Windows users, that looks like this: C:\openejb\src\examples> RunIt For UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X users, that looks like this: [user@host examples]# ./RunIt.sh That's it! The example creates a bunch of CMP Cabin beans, lists them, and deletes them. It also creates and removes a BMP Ship bean. ___________________ Support =================== Any problems with this release can be reported to our user mailing list or to our Support forum at SourceForge. User list: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openejb-user Support forum: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=44351&atid=439275