Usage: openejb validate [options] JARFILES... Example: Multiple jar files openejb validate myapp\fooEjbs.jar myapp\barEjbs.jar Validates the beans in the fooEjbs.jar first, then validates the beans in the barEjbs.jar. Wildcards can be used as well. openejb validate myapp\*.jar Example: -v openejb validate -v myapp\myEjbs.jar Validates the beans in the jar, outputting just the minumum details on each failure. Example: -vv openejb validate -vv myapp\myEjbs.jar Validates the beans in the jar, outputting one line summaries of each failure. This is the default output level. Example: -vvv openejb validate -vv myapp\myEjbs.jar Validates the beans in the jar, outputting verbose details on each failure, usually with details on how to correct the failures. Example: -nowarn openejb validate -nowarn myapp\myEjbs.jar Outputs only the failures and errors, no warnings. Example: -xml openejb validate -xml myapp\myEjbs.jar Outputs the validation information in XML format. Example: Combinations of options openejb validate -vv -nowarn C:\foo\bar.jar D:\my\beans\*.jar openejb validate -vvv /foo/bar.jar openejb validate -xml /home/dblevins/mybeans/*.jar Bug Reports to