# -------------------------------------------------------------- # To override the values in the default implementation, simply # uncomment the respective line and provide a new value. # -------------------------------------------------------------- # # The default size of the method ready bean pools. # Every bean class gets its own pool of this size. # # Default: # PoolSize 100 # # Examples: # PoolSize 200 # PoolSize 50 # PoolSize 25 # The name of the database.xml file that is used for global or # container managed transactions. This will be used when the # TransactionManager is managing the transaction, such as when # the tx attribute is Supports (client has tx), RequiresNew, # Required or Manditory. # # Specifies the configuration for obtaining database connections # and the mapping.xml schema which describes how beans map to # the database. # # Default: # Global_TX_Database conf/default.cmp_global_tx_database.xml # # Examples: # Global_TX_Database conf/myGlobalTxDatabase.xml # Global_TX_Database ../path/to/castorGTX-Dbase.xml # Global_TX_Database /any/dir/anyFileName.ext # The name of the database.xml file that is used for local or # unspecified transaction contexts. This will be used when # the TransactionManager is not managing the transaction, such # as when the tx attribute is Supports (no client tx), # NotSupported, or Never. # # Specifies the configuration for obtaining database connections # and the mapping.xml schema which describes how beans map to # the database. # # Default: # Local_TX_Database conf/default.cmp_local_tx_database.xml # # Examples: # Local_TX_Database conf/myLocalTxDatabase.xml # Local_TX_Database ../path/to/castorLTX-Dbase.xml # Local_TX_Database /any/dir/anyFileName.ext # -------------------------------------------------------------- # The Default BMP Container has no customizable properties to # override. # -------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------- # To override the values in the default implementation, simply # uncomment the respective line and provide a new value. # -------------------------------------------------------------- # The passivator is responsible for writing beans to disk # at passivation time. Different passivators can be used # by setting this property to the fully qualified class name # of the PassivationStrategy implementation. The passivator # is not responsible for invoking any callbacks or other # processing, its only responsibly is to write the bean state # to disk. # # Known implementations: # org.openejb.core.stateful.RAFPassivater # org.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater # # Default: # Passivator org.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater # # Examples: # Passivator org.openejb.core.stateful.RAFPassivater # Passivator com.your.implementation.of.PassivationStrategy # Specifies the time to wait between invocations. This # value is measured in minutes. A value of 5 would # result in a time-out of 5 minutes between invocations. # # Default: # TimeOut 20 # # Examples: # TimeOut 5 # TimeOut 60 # TimeOut 9999 # Specifies the size of the bean pools for this # stateful SessionBean container. # # Default: # PoolSize 100 # # Examples: # PoolSize 10 # PoolSize 50 # PoolSize 200 # Property name that specifies the number of instances # to passivate at one time when doing bulk passivation. # Must be less than the PoolSize. # # Default: # BulkPassivate 50 # # Examples: # BulkPassivate 5 # BulkPassivate 10 # BulkPassivate 100 # -------------------------------------------------------------- # To override the values in the default implementation, simply # uncomment the respective line and provide a new value. # -------------------------------------------------------------- # # Specifies the whether or not to this stateless # SessionBean container should use a strict pooling algorithm. # true or false # # Default: # StrictPooling true # # Valid options are: # StrictPooling true # StrictPooling false # -------------------------------------------------------------- # To override the values in the default implementation, simply # uncomment the respective line and provide a new value. # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Driver class name # # Default: # JdbcDriver org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver # # Example: # JdbcDriver com.your.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver # JdbcDriver com.driversRus.jdbc.driver.AnyDatabaseDriver # Url for creating connections # # Default: # JdbcUrl jdbc:idb:conf/default.idb_database.conf # # Examples: # JdbcUrl jdbc:oracle:specificrul # JdbcUrl jdbc:mydb:url_parameters # Default user name and password # UserName Admin # Password pass # # Examples: # UserName rogerrabbit # Password waltsentme # # UserName alibaba # Password opensaysme # PostgreSQL example: # # JdbcDriver org.postgresql.Driver # JdbcUrl jdbc:postgresql://localhost/openejbtest # UserName postgres # Password pass