<%@ page import="org.apache.openejb.tomcat.installer.Installer" %> OpenEJB/Tomcat
OpenEJB Index JNDI EJB Class Invoke

OpenEJB and Tomcat Integration Page

Welcome to the OpenEJB/Tomcat integration!

Now that OpenEJB has been installed, click on the "Testing your setup" link below to verify it. When everything is setup well, feel free to play around with the tools provided below!

Testing your setup

<% if (!Installer.isListenerInstalled() && !Installer.isAgentInstalled()) { %> Install
[Optional] Install Listener and JavaAgent

<% } else if (!Installer.isListenerInstalled()) { %> Install
[Optional] Install Listener

<% } else if (!Installer.isAgentInstalled()) { %> Install
[Optional] JavaAgent

<% } %> Tools
OpenEJB JNDI Browser
OpenEJB Class Viewer
OpenEJB EJB Viewer
OpenEJB Object Invoker

<%-- FAQs
How does the integration work
Where to put your bean classes
How to configure java:comp/env lookups
