Version 0.1 February 10, 2000 ------------------------------- Version 0.7 June 4, 2001 ------------------------------- CVS-TAG: v0_7 Full Stateful Container Full Stateless Container Full CMP Entity Container Beginning of BMP Entity Container OpenEJB/CORBA Server adapter RI Server (a bit outdated) Improved Intra-VM server Full Test Suite for Stateful Container Full Test Suite for Stateless Container Full Test Suite for CMP Entity Container Partial Unit Tests for org.openejb Partial Unit Tests for org.openejb.core Version 0.7.3 June 5, 2001 ------------------------------- CVS-TAG: v0_7_3 Generic Entity test suite removed. CMP Entity test suite added (beans not yet deployed). BMP Entity test suite added. Version 0.7.9 July 23, 2001 ------------------------------- CVS-TAG: v0_7_9 CMP Entity test suite fully functional RMI-IIOP Tests added CMP container fixes Docs added Version 0.8beta1 Release Date: May 9th, 2002 ---------------------------------------------- CVS-TAG: v0_8beta1 - We actually have a deploy tool - Beans are deployed from their jars - The ejb-jar.xml is validated using XSD - The data in an ejb-jar.xml is validated with regular expressions - New configuration file openejb.conf, similar to the Apache httpd.conf style - Specify a dir where your deployed jars will be loaded, then just throw 'em in - The entire configuration is validated, for example: - Duplicate Container IDs Error - Duplicate Bean IDs Warning - Duplicate Resource IDs Error - Bean not deployable Warning - False codebase for Container Impl Error - False codebase for bean jar Warning - OpenEJB services are now packaged in jars and deployed in the openejb.conf file. - There are default openejb.conf and service-jar.xml, etc. - Scripts for launching deploy tool - Scripts for launching the OpenEJB/CORBA server - About 50 new detailed error messages relating to your system configuration alone. You should never get a mysterious stack trace - New modular build system - Fixed major bug in IntraVM serialization that severely affected the container-server contract. - Complete rewrite of Transaction Handling, several bugs fixed - Rewrite of Exception Handling, now much more spec compliant - Added logging Version 0.8beta2 Release Date: May 23th, 2002 ---------------------------------------------- CVS-TAG: v0_8beta2 - Fixed fatal file path bug affecting UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X Users - Fixed bug that prevented the Remote Server from starting unless additional command line options were used. - Improved scripts - Optimized logging - Added '-help' and '-example' options to the 'openejb deploy' command - Added '-help' and '-example' options to the 'openejb start' command - Revised all documentation - Added several new docs, including a complete "Hello World" example, Deploy Tool docs, Remote server starup docs, and a doc explaining the use of Deployment IDs. Version 0.8beta3 Release Date: June 22nd, 2002 ---------------------------------------------- CVS-TAG: v0_8beta3 - SourceForge bugs fixed: [ 563891 ] Bad client-side error messages [ 565604 ] Setting the handler system property [ 566953 ] openejb.bat on NT fails to display [ 566956 ] deploy doesn't overwrite [ 566961 ] typos in HelloWorld example [ 566966 ] Need a sample client run script [ 566967 ] deprecated [ 566974 ] openejb.bat help screen fails on NT - Scripts now pass OPENEJB_HOME to OpenEJB - Scripts now include OPENEJB_HOME\beans in classpath - If your OpenEJB configuration isn't found, one will be created for you. - ProxyFactory element in the openejb.conf is now optional