Usage: openejb start [options] Starts OpenEJB as an EJB Server that can be accessed by remote clients via the OpenEJB Remote Server. ALWAYS check your openejb.log file for warnings immediately after starting the Remote Server. OpenEJB issues warnings when it works around a potential problem, encounters something it didn't expect, or when OpenEJB wants to let you know something may not work as you expected it. OPTIONS -h host Binds the Remote Server to the specified host address. Default host address is -p port Binds the Remote Server to the specified port. Default port is 4201. -t int Sets the number of concurrent threads the Remote server should use to service requests from clients. Default number of threads is 20. -d dir Sets the OPENEJB_HOME to the specified directory. -l file Sets the log4j configuration to the specified file. -conf file Sets the OpenEJB configuration to the specified file. -version Print the version. -help Print this help message. -examples Show examples of how to use the options. --admin-ip A comma delimited list of hosts and IP addresses that are allowed to administer this server. --local-copy=[true|false] When set to true, the container system will marshall (ie, copy) all calls between beans are required by the EJB 1.1 specification. When set to false, the container system will pass parameters and return values without copying or marshalling as is required for EJB 2.0 Local interfaces. Default is true. See for more information. OpenEJB -- EJB Container System and EJB Server. For OpenEJB updates and additional information, visit Bug Reports to