/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package commands import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils import org.apache.openejb.webapp.common.Installers import org.apache.openejb.webapp.common.Alerts import java.io.File import org.apache.openejb.tomcat.installer.Installer; import org.apache.openejb.tomcat.installer.Paths; class SetupCommand { def log def ant def project def SetupCommand(source) { this.log = source.log this.project = source.project this.ant = new AntBuilder() } def get(name) { assert name != null def value = project.properties.getProperty(name) log.debug("Get property: $name=$value") return value } def get(name, defaultValue) { def value = get(name) if (value == null) { value = defaultValue } return value } def getBoolean(name, defaultValue) { def value = get(name, defaultValue) return Boolean.valueOf("$value") } def require(name) { assert name != null log.debug("Require property: $name") if (!project.properties.containsKey(name) && !System.properties.containsKey(name)) { throw new Exception("Missing required property: $name") } def value = get(name) if (value == 'null') { throw new Exception("Missing required property: $name (resolved to null)") } return value } def isWindows() { def os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase() return (os.indexOf("win") >= 0) } def execute() { execute("6.0.29") execute("7.0.5") } def execute(tomcatVersion) { def localRepo = require('localRepository') def openejbHome = require('openejb.home') def extension = ".sh" def stopPort = get('tomcat.port.stop', '18005') def httpPort = get('tomcat.port.http', '18080') def ajpPort = get('tomcat.port.ajp', '18009') if (isWindows()) { extension = ".bat" } if (getBoolean('skipTests', false)) { log.info('Skipping itests.') return } def source = "" if (tomcatVersion != "testonly") { if (tomcatVersion =~ /^7\./) { source = "http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-7/v${tomcatVersion}-beta/bin/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}.zip" } if (tomcatVersion =~ /^6\./) { source = "http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-6/v${tomcatVersion}/bin/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}.zip" } if (tomcatVersion =~ /^5\.5/) { source = "http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-5/v${tomcatVersion}/bin/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}.zip" } def dest = "${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}.zip" ant.get(src: source, dest: dest) ant.unzip(src: dest, dest: "${project.build.directory}") ant.echo("Deploying the openejb war") ant.unzip(src: "${localRepo}/org/apache/openejb/openejb-tomcat-webapp/${project.version}/openejb-tomcat-webapp-${project.version}.war", dest: "${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}/webapps/openejb") def catalinaHome = "${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}" ant.echo("Installing to: ${catalinaHome}") System.setProperty("catalina.home", "${catalinaHome}") System.setProperty("catalina.base", "${catalinaHome}") Paths paths = new Paths(new File("${catalinaHome}/webapps/openejb")) Installer installer = new Installer(paths, true) installer.installAll() ant.echo("Assigning execute privileges to scripts in Tomcat bin directory") ant.chmod(dir: "${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}/bin", perm: "u+x", includes: "**/*.sh") ant.echo("Deploying the itests war") ant.unzip(src: "${localRepo}/org/apache/openejb/openejb-itests-web/${project.version}/openejb-itests-web-${project.version}.war", dest: "${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}/webapps/itests") def alerts = new Alerts() def file = new File("${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}/conf/server.xml") def fileContent = Installers.readAll(file, alerts) fileContent = fileContent.replaceAll("Server port=\"8005\"", "Server port=\"" + stopPort + "\""); fileContent = fileContent.replaceAll("Connector port=\"8080\"", "Connector port=\"" + httpPort + "\""); fileContent = fileContent.replaceAll("Connector port=\"8009\"", "Connector port=\"" + ajpPort + "\""); Installers.writeAll(file, fileContent, alerts) ant.echo("Starting Tomcat...") ant.exec(executable: "${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}/bin/startup${extension}") { //env(key: "JPDA_SUSPEND", value: "y") //arg(line: "jpda start") arg(line: "start") } ant.waitfor(maxwait: 1, maxwaitunit: "minute") { ant.and() { ant.socket(server: "localhost", port: httpPort) ant.socket(server: "localhost", port: stopPort) ant.socket(server: "localhost", port: ajpPort) } } ant.echo("Tomcat started. Running itests...") } ant.java(jar: "${localRepo}/org/apache/openejb/openejb-itests-standalone-client/${project.version}/openejb-itests-standalone-client-${project.version}.jar", fork: "yes") { sysproperty(key: "openejb.home", value: "${openejbHome}") sysproperty(key: "openejb.server.uri", value: "" + httpPort + "/openejb/ejb") //sysproperty(key:"DEBUG", value:"true") //jvmarg(value:"-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8888") arg(value: "tomcat") } ant.echo("Tomcat itests complete, stopping Tomcat") ant.exec(executable: "${project.build.directory}/apache-tomcat-${tomcatVersion}/bin/shutdown${extension}") ant.waitfor(maxwait: 1, maxwaitunit: "minute") { ant.not() { ant.or() { ant.socket(server: "localhost", port: httpPort) ant.socket(server: "localhost", port: stopPort) ant.socket(server: "localhost", port: ajpPort) ant.socket(server: "localhost", port: "61616") } } } ant.echo("Tomcat stopped, itest run complete") } }